- pymc.adagrad(loss_or_grads=None, params=None, learning_rate=1.0, epsilon=1e-06)[source]#
Adagrad updates
Scale learning rates by dividing with the square root of accumulated squared gradients. See [1] for further description.
- Parameters:
- loss_or_grads: symbolic expression or list of expressions
A scalar loss expression, or a list of gradient expressions
- params: list of shared variables
The variables to generate update expressions for
- learning_rate: float or symbolic scalar
The learning rate controlling the size of update steps
- epsilon: float or symbolic scalar
Small value added for numerical stability
- Returns:
A dictionary mapping each parameter to its update expression
Using step size eta Adagrad calculates the learning rate for feature i at time step t as:
\[\eta_{t,i} = \frac{\eta} {\sqrt{\sum^t_{t^\prime} g^2_{t^\prime,i}+\epsilon}} g_{t,i}\]as such the learning rate is monotonically decreasing.
Epsilon is not included in the typical formula, see [2].
Optimizer can be called without both loss_or_grads and params in that case partial function is returned
[1]Duchi, J., Hazan, E., & Singer, Y. (2011): Adaptive subgradient methods for online learning and stochastic optimization. JMLR, 12:2121-2159.
[2]Chris Dyer: Notes on AdaGrad.
>>> a = pytensor.shared(1.) >>> b = a*2 >>> updates = adagrad(b, [a], learning_rate=.01) >>> isinstance(updates, dict) True >>> optimizer = adagrad(learning_rate=.01) >>> callable(optimizer) True >>> updates = optimizer(b, [a]) >>> isinstance(updates, dict) True