Source code for pymc_experimental.distributions.discrete

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import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
from pymc.distributions.dist_math import betaln, check_parameters, factln, logpow
from pymc.distributions.shape_utils import rv_size_is_none
from pytensor import tensor as pt
from pytensor.tensor.random.op import RandomVariable

def log1mexp(x):
    cond = x < np.log(0.5)
    return np.piecewise(
        [cond, ~cond],
        [lambda x: np.log1p(-np.exp(x)), lambda x: np.log(-np.expm1(x))],

class GeneralizedPoissonRV(RandomVariable):
    name = "generalized_poisson"
    ndim_supp = 0
    ndims_params = [0, 0]
    dtype = "int64"
    _print_name = ("GeneralizedPoisson", "\\operatorname{GeneralizedPoisson}")

    def rng_fn(cls, rng, theta, lam, size):
        theta = np.asarray(theta)
        lam = np.asarray(lam)

        if size is not None:
            dist_size = size
            dist_size = np.broadcast_shapes(theta.shape, lam.shape)

        # A mix of 2 algorithms described by Famoye (1997) is used depending on parameter values
        # 0: Inverse method, computed on the log scale. Used when lam <= 0.
        # 1: Branching method. Used when lambda > 0.
        x = np.empty(dist_size)
        idxs_mask = np.broadcast_to(lam < 0, dist_size)
        if np.any(idxs_mask):
            x[idxs_mask] = cls._inverse_rng_fn(rng, theta, lam, dist_size, idxs_mask=idxs_mask)[
        idxs_mask = ~idxs_mask
        if np.any(idxs_mask):
            x[idxs_mask] = cls._branching_rng_fn(rng, theta, lam, dist_size, idxs_mask=idxs_mask)[
        return x

    def _inverse_rng_fn(cls, rng, theta, lam, dist_size, idxs_mask):
        # We handle x/0 and log(0) issues with branching
        with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
            log_u = np.log(rng.uniform(size=dist_size))
            pos_lam = lam > 0
            abs_log_lam = np.log(np.abs(lam))
            theta_m_lam = theta - lam
            log_s = -theta
            log_p = log_s.copy()
            x_ = 0
            x = np.zeros(dist_size)
            below_cutpoint = log_s < log_u
            while np.any(below_cutpoint[idxs_mask]):
                x_ += 1
                x[below_cutpoint] += 1
                log_c = np.log(theta_m_lam + lam * x_)
                # Compute log(1 + lam / C)
                log1p_lam_m_C = np.where(
                    np.log1p(np.exp(abs_log_lam - log_c)),
                    log1mexp(abs_log_lam - log_c),
                log_p = log_c + log1p_lam_m_C * (x_ - 1) + log_p - np.log(x_) - lam
                log_s = np.logaddexp(log_s, log_p)
                below_cutpoint = log_s < log_u
            return x

    def _branching_rng_fn(cls, rng, theta, lam, dist_size, idxs_mask):
        lam_ = np.abs(lam)  # This algorithm is only valid for positive lam
        y = rng.poisson(theta, size=dist_size)
        x = y.copy()
        higher_than_zero = y > 0
        while np.any(higher_than_zero[idxs_mask]):
            y = rng.poisson(lam_ * y)
            x[higher_than_zero] = x[higher_than_zero] + y[higher_than_zero]
            higher_than_zero = y > 0
        return x

generalized_poisson = GeneralizedPoissonRV()

