Source code for pymc_experimental.distributions.histogram_utils

#   Copyright 2022 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

__all__ = ["quantile_histogram", "discrete_histogram", "histogram_approximation"]

def quantile_histogram(
    data: ArrayLike, n_quantiles=1000, zero_inflation=False
) -> Dict[str, ArrayLike]:
        import xhistogram.core
    except ImportError as e:
        raise RuntimeError("quantile_histogram requires xhistogram package") from e
        import dask.array
        import dask.dataframe
    except ImportError:
        dask = None
    if dask and isinstance(data, (dask.dataframe.Series, dask.dataframe.DataFrame)):
        data = data.to_dask_array(lengths=True)
    if zero_inflation:
        zeros = (data == 0).sum(0)
        mdata = == 0, data)
        qdata = data[data > 0]
        mdata = data
        qdata = data.flatten()
    quantiles = np.percentile(qdata, np.linspace(0, 100, n_quantiles))
    if dask:
        (quantiles,) = dask.compute(quantiles)
    count, _ = xhistogram.core.histogram(mdata, bins=[quantiles], axis=0)
    count = count.transpose(count.ndim - 1, *range(count.ndim - 1))
    lower = quantiles[:-1]
    upper = quantiles[1:]

    if zero_inflation:
        count = np.concatenate([zeros[None], count])
        lower = np.concatenate([[0], lower])
        upper = np.concatenate([[0], upper])
    lower = lower.reshape(lower.shape + (1,) * (count.ndim - 1))
    upper = upper.reshape(upper.shape + (1,) * (count.ndim - 1))

    result = dict(
        mid=(lower + upper) / 2,
    return result

def discrete_histogram(data: ArrayLike, min_count=None) -> Dict[str, ArrayLike]:
        import xhistogram.core
    except ImportError as e:
        raise RuntimeError("discrete_histogram requires xhistogram package") from e
        import dask.array
        import dask.dataframe
    except ImportError:
        dask = None

    if dask and isinstance(data, (dask.dataframe.Series, dask.dataframe.DataFrame)):
        data = data.to_dask_array(lengths=True)
    mid, count_uniq = np.unique(data, return_counts=True)
    if min_count is not None:
        mid = mid[count_uniq >= min_count]
        count_uniq = count_uniq[count_uniq >= min_count]
    bins = np.concatenate([mid, [mid.max() + 1]])
    if dask:
        mid, bins = dask.compute(mid, bins)
    count, _ = xhistogram.core.histogram(data, bins=[bins], axis=0)
    count = count.transpose(count.ndim - 1, *range(count.ndim - 1))
    mid = mid.reshape(mid.shape + (1,) * (count.ndim - 1))
    return dict(mid=mid, count=count)

[docs] def histogram_approximation(name, dist, *, observed, **h_kwargs): """Approximate a distribution with a histogram potential. Parameters ---------- name : str Name for the Potential dist : TensorVariable The output of pm.Distribution.dist() observed : ArrayLike Observed value to construct a histogram. Histogram is computed over 0th axis. Dask is supported. Returns ------- TensorVariable Potential Examples -------- Discrete variables are reduced to unique repetitions (up to min_count) >>> import pymc as pm >>> import pymc_experimental as pmx >>> production = np.random.poisson([1, 2, 5], size=(1000, 3)) >>> with pm.Model(coords=dict(plant=range(3))): ... lam = pm.Exponential("lam", 1.0, dims="plant") ... pot = pmx.distributions.histogram_approximation( ... "pot", pm.Poisson.dist(lam), observed=production, min_count=2 ... ) Continuous variables are discretized into n_quantiles >>> measurements = np.random.normal([1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.4, 0.2], size=(10000, 3)) >>> with pm.Model(coords=dict(tests=range(3))): ... m = pm.Normal("m", dims="tests") ... s = pm.LogNormal("s", dims="tests") ... pot = pmx.distributions.histogram_approximation( ... "pot", pm.Normal.dist(m, s), ... observed=measurements, n_quantiles=50 ... ) For special cases like Zero Inflation in Continuous variables there is a flag. The flag adds a separate bin for zeros >>> measurements = abs(measurements) >>> measurements[100:] = 0 >>> with pm.Model(coords=dict(tests=range(3))): ... m = pm.Normal("m", dims="tests") ... s = pm.LogNormal("s", dims="tests") ... pot = pmx.distributions.histogram_approximation( ... "pot", pm.Normal.dist(m, s), ... observed=measurements, n_quantiles=50, zero_inflation=True ... ) """ try: import dask.array import dask.dataframe except ImportError: dask = None if dask and isinstance(observed, (dask.dataframe.Series, dask.dataframe.DataFrame)): observed = observed.to_dask_array(lengths=True) if np.issubdtype(observed.dtype, np.integer): histogram = discrete_histogram(observed, **h_kwargs) else: histogram = quantile_histogram(observed, **h_kwargs) if dask is not None: (histogram,) = dask.compute(histogram) return pm.Potential(name, pm.logp(dist, histogram["mid"]) * histogram["count"])