Source code for pymc_experimental.distributions.multivariate.r2d2m2cp

#   Copyright 2023 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
import pytensor.tensor as pt

__all__ = ["R2D2M2CP"]

def _psivar2musigma(
    psi: pt.TensorVariable,
    explained_var: pt.TensorVariable,
    psi_mask: Union[pt.TensorLike, None],
) -> Tuple[pt.TensorVariable, pt.TensorVariable]:
    sign = pt.sign(psi - 0.5)
    if psi_mask is not None:
        # any computation might be ignored for ~psi_mask
        # sign and explained_var are used
        psi = pt.where(psi_mask, psi, 0.5)
    pi = pt.erfinv(2 * psi - 1)
    f = (1 / (2 * pi**2 + 1)) ** 0.5
    sigma = explained_var**0.5 * f
    mu = sigma * pi * 2**0.5
    if psi_mask is not None:
        return (
            pt.where(psi_mask, mu, sign * explained_var**0.5),
            pt.where(psi_mask, sigma, 0),
        return mu, sigma

def _R2D2M2CP_beta(
    name: str,
    output_sigma: pt.TensorVariable,
    input_sigma: pt.TensorVariable,
    r2: pt.TensorVariable,
    phi: pt.TensorVariable,
    psi: pt.TensorVariable,
    dims: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
) -> pt.TensorVariable:
    """R2D2M2CP beta prior.

    name: str
        Name for the distribution
    output_sigma: tensor
        standard deviation of the outcome
    input_sigma: tensor
        standard deviation of the explanatory variables
    r2: tensor
        expected R2 for the linear regression
    phi: tensor
        variance weights that sums up to 1
    psi: tensor
        probability of a coefficients to be positive
    explained_variance = phi * pt.expand_dims(r2 * output_sigma**2, (-1,))
    mu_param, std_param = _psivar2musigma(psi, explained_variance, psi_mask=psi_mask)
    if not centered:
        with pm.Model(name):
            if psi_mask is not None and psi_mask.any():
                # limit case where some probs are not 1 or 0
                # setsubtensor is required
                r_idx = psi_mask.nonzero()
                with pm.Model("raw"):
                    raw = pm.Normal("masked", shape=len(r_idx[0]))
                    raw = pt.set_subtensor(pt.zeros_like(mu_param)[r_idx], raw)
                raw = pm.Deterministic("raw", raw, dims=dims)
            elif psi_mask is not None:
                # all variables are deterministic
                raw = pt.zeros_like(mu_param)
                raw = pm.Normal("raw", dims=dims)
        beta = pm.Deterministic(name, (raw * std_param + mu_param) / input_sigma, dims=dims)
        if psi_mask is not None and psi_mask.any():
            # limit case where some probs are not 1 or 0
            # setsubtensor is required
            r_idx = psi_mask.nonzero()
            with pm.Model(name):
                mean = (mu_param / input_sigma)[r_idx]
                sigma = (std_param / input_sigma)[r_idx]
                masked = pm.Normal(
                beta = pt.set_subtensor(mean, masked)
            beta = pm.Deterministic(name, beta, dims=dims)
        elif psi_mask is not None:
            # all variables are deterministic
            beta = pm.Deterministic(name, (mu_param / input_sigma), dims=dims)
            beta = pm.Normal(name, mu_param / input_sigma, std_param / input_sigma, dims=dims)
    return beta

def _broadcast_as_dims(
    *values: np.ndarray,
    dims: Sequence[str],
) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...], np.ndarray]:
    model = pm.modelcontext(None)
    shape = [len(model.coords[d]) for d in dims]
    ret = tuple(np.broadcast_to(v, shape) for v in values)
    # strip output
    if len(values) == 1:
        ret = ret[0]
    return ret

