MarginalKron.marginal_likelihood(name, Xs, y, sigma, is_observed=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Returns the marginal likelihood distribution, given the input locations cartesian(*Xs) and the data y.

name: string

Name of the random variable

Xs: list of array-like

Function input values for each covariance function. Each entry must be passable to its respective covariance without error. The total covariance function is measured on the full grid cartesian(*Xs).

y: array-like

Data that is the sum of the function with the GP prior and Gaussian noise. Must have shape (n, ).

sigma: scalar, Variable

Standard deviation of the white Gaussian noise.

is_observed: bool

Whether to set y as an observed variable in the model. Default is True.


Extra keyword arguments that are passed to KroneckerNormal distribution constructor.