# Copyright 2024 The PyMC Developers
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from functools import singledispatch
import numpy as np
import pytensor.tensor as pt
# ignore mypy error because it somehow considers that
# "numpy.core.numeric has no attribute normalize_axis_tuple"
from numpy.core.numeric import normalize_axis_tuple # type: ignore
from pytensor.graph import Op
from pytensor.tensor import TensorVariable
from pymc.logprob.transforms import (
__all__ = [
def __getattr__(name):
if name in ("univariate_ordered", "multivariate_ordered"):
warnings.warn(f"{name} has been deprecated, use ordered instead.", FutureWarning)
return ordered
if name in ("univariate_sum_to_1", "multivariate_sum_to_1"):
warnings.warn(f"{name} has been deprecated, use sum_to_1 instead.", FutureWarning)
return sum_to_1
if name == "RVTransform":
warnings.warn("RVTransform has been renamed to Transform", FutureWarning)
return Transform
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
def _default_transform(op: Op, rv: TensorVariable):
"""Return default transform for a given Distribution `Op`"""
return None
class LogExpM1(Transform):
name = "log_exp_m1"
def backward(self, value, *inputs):
return pt.softplus(value)
def forward(self, value, *inputs):
"""Inverse operation of softplus.
y = Log(Exp(x) - 1)
= Log(1 - Exp(-x)) + x
return pt.log(1.0 - pt.exp(-value)) + value
def log_jac_det(self, value, *inputs):
return -pt.softplus(-value)
class Ordered(Transform):
name = "ordered"
def __init__(self, ndim_supp=None):
if ndim_supp is not None:
warnings.warn("ndim_supp argument is deprecated and has no effect", FutureWarning)
def backward(self, value, *inputs):
x = pt.zeros(value.shape)
x = pt.set_subtensor(x[..., 0], value[..., 0])
x = pt.set_subtensor(x[..., 1:], pt.exp(value[..., 1:]))
return pt.cumsum(x, axis=-1)
def forward(self, value, *inputs):
y = pt.zeros(value.shape)
y = pt.set_subtensor(y[..., 0], value[..., 0])
y = pt.set_subtensor(y[..., 1:], pt.log(value[..., 1:] - value[..., :-1]))
return y
def log_jac_det(self, value, *inputs):
return pt.sum(value[..., 1:], axis=-1)
class SumTo1(Transform):
Transforms K - 1 dimensional simplex space (k values in [0,1] and that sum to 1) to a K - 1 vector of values in [0,1]
This Transformation operates on the last dimension of the input tensor.
name = "sumto1"
def __init__(self, ndim_supp=None):
if ndim_supp is not None:
warnings.warn("ndim_supp argument is deprecated and has no effect", FutureWarning)
def backward(self, value, *inputs):
remaining = 1 - pt.sum(value[..., :], axis=-1, keepdims=True)
return pt.concatenate([value[..., :], remaining], axis=-1)
def forward(self, value, *inputs):
return value[..., :-1]
def log_jac_det(self, value, *inputs):
y = pt.zeros(value.shape)
return pt.sum(y, axis=-1)
class CholeskyCovPacked(Transform):
Transforms the diagonal elements of the LKJCholeskyCov distribution to be on the
log scale
name = "cholesky-cov-packed"
def __init__(self, n):
n: int
Number of diagonal entries in the LKJCholeskyCov distribution
self.diag_idxs = pt.arange(1, n + 1).cumsum() - 1
def backward(self, value, *inputs):
return pt.set_subtensor(value[..., self.diag_idxs], pt.exp(value[..., self.diag_idxs]))
def forward(self, value, *inputs):
return pt.set_subtensor(value[..., self.diag_idxs], pt.log(value[..., self.diag_idxs]))
def log_jac_det(self, value, *inputs):
return pt.sum(value[..., self.diag_idxs], axis=-1)
Chain = ChainedTransform
simplex = SimplexTransform()
simplex.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.logprob.transforms.SimplexTransform`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
logodds = LogOddsTransform()
logodds.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.logprob.transforms.LogOddsTransform`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
class Interval(IntervalTransform):
"""Wrapper around :class:`pymc.logprob.transforms.IntervalTransform` for use in the
``transform`` argument of a random variable.
lower : int or float, optional
Lower bound of the interval transform. Must be a constant finite value.
By default (``lower=None``), the interval is not bounded below.
upper : int or float, optional
Upper bound of the interval transform. Must be a constant finite value.
By default (``upper=None``), the interval is not bounded above.
bounds_fn : callable, optional
Alternative to lower and upper. Must return a tuple of lower and upper bounds
as a symbolic function of the respective distribution inputs. If one of lower or
upper is ``None``, the interval is unbounded on that edge.
.. warning:: Expressions returned by `bounds_fn` should depend only on the
distribution inputs or other constants. Expressions that depend on nonlocal
variables, such as other distributions defined in the model context will
likely break sampling.
Create an interval transform between -1 and +1
.. code-block:: python
with pm.Model():
interval = pm.distributions.transforms.Interval(lower=-1, upper=1)
x = pm.Normal("x", transform=interval)
Create a lower-bounded interval transform at 0, using a callable
.. code-block:: python
def get_bounds(rng, size, dtype, mu, sigma):
return 0, None
with pm.Model():
interval = pm.distributions.transforms.Interval(bounds_fn=get_bounds)
x = pm.Normal("x", transform=interval)
Create a lower-bounded interval transform that depends on a distribution parameter
.. code-block:: python
def get_bounds(rng, size, dtype, mu, sigma):
return mu - 1, None
interval = pm.distributions.transforms.Interval(bounds_fn=get_bounds)
with pm.Model():
mu = pm.Normal("mu")
x = pm.Normal("x", mu=mu, sigma=2, transform=interval)
def __init__(self, lower=None, upper=None, *, bounds_fn=None):
if bounds_fn is None:
bounds = tuple(
None if bound is None else pt.constant(bound, ndim=0).data
for bound in (lower, upper)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError(
"Interval bounds must be constant values. If you need expressions that "
"depend on symbolic variables use `args_fn`"
lower, upper = (
None if (bound is None or np.isinf(bound)) else bound for bound in bounds
if lower is None and upper is None:
raise ValueError("Lower and upper interval bounds cannot both be None")
def bounds_fn(*rv_inputs):
return lower, upper
log_exp_m1 = LogExpM1()
log_exp_m1.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.distributions.transforms.LogExpM1`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
ordered = Ordered()
ordered.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.distributions.transforms.Ordered`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
log = LogTransform()
log.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.logprob.transforms.LogTransform`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
sum_to_1 = SumTo1()
sum_to_1.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.distributions.transforms.SumTo1`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""
circular = CircularTransform()
circular.__doc__ = """
Instantiation of :class:`pymc.logprob.transforms.CircularTransform`
for use in the ``transform`` argument of a random variable."""