Source code for pymc_experimental.utils.spline

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import numpy as np
import pytensor
import pytensor.sparse as ps
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import scipy.interpolate
from pytensor.graph.op import Apply, Op

def numpy_bspline_basis(eval_points: np.ndarray, k: int, degree=3):
    k_knots = k + degree + 1
    knots = np.linspace(0, 1, k_knots - 2 * degree)
    knots = np.r_[[0] * degree, knots, [1] * degree]
    basis_funcs = scipy.interpolate.BSpline(knots, np.eye(k), k=degree)
    Bx = basis_funcs(eval_points).astype(eval_points.dtype)
    return Bx

class BSplineBasis(Op):
    __props__ = ("sparse",)

    def __init__(self, sparse=True) -> None:
        if not isinstance(sparse, bool):
            raise TypeError("sparse should be True or False")
        self.sparse = sparse

    def make_node(self, *inputs) -> Apply:
        eval_points, k, d = map(pt.as_tensor, inputs)
        if not (eval_points.ndim == 1 and np.issubdtype(eval_points.dtype, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError("eval_points should be a vector of floats")
        if not k.type in pt.int_types:
            raise TypeError("k should be integer")
        if not d.type in pt.int_types:
            raise TypeError("degree should be integer")
        if self.sparse:
            out_type = ps.SparseTensorType("csr", eval_points.dtype)()
            out_type = pt.matrix(dtype=eval_points.dtype)
        return Apply(self, [eval_points, k, d], [out_type])

    def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage, params=None) -> None:
        eval_points, k, d = inputs
        Bx = numpy_bspline_basis(eval_points, int(k), int(d))
        if self.sparse:
            Bx = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(Bx, dtype=eval_points.dtype)
        output_storage[0][0] = Bx

    def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, ins_shapes):
        return [(node.inputs[0].shape[0], node.inputs[1])]

def bspline_basis(n, k, degree=3, dtype=None, sparse=True):
    dtype = dtype or pytensor.config.floatX
    eval_points = np.linspace(0, 1, n, dtype=dtype)
    return BSplineBasis(sparse=sparse)(eval_points, k, degree)

[docs] def bspline_interpolation(x, *, n=None, eval_points=None, degree=3, sparse=True): """Interpolate sparse grid to dense grid using bsplines. Parameters ---------- x : Variable Input Variable to interpolate. 0th coordinate assumed to be mapped regularly on [0, 1] interval n : int (optional) Resolution of interpolation eval_points : vector (optional) Custom eval points in [0, 1] interval (or scaled properly using min/max scaling) degree : int, optional BSpline degree, by default 3 sparse : bool, optional Use sparse operation, by default True Returns ------- Variable The interpolated variable, interpolation is across 0th axis Examples -------- >>> import pymc as pm >>> import numpy as np >>> half_months = np.linspace(0, 365, 12*2) >>> with pm.Model(coords=dict(knots_time=half_months, time=np.arange(365))) as model: ... kernel =, ls=365/12) ... # ready to define gp (a latent process over parameters) ... gp = ... cov_func=kernel ... ) ... y_knots = gp.prior("y_knots", half_months[:, None], dims="knots_time") ... y = pm.Deterministic( ... "y", ... bspline_interpolation(y_knots, n=365, degree=3), ... dims="time" ... ) ... trace = pm.sample_prior_predictive(1) Notes ----- Adopted from `BayesAlpha <>`_ where it was written by @aseyboldt """ x = pt.as_tensor(x) if n is not None and eval_points is not None: raise ValueError("Please provide one of n or eval_points") elif n is not None: eval_points = np.linspace(0, 1, n, dtype=x.dtype) elif eval_points is None: raise ValueError("Please provide one of n or eval_points") basis = BSplineBasis(sparse=sparse)(eval_points, x.shape[0], degree) if sparse: return, x) else: return, x)