Posts tagged pymc3.Model

GLM: Model Selection

A fairly minimal reproducable example of Model Selection using WAIC, and LOO as currently implemented in PyMC3.

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Dirichlet mixtures of multinomials

This example notebook demonstrates the use of a Dirichlet mixture of multinomials (a.k.a Dirichlet-multinomial or DM) to model categorical count data. Models like this one are important in a variety of areas, including natural language processing, ecology, bioinformatics, and more.

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Using shared variables (Data container adaptation)

The pymc.Data container class wraps the theano shared variable class and lets the model be aware of its inputs and outputs. This allows one to change the value of an observed variable to predict or refit on new data. All variables of this class must be declared inside a model context and specify a name for them.

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Using a “black box” likelihood function (numpy)

This notebook in part of a set of two twin notebooks that perform the exact same task, this one uses numpy whereas this other one uses Cython

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GLM: Robust Regression using Custom Likelihood for Outlier Classification

Using PyMC3 for Robust Regression with Outlier Detection using the Hogg 2010 Signal vs Noise method.

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Hierarchical Binomial Model: Rat Tumor Example

This short tutorial demonstrates how to use PyMC3 to do inference for the rat tumour example found in chapter 5 of Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd Edition [Gelman et al., 2013]. Readers should already be familliar with the PyMC3 API.

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A Primer on Bayesian Methods for Multilevel Modeling

Hierarchical or multilevel modeling is a generalization of regression modeling. Multilevel models are regression models in which the constituent model parameters are given probability models. This implies that model parameters are allowed to vary by group. Observational units are often naturally clustered. Clustering induces dependence between observations, despite random sampling of clusters and random sampling within clusters.

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Estimating parameters of a distribution from awkwardly binned data

Let us say that we are interested in inferring the properties of a population. This could be anything from the distribution of age, or income, or body mass index, or a whole range of different possible measures. In completing this task, we might often come across the situation where we have multiple datasets, each of which can inform our beliefs about the overall population.

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Variational Inference: Bayesian Neural Networks

There are currently three big trends in machine learning: Probabilistic Programming, Deep Learning and “Big Data”. Inside of PP, a lot of innovation is in making things scale using Variational Inference. In this blog post, I will show how to use Variational Inference in PyMC3 to fit a simple Bayesian Neural Network. I will also discuss how bridging Probabilistic Programming and Deep Learning can open up very interesting avenues to explore in future research.

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Sequential Monte Carlo

Sampling from distributions with multiple peaks with standard MCMC methods can be difficult, if not impossible, as the Markov chain often gets stuck in either of the minima. A Sequential Monte Carlo sampler (SMC) is a way to ameliorate this problem.

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Splines in PyMC3

Often, the model we want to fit is not a perfect line between some \(x\) and \(y\). Instead, the parameters of the model are expected to vary over \(x\). There are multiple ways to handle this situation, one of which is to fit a spline. The spline is effectively multiple individual lines, each fit to a different section of \(x\), that are tied together at their boundaries, often called knots. Below is an exmaple of how to fit a spline using the Bayesian framework PyMC3.

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Hierarchical Partial Pooling

Suppose you are tasked with estimating baseball batting skills for several players. One such performance metric is batting average. Since players play a different number of games and bat in different positions in the order, each player has a different number of at-bats. However, you want to estimate the skill of all players, including those with a relatively small number of batting opportunities.

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Multivariate Gaussian Random Walk

This notebook shows how to fit a correlated time series using multivariate Gaussian random walks (GRWs). In particular, we perform a Bayesian regression of the time series data against a model dependent on GRWs.

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GLM: Mini-batch ADVI on hierarchical regression model

Unlike Gaussian mixture models, (hierarchical) regression models have independent variables. These variables affect the likelihood function, but are not random variables. When using mini-batch, we should take care of that.

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Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Making Personalized Recommendations

So you are browsing for something to watch on Netflix and just not liking the suggestions. You just know you can do better. All you need to do is collect some ratings data from yourself and friends and build a recommendation algorithm. This notebook will guide you in doing just that!

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Marginalized Gaussian Mixture Model

Gaussian mixtures are a flexible class of models for data that exhibits subpopulation heterogeneity. A toy example of such a data set is shown below.

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Gaussian Mixture Model

Original NB by Abe Flaxman, modified by Thomas Wiecki

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Dirichlet process mixtures for density estimation

The Dirichlet process is a flexible probability distribution over the space of distributions. Most generally, a probability distribution, \(P\), on a set \(\Omega\) is a [measure]( that assigns measure one to the entire space (\(P(\Omega) = 1\)). A Dirichlet process \(P \sim \textrm{DP}(\alpha, P_0)\) is a measure that has the property that, for every finite disjoint partition \(S_1, \ldots, S_n\) of \(\Omega\),

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Rolling Regression

Pairs trading is a famous technique in algorithmic trading that plays two stocks against each other.

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A Hierarchical model for Rugby prediction

Based on the following blog post: Daniel Weitzenfeld’s, which based on the work of Baio and Blangiardo.

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