def _psi_masked(
    positive_probs: pt.TensorLike,
    positive_probs_std: pt.TensorLike,
    dims: Sequence[str],
) -> Tuple[Union[pt.TensorLike, None], pt.TensorVariable]:
    if not (
        isinstance(positive_probs, pt.Constant) and isinstance(positive_probs_std, pt.Constant)
        raise TypeError(
            "Only constant values for positive_probs and positive_probs_std are accepted"
    positive_probs, positive_probs_std = _broadcast_as_dims(,, dims=dims
    mask = ~np.bitwise_or(positive_probs == 1, positive_probs == 0)
    if np.bitwise_and(~mask, positive_probs_std != 0).any():
        raise ValueError("Can't have both positive_probs == '1 or 0' and positive_probs_std != 0")
    if (~mask).any() and mask.any():
        # limit case where some probs are not 1 or 0
        # setsubtensor is required
        r_idx = mask.nonzero()
        with pm.Model("psi"):
            psi = pm.Beta(
        psi = pt.set_subtensor(pt.as_tensor(positive_probs)[r_idx], psi)
        psi = pm.Deterministic("psi", psi, dims=dims)
    elif (~mask).all():
        # limit case where all the probs are limit case
        psi = pt.as_tensor(positive_probs)
        psi = pm.Beta("psi", mu=positive_probs, sigma=positive_probs_std, dims=dims)
        mask = None
    return mask, psi

def _psi(
    positive_probs: pt.TensorLike,
    positive_probs_std: Union[pt.TensorLike, None],
    dims: Sequence[str],
) -> Tuple[Union[pt.TensorLike, None], pt.TensorVariable]:
    if positive_probs_std is not None:
        mask, psi = _psi_masked(
        positive_probs = pt.as_tensor(positive_probs)
        if not isinstance(positive_probs, pt.Constant):
            raise TypeError("Only constant values for positive_probs are allowed")
        psi = _broadcast_as_dims(, dims=dims)
        mask = np.atleast_1d(~np.bitwise_or(psi == 1, psi == 0))
        if mask.all():
            mask = None
    return mask, psi

def _phi(
    variables_importance: Union[pt.TensorLike, None],
    variance_explained: Union[pt.TensorLike, None],
    importance_concentration: Union[pt.TensorLike, None],
    dims: Sequence[str],
) -> pt.TensorVariable:
    *broadcast_dims, dim = dims
    model = pm.modelcontext(None)
    if variables_importance is not None:
        if variance_explained is not None:
            raise TypeError("Can't use variable importance with variance explained")
        if len(model.coords[dim]) <= 1:
            raise TypeError("Can't use variable importance with less than two variables")
        variables_importance = pt.as_tensor(variables_importance)
        if importance_concentration is not None:
            variables_importance *= importance_concentration
        return pm.Dirichlet("phi", variables_importance, dims=broadcast_dims + [dim])
    elif variance_explained is not None:
        if len(model.coords[dim]) <= 1:
            raise TypeError("Can't use variance explained with less than two variables")
        phi = pt.as_tensor(variance_explained)
        phi = _broadcast_as_dims(1.0, dims=dims)
    if importance_concentration is not None:
        return pm.Dirichlet("phi", importance_concentration * phi, dims=broadcast_dims + [dim])
        return phi

R2D2M2CPOut = namedtuple("R2D2M2CPOut", ["eps", "beta"])

