Posted in 2020

Using a custom step method for sampling from locally conjugate posterior distributions

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods are fundamental to modern Bayesian inference. PyMC leverages Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), a powerful sampling algorithm that efficiently explores high-dimensional posterior distributions. Unlike simpler MCMC methods, HMC harnesses the gradient of the log posterior density to make intelligent proposals, allowing it to effectively sample complex posteriors with hundreds or thousands of parameters. A key advantage of HMC is its generality - it works with arbitrary prior distributions and likelihood functions, without requiring conjugate pairs or closed-form solutions. This is crucial since most real-world models involve priors and likelihoods whose product cannot be analytically integrated to obtain the posterior distribution. HMC’s gradient-guided proposals make it dramatically more efficient than earlier MCMC approaches that rely on random walks or simple proposal distributions.

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