# Copyright 2024 The PyMC Developers
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import abc
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections.abc import Callable
import numpy as np
import pytensor
import pytensor.tensor as pt
from pytensor.graph.basic import Node, ancestors
from pytensor.graph.replace import clone_replace
from pytensor.tensor import TensorVariable
from pytensor.tensor.random.op import RandomVariable
from pytensor.tensor.random.utils import normalize_size_param
from pymc.distributions.continuous import Normal, get_tau_sigma
from pymc.distributions.distribution import (
from pymc.distributions.multivariate import MvNormal, MvStudentT
from pymc.distributions.shape_utils import (
from pymc.exceptions import NotConstantValueError
from pymc.logprob.abstract import _logprob
from pymc.logprob.basic import logp
from pymc.pytensorf import constant_fold, intX
from pymc.util import check_dist_not_registered
__all__ = [
class RandomWalkRV(SymbolicRandomVariable):
"""RandomWalk Variable"""
_print_name = ("RandomWalk", "\\operatorname{RandomWalk}")
def rv_op(cls, init_dist, innovation_dist, steps, size=None):
# We don't allow passing `rng` because we don't fully control the rng of the components!
steps = pt.as_tensor(steps, dtype=int, ndim=0)
dist_ndim_supp = init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp
init_dist_shape = tuple(init_dist.shape)
init_dist_batch_shape = init_dist_shape[: len(init_dist_shape) - dist_ndim_supp]
innovation_dist_shape = tuple(innovation_dist.shape)
innovation_batch_shape = innovation_dist_shape[
: len(innovation_dist_shape) - dist_ndim_supp
ndim_supp = dist_ndim_supp + 1
size = normalize_size_param(size)
# If not explicit, size is determined by the shapes of the input distributions
if rv_size_is_none(size):
size = pt.broadcast_shape(
init_dist_batch_shape, innovation_batch_shape, arrays_are_shapes=True
# Resize input distributions. We will size them to (T, B, S) in order
# to safely take random draws. We later swap the steps dimension so
# that the final distribution will follow (B, T, S)
# init_dist must have shape (1, B, S)
init_dist = change_dist_size(init_dist, (1, *size))
# innovation_dist must have shape (T-1, B, S)
innovation_dist = change_dist_size(innovation_dist, (steps, *size))
# We can only infer the logp of a dimshuffled variables, if the dimshuffle is
# done directly on top of a RandomVariable. Because of this we dimshuffle the
# distributions and only then concatenate them, instead of the other way around.
# shape = (B, 1, S)
init_dist_dimswapped = pt.moveaxis(init_dist, 0, -ndim_supp)
# shape = (B, T-1, S)
innovation_dist_dimswapped = pt.moveaxis(innovation_dist, 0, -ndim_supp)
# shape = (B, T, S)
grw = pt.concatenate([init_dist_dimswapped, innovation_dist_dimswapped], axis=-ndim_supp)
grw = pt.cumsum(grw, axis=-ndim_supp)
innov_supp_dims = [f"d{i}" for i in range(dist_ndim_supp)]
innov_supp_str = ",".join(innov_supp_dims)
out_supp_str = ",".join(["t", *innov_supp_dims])
signature = f"({innov_supp_str}),({innov_supp_str}),(s),[rng]->({out_supp_str}),[rng]"
return RandomWalkRV(
[init_dist, innovation_dist, steps],
# We pass steps_ through just so we can keep a reference to it, even though
# it's no longer needed at this point
)(init_dist, innovation_dist, steps)
class RandomWalk(Distribution):
r"""RandomWalk Distribution
TODO: Expand docstrings
rv_type = RandomWalkRV
rv_op = RandomWalkRV.rv_op
def __new__(cls, *args, innovation_dist, steps=None, **kwargs):
steps = cls.get_steps(
shape=None, # Shape will be checked in `cls.dist`
return super().__new__(cls, *args, innovation_dist=innovation_dist, steps=steps, **kwargs)
def dist(cls, init_dist, innovation_dist, steps=None, **kwargs) -> pt.TensorVariable:
if not (
isinstance(init_dist, pt.TensorVariable)
and init_dist.owner is not None
and isinstance(init_dist.owner.op, RandomVariable | SymbolicRandomVariable)
raise TypeError("init_dist must be a distribution variable")
if not (
isinstance(innovation_dist, pt.TensorVariable)
and innovation_dist.owner is not None
and isinstance(innovation_dist.owner.op, RandomVariable | SymbolicRandomVariable)
raise TypeError("innovation_dist must be a distribution variable")
if init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp != innovation_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp:
raise TypeError(
"init_dist and innovation_dist must have the same support dimensionality"
# We need to check this, because we clone the variables when we ignore their logprob next
if init_dist in ancestors([innovation_dist]) or innovation_dist in ancestors([init_dist]):
raise ValueError("init_dist and innovation_dist must be completely independent")
steps = cls.get_steps(
if steps is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify steps or shape parameter")
steps = pt.as_tensor_variable(intX(steps))
return super().dist([init_dist, innovation_dist, steps], **kwargs)
def get_steps(cls, innovation_dist, steps, shape, dims, observed):
# We need to know the ndim_supp of the innovation_dist
if not (
isinstance(innovation_dist, pt.TensorVariable)
and innovation_dist.owner is not None
and isinstance(innovation_dist.owner.op, RandomVariable | SymbolicRandomVariable)
raise TypeError("innovation_dist must be a distribution variable")
dist_ndim_supp = innