- class pymc.SVGD(n_particles=100, jitter=1, model=None, start=None, random_seed=None, estimator=<class 'pymc.variational.operators.KSD'>, kernel=<pymc.variational.test_functions.RBF object>, **kwargs)[source]#
Stein Variational Gradient Descent
This inference is based on Kernelized Stein Discrepancy it’s main idea is to move initial noisy particles so that they fit target distribution best.
Algorithm is outlined below
- Input: A target distribution with density function \(p(x)\)
and a set of initial particles \(\{x^0_i\}^n_{i=1}\)
Output: A set of particles \(\{x^{*}_i\}^n_{i=1}\) that approximates the target distribution.
\[\begin{split}x_i^{l+1} &\leftarrow x_i^{l} + \epsilon_l \hat{\phi}^{*}(x_i^l) \\ \hat{\phi}^{*}(x) &= \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}_{j=1}[k(x^l_j,x) \nabla_{x^l_j} logp(x^l_j)+ \nabla_{x^l_j} k(x^l_j,x)]\end{split}\]- Parameters:
- n_particles: `int`
number of particles to use for approximation
- jitter: `float`
noise sd for initial point
- model: :class:`pymc.Model`
PyMC model for inference
- kernel: `callable`
kernel function for KSD \(f(histogram) -> (k(x,.), \nabla_x k(x,.))\)
- temperature: float
parameter responsible for exploration, higher temperature gives more broad posterior estimate
- start: `dict[str, np.ndarray]` or `StartDict`
initial point for inference
- random_seed: None or int
- kwargs: other keyword arguments passed to estimator
Qiang Liu, Dilin Wang (2016) Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm arXiv:1608.04471
Yang Liu, Prajit Ramachandran, Qiang Liu, Jian Peng (2017) Stein Variational Policy Gradient arXiv:1704.02399
([n_particles, jitter, model, ...])
([n, score, callbacks, progressbar, ...])Perform Operator Variational Inference
(n[, progressbar, progressbar_theme])Refine the solution using the last compiled step function
([n, score])Attributes