Source code for pymc.blocking

#   Copyright 2023 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Classes for working with subsets of parameters.
from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

__all__ = ["DictToArrayBijection"]

T = TypeVar("T")
PointType: TypeAlias = Dict[str, np.ndarray]
StatsDict: TypeAlias = Dict[str, Any]
StatsType: TypeAlias = List[StatsDict]
StatDtype: TypeAlias = Union[type, np.dtype]
StatShape: TypeAlias = Optional[Sequence[Optional[int]]]

# `point_map_info` is a tuple of tuples containing `(name, shape, dtype)` for
# each of the raveled variables.
class RaveledVars(NamedTuple):
    data: np.ndarray
    point_map_info: tuple[tuple[str, tuple[int, ...], np.dtype], ...]

class Compose(Generic[T]):
    Compose two functions in a pickleable way

    def __init__(self, fa: Callable[[PointType], T], fb: Callable[[RaveledVars], PointType]):
        self.fa = fa
        self.fb = fb

    def __call__(self, x: RaveledVars) -> T:
        return self.fa(self.fb(x))

[docs]class DictToArrayBijection: """Map between a `dict`s of variables to an array space. Said array space consists of all the vars raveled and then concatenated. """
[docs] @staticmethod def map(var_dict: PointType) -> RaveledVars: """Map a dictionary of names and variables to a concatenated 1D array space.""" vars_info = tuple((v, k, v.shape, v.dtype) for k, v in var_dict.items()) raveled_vars = [v[0].ravel() for v in vars_info] if raveled_vars: result = np.concatenate(raveled_vars) else: result = np.array([]) return RaveledVars(result, tuple(v[1:] for v in vars_info))
[docs] @staticmethod def rmap( array: RaveledVars, start_point: PointType | None = None, ) -> PointType: """Map 1D concatenated array to a dictionary of variables in their original spaces. Parameters ---------- array The array to map. start_point An optional dictionary of initial values. """ if start_point: result = dict(start_point) else: result = {} if not isinstance(array, RaveledVars): raise TypeError("`array` must be a `RaveledVars` type") last_idx = 0 for name, shape, dtype in array.point_map_info: arr_len =, dtype=int) var =[last_idx : last_idx + arr_len].reshape(shape).astype(dtype) result[name] = var last_idx += arr_len return result
[docs] @classmethod def mapf( cls, f: Callable[[PointType], T], start_point: PointType | None = None ) -> Callable[[RaveledVars], T]: """Create a callable that first maps back to ``dict`` inputs and then applies a function. function f: DictSpace -> T to ArraySpace -> T Parameters ---------- f: dict -> T Returns ------- f: array -> T """ return Compose(f, partial(cls.rmap, start_point=start_point))