[docs] def R2D2M2CP( name: str, output_sigma: pt.TensorLike, input_sigma: pt.TensorLike, *, dims: Sequence[str], r2: pt.TensorLike, variables_importance: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = None, variance_explained: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = None, importance_concentration: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = None, r2_std: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = None, positive_probs: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = 0.5, positive_probs_std: Union[pt.TensorLike, None] = None, centered: bool = False, ) -> R2D2M2CPOut: """R2D2M2CP Prior. Parameters ---------- name : str Name for the distribution output_sigma : Tensor Output standard deviation input_sigma : Tensor Input standard deviation dims : Union[str, Sequence[str]] Dims for the distribution r2 : Tensor :math:`R^2` estimate variables_importance : Tensor, optional Optional estimate for variables importance, positive, by default None variance_explained : Tensor, optional Alternative estimate for variables importance which is point estimate of variance explained, should sum up to one, by default None importance_concentration : Tensor, optional Confidence around variance explained or variable importance estimate r2_std : Tensor, optional Optional uncertainty over :math:`R^2`, by default None positive_probs : Tensor, optional Optional probability of variables contribution to be positive, by default 0.5 positive_probs_std : Tensor, optional Optional uncertainty over effect direction probability, by default None centered : bool, optional Centered or Non-Centered parametrization of the distribution, by default Non-Centered. Advised to check both Returns ------- residual_sigma, coefficients Output variance (sigma squared) is split in residual variance and explained variance. Raises ------ TypeError If parametrization is wrong. Notes ----- The R2D2M2CP prior is a modification of R2D2M2 prior. - ``(R2D2M2)`` CP is taken from - R2D2M2 ``(CP)``, (Correlation Probability) is proposed and implemented by Max Kochurov (@ferrine) Examples -------- Here are arguments explained in a synthetic example .. warning:: To use the prior in a linear regression - make sure :math:`X` is centered around zero - intercept represents prior predictive mean when :math:`X` is centered - setting named dims is required .. code-block:: python import pymc_experimental as pmx import pymc as pm import numpy as np X = np.random.randn(10, 3) b = np.random.randn(3) y = X @ b + np.random.randn(10) * 0.04 + 5 with pm.Model(coords=dict(variables=["a", "b", "c"])) as model: eps, beta = pmx.distributions.R2D2M2CP( "beta", y.std(), X.std(0), dims="variables", # NOTE: global shrinkage r2=0.8, # NOTE: if you are unsure about r2 r2_std=0.2, # NOTE: if you know where a variable should go # if you do not know, leave as 0.5 positive_probs=[0.8, 0.5, 0.1], # NOTE: if you have different opinions about # where a variable should go. # NOTE: if you put 0.5 previously, # just put 0.1 there, but other # sigmas should work fine too positive_probs_std=[0.3, 0.1, 0.2], # NOTE: variable importances are relative to each other, # but larget numbers put "more" weight in the relation # use # * 1-10 for small confidence # * 10-30 for moderate confidence # * 30+ for high confidence # EXAMPLE: # "a" - is likely to be useful # "b" - no idea if it is useful # "c" - a must have in the relation variables_importance=[10, 1, 34], # NOTE: try both centered=True ) # intercept prior centering should be around prior predictive mean intercept = y.mean() # regressors should be centered around zero Xc = X - X.mean(0) obs = pm.Normal("obs", intercept + Xc @ beta, eps, observed=y) There can be special cases by choosing specific set of arguments Here the prior distribution of beta is ``Normal(0, y.std() * r2 ** .5)`` .. code-block:: python with pm.Model(coords=dict(variables=["a", "b", "c"])) as model: eps, beta = pmx.distributions.R2D2M2CP( "beta", y.std(), X.std(0), dims="variables", # NOTE: global shrinkage r2=0.8, # NOTE: if you are unsure about r2 r2_std=0.2, # NOTE: if you know where a variable should go # if you do not know, leave as 0.5 centered=False ) # intercept prior centering should be around prior predictive mean intercept = y.mean() # regressors should be centered around zero Xc = X - X.mean(0) obs = pm.Normal("obs", intercept + Xc @ beta, eps, observed=y) It is fine to leave some of the ``_std`` arguments unspecified. You can also specify only ``positive_probs``, and all the variables are assumed to explain same amount of variance (same importance) .. code-block:: python with pm.Model(coords=dict(variables=["a", "b", "c"])) as model: eps, beta = pmx.distributions.R2D2M2CP( "beta", y.std(), X.std(0), dims="variables", # NOTE: global shrinkage r2=0.8, # NOTE: if you are unsure about r2 r2_std=0.2, # NOTE: if you know where a variable should go # if you do not know, leave as 0.5 positive_probs=[0.8, 0.5, 0.1], # NOTE: try both centered=True ) intercept = y.mean() obs = pm.Normal("obs", intercept + X @ beta, eps, observed=y) Notes ----- To reference R2D2M2CP implementation, you can use the following bibtex entry: .. code-block:: @misc{pymc-experimental-r2d2m2cp, title = {pymc-devs/pymc-experimental: {P}ull {R}equest 137, {R2D2M2CP}}, url = {}, author = {Max Kochurov}, howpublished = {GitHub}, year = {2023} } """ if not isinstance(dims, (list, tuple)): dims = (dims,) *broadcast_dims, dim = dims input_sigma = pt.as_tensor(input_sigma) output_sigma = pt.as_tensor(output_sigma) with pm.Model(name): if r2_std is not None: r2 = pm.Beta("r2", mu=r2, sigma=r2_std, dims=broadcast_dims) phi = _phi( variables_importance=variables_importance, variance_explained=variance_explained, importance_concentration=importance_concentration, dims=dims, ) mask, psi = _psi( positive_probs=positive_probs, positive_probs_std=positive_probs_std, dims=dims ) beta = _R2D2M2CP_beta( name, output_sigma, input_sigma, r2, phi, psi, dims=broadcast_dims + [dim], centered=centered, psi_mask=mask, ) resid_sigma = (1 - r2) ** 0.5 * output_sigma return R2D2M2CPOut(resid_sigma, beta)