[docs] class GeneralizedPoisson(pm.distributions.Discrete): R""" Generalized Poisson. Used to model count data that can be either overdispersed or underdispersed. Offers greater flexibility than the standard Poisson which assumes equidispersion, where the mean is equal to the variance. The pmf of this distribution is .. math:: f(x \mid \mu, \lambda) = \frac{\mu (\mu + \lambda x)^{x-1} e^{-\mu - \lambda x}}{x!} ======== ====================================== Support :math:`x \in \mathbb{N}_0` Mean :math:`\frac{\mu}{1 - \lambda}` Variance :math:`\frac{\mu}{(1 - \lambda)^3}` ======== ====================================== Parameters ---------- mu : tensor_like of float Mean parameter (mu > 0). lam : tensor_like of float Dispersion parameter (max(-1, -mu/4) <= lam <= 1). Notes ----- When lam = 0, the Generalized Poisson reduces to the standard Poisson with the same mu. When lam < 0, the mean is greater than the variance (underdispersion). When lam > 0, the mean is less than the variance (overdispersion). References ---------- The PMF is taken from [1] and the random generator function is adapted from [2]. .. [1] Consul, PoC, and Felix Famoye. "Generalized Poisson regression model." Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 21.1 (1992): 89-109. .. [2] Famoye, Felix. "Generalized Poisson random variate generation." American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 17.3-4 (1997): 219-237. """ rv_op = generalized_poisson @classmethod def dist(cls, mu, lam, **kwargs): mu = pt.as_tensor_variable(mu) lam = pt.as_tensor_variable(lam) return super().dist([mu, lam], **kwargs) def support_point(rv, size, mu, lam): mean = pt.floor(mu / (1 - lam)) if not rv_size_is_none(size): mean = pt.full(size, mean) return mean def logp(value, mu, lam): mu_lam_value = mu + lam * value logprob = np.log(mu) + logpow(mu_lam_value, value - 1) - mu_lam_value - factln(value) # Probability is 0 when value > m, where m is the largest positive integer for # which mu + m * lam > 0 (when lam < 0). logprob = pt.switch( pt.or_( mu_lam_value < 0, value < 0, ), -np.inf, logprob, ) return check_parameters( logprob, 0 < mu, pt.abs(lam) <= 1, (-mu / 4) <= lam, msg="0 < mu, max(-1, -mu/4)) <= lam <= 1", )
[docs] class BetaNegativeBinomial: R""" Beta Negative Binomial distribution. The pmf of this distribution is .. math:: f(x \mid \alpha, \beta, r) = \frac{B(r + x, \alpha + \beta)}{B(r, \alpha)} \frac{\Gamma(x + \beta)}{x! \Gamma(\beta)} where :math:`B` is the Beta function and :math:`\Gamma` is the Gamma function. For more information, see .. plot:: :context: close-figs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.special import betaln, gammaln def factln(x): return gammaln(x + 1) def logp(x, alpha, beta, r): return ( betaln(r + x, alpha + beta) - betaln(r, alpha) + gammaln(x + beta) - factln(x) - gammaln(beta) )'arviz-darkgrid') x = np.arange(0, 25) params = [ (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 10), (1, 10, 1), (1, 10, 10), (10, 10, 10), ] for alpha, beta, r in params: pmf = np.exp(logp(x, alpha, beta, r)) plt.plot(x, pmf, "-o", label=r'$alpha$ = {}, $beta$ = {}, $r$ = {}'.format(alpha, beta, r)) plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('f(x)', fontsize=12) plt.legend(loc=1) ======== ====================================== Support :math:`x \in \mathbb{N}_0` Mean :math:`{\begin{cases}{\frac {r\beta }{\alpha -1}}&{\text{if}}\ \alpha >1\\\infty &{\text{otherwise}}\ \end{cases}}` Variance :math:`{\displaystyle {\begin{cases}{\frac {r\beta (r+\alpha -1)(\beta +\alpha -1)}{(\alpha -2){(\alpha -1)}^{2}}}&{\text{if}}\ \alpha >2\\\infty &{\text{otherwise}}\ \end{cases}}}` ======== ====================================== Parameters ---------- alpha : tensor_like of float shape of the beta distribution (alpha > 0). beta : tensor_like of float shape of the beta distribution (beta > 0). r : tensor_like of float number of successes until the experiment is stopped (integer but can be extended to real) """ @staticmethod def beta_negative_binomial_dist(alpha, beta, r, size): if rv_size_is_none(size): alpha, beta, r = pt.broadcast_arrays(alpha, beta, r) p = pm.Beta.dist(alpha, beta, size=size) return pm.NegativeBinomial.dist(p, r, size=size) @staticmethod def beta_negative_binomial_logp(value, alpha, beta, r): res = ( betaln(r + value, alpha + beta) - betaln(r, alpha) + pt.gammaln(value + beta) - factln(value) - pt.gammaln(beta) ) res = pt.switch(, 0), -np.inf, res, ) return check_parameters( res, alpha > 0, beta > 0, r > 0, msg="alpha > 0, beta > 0, r > 0", ) def __new__(cls, name, alpha, beta, r, **kwargs): return pm.CustomDist( name, alpha, beta, r, dist=cls.beta_negative_binomial_dist, logp=cls.beta_negative_binomial_logp, class_name="BetaNegativeBinomial", **kwargs, ) @classmethod def dist(cls, alpha, beta, r, **kwargs): return pm.CustomDist.dist( alpha, beta, r, dist=cls.beta_negative_binomial_dist, logp=cls.beta_negative_binomial_logp, class_name="BetaNegativeBinomial", **kwargs, )
[docs] class Skellam: R""" Skellam distribution. The Skellam distribution is the distribution of the difference of two Poisson random variables. The pmf of this distribution is .. math:: f(x | \mu_1, \mu_2) = e^{{-(\mu _{1}\!+\!\mu _{2})}}\left({\frac {\mu _{1}}{\mu _{2}}}\right)^{{x/2}}\!\!I_{{x}}(2{\sqrt {\mu _{1}\mu _{2}}}) where :math:`I_{x}` is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order :math:`x`. Read more about the Skellam distribution at .. plot:: :context: close-figs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.stats as st import arviz as az'arviz-darkgrid') x = np.arange(-15, 15) params = [ (1, 1), (5, 5), (5, 1), ] for mu1, mu2 in params: pmf = st.skellam.pmf(x, mu1, mu2) plt.plot(x, pmf, "-o", label=r'$\mu_1$ = {}, $\mu_2$ = {}'.format(mu1, mu2)) plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('f(x)', fontsize=12) plt.legend(loc=1) ======== ====================================== Support :math:`x \in \mathbb{Z}` Mean :math:`\mu_{1} - \mu_{2}` Variance :math:`\mu_{1} + \mu_{2}` ======== ====================================== Parameters ---------- mu1 : tensor_like of float Mean parameter (mu1 >= 0). mu2 : tensor_like of float Mean parameter (mu2 >= 0). """ @staticmethod def skellam_dist(mu1, mu2, size): if rv_size_is_none(size): mu1, mu2 = pt.broadcast_arrays(mu1, mu2) return pm.Poisson.dist(mu=mu1, size=size) - pm.Poisson.dist(mu=mu2, size=size) @staticmethod def skellam_logp(value, mu1, mu2): res = ( -mu1 - mu2 + 0.5 * value * (pt.log(mu1) - pt.log(mu2)) + pt.log(pt.iv(value, 2 * pt.sqrt(mu1 * mu2))) ) return check_parameters( res, mu1 >= 0, mu2 >= 0, msg="mu1 >= 0, mu2 >= 0", ) def __new__(cls, name, mu1, mu2, **kwargs): return pm.CustomDist( name, mu1, mu2, dist=cls.skellam_dist, logp=cls.skellam_logp, class_name="Skellam", **kwargs, ) @classmethod def dist(cls, mu1, mu2, **kwargs): return pm.CustomDist.dist( mu1, mu2, dist=cls.skellam_dist, logp=cls.skellam_logp, class_name="Skellam", **kwargs, )