Source code for pymc.tuning.starting

#   Copyright 2023 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Created on Mar 12, 2011

@author: johnsalvatier
import sys
import warnings

from typing import Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
import pytensor.gradient as tg

from fastprogress.fastprogress import ProgressBar, progress_bar
from numpy import isfinite
from pytensor import Variable
from scipy.optimize import minimize

import pymc as pm

from pymc.blocking import DictToArrayBijection, RaveledVars
from pymc.initial_point import make_initial_point_fn
from pymc.model import modelcontext
from pymc.util import get_default_varnames, get_value_vars_from_user_vars
from pymc.vartypes import discrete_types, typefilter

__all__ = ["find_MAP"]

[docs]def find_MAP( start=None, vars: Optional[Sequence[Variable]] = None, method="L-BFGS-B", return_raw=False, include_transformed=True, progressbar=True, maxeval=5000, model=None, *args, seed: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): """Finds the local maximum a posteriori point given a model. `find_MAP` should not be used to initialize the NUTS sampler. Simply call ``pymc.sample()`` and it will automatically initialize NUTS in a better way. Parameters ---------- start: `dict` of parameter values (Defaults to `model.initial_point`) These values will be fixed and used for any free RandomVariables that are not being optimized. vars: list of TensorVariable List of free RandomVariables to optimize the posterior with respect to. Defaults to all continuous RVs in a model. The respective value variables may also be passed instead. method: string or callable, optional Optimization algorithm. Defaults to 'L-BFGS-B' unless discrete variables are specified in `vars`, then `Powell` which will perform better. For instructions on use of a callable, refer to SciPy's documentation of `optimize.minimize`. return_raw: bool, optional defaults to False Whether to return the full output of scipy.optimize.minimize include_transformed: bool, optional defaults to True Flag for reporting automatically unconstrained transformed values in addition to the constrained values progressbar: bool, optional defaults to True Whether to display a progress bar in the command line. maxeval: int, optional, defaults to 5000 The maximum number of times the posterior distribution is evaluated. model: Model (optional if in `with` context) *args, **kwargs Extra args passed to scipy.optimize.minimize Notes ----- Older code examples used `find_MAP` to initialize the NUTS sampler, but this is not an effective way of choosing starting values for sampling. As a result, we have greatly enhanced the initialization of NUTS and wrapped it inside ``pymc.sample()`` and you should thus avoid this method. """ model = modelcontext(model) if vars is None: vars = model.continuous_value_vars if not vars: raise ValueError("Model has no unobserved continuous variables.") else: try: vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) except ValueError as exc: # Accommodate case where user passed non-pure RV nodes vars = pm.inputvars(model.replace_rvs_by_values(vars)) if vars: warnings.warn( "Intermediate variables (such as Deterministic or Potential) were passed. " "find_MAP will optimize the underlying free_RVs instead.", UserWarning, ) else: raise exc disc_vars = list(typefilter(vars, discrete_types)) ipfn = make_initial_point_fn( model=model, jitter_rvs=set(), return_transformed=True, overrides=start, ) start = ipfn(seed) model.check_start_vals(start) vars_dict = { var for var in vars} x0 = {var_name: value for var_name, value in start.items() if var_name in vars_dict} ) # TODO: If the mapping is fixed, we can simply create graphs for the # mapping and avoid all this bijection overhead compiled_logp_func = DictToArrayBijection.mapf(model.compile_logp(jacobian=False), start) logp_func = lambda x: compiled_logp_func(RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info)) rvs = [model.values_to_rvs[vars_dict[name]] for name, _, _ in x0.point_map_info] try: # This might be needed for calls to `dlogp_func` # start_map_info = tuple((, v.shape, v.dtype) for v in vars) compiled_dlogp_func = DictToArrayBijection.mapf( model.compile_dlogp(rvs, jacobian=False), start ) dlogp_func = lambda x: compiled_dlogp_func(RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info)) compute_gradient = True except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, tg.NullTypeGradError): compute_gradient = False if disc_vars or not compute_gradient: pm._log.warning( "Warning: gradient not available." + "(E.g. vars contains discrete variables). MAP " + "estimates may not be accurate for the default " + "parameters. Defaulting to non-gradient minimization " + "'Powell'." ) method = "Powell" if compute_gradient and method != "Powell": cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, logp_func, dlogp_func) else: cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, logp_func) compute_gradient = False try: opt_result = minimize( cost_func,, method=method, jac=compute_gradient, *args, **kwargs ) mx0 = opt_result["x"] # r -> opt_result except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration) as e: mx0, opt_result = cost_func.previous_x, None if isinstance(e, StopIteration): finally: last_v = cost_func.n_eval if progressbar: assert isinstance(cost_func.progress, ProgressBar) = last_v cost_func.progress.update(last_v) print(file=sys.stdout) mx0 = RaveledVars(mx0, x0.point_map_info) unobserved_vars = get_default_varnames(model.unobserved_value_vars, include_transformed) unobserved_vars_values = model.compile_fn(unobserved_vars)( DictToArrayBijection.rmap(mx0, start) ) mx = { value for var, value in zip(unobserved_vars, unobserved_vars_values)} if return_raw: return mx, opt_result else: return mx
def allfinite(x): return np.all(isfinite(x)) class CostFuncWrapper: def __init__(self, maxeval=5000, progressbar=True, logp_func=None, dlogp_func=None): self.n_eval = 0 self.maxeval = maxeval self.logp_func = logp_func if dlogp_func is None: self.use_gradient = False self.desc = "logp = {:,.5g}" else: self.dlogp_func = dlogp_func self.use_gradient = True self.desc = "logp = {:,.5g}, ||grad|| = {:,.5g}" self.previous_x = None self.progressbar = progressbar if progressbar: self.progress = progress_bar(range(maxeval), total=maxeval, display=progressbar) self.progress.update(0) else: self.progress = range(maxeval) def __call__(self, x): neg_value = np.float64(self.logp_func(pm.floatX(x))) value = -1.0 * neg_value if self.use_gradient: neg_grad = self.dlogp_func(pm.floatX(x)) if np.all(np.isfinite(neg_grad)): self.previous_x = x grad = -1.0 * neg_grad grad = grad.astype(np.float64) else: self.previous_x = x grad = None if self.n_eval % 10 == 0: self.update_progress_desc(neg_value, grad) if self.n_eval > self.maxeval: self.update_progress_desc(neg_value, grad) raise StopIteration self.n_eval += 1 if self.progressbar: assert isinstance(self.progress, ProgressBar) self.progress.update_bar(self.n_eval) if self.use_gradient: return value, grad else: return value def update_progress_desc(self, neg_value: float, grad: np.float64 = None) -> None: if self.progressbar: if grad is None: self.progress.comment = self.desc.format(neg_value) else: norm_grad = np.linalg.norm(grad) self.progress.comment = self.desc.format(neg_value, norm_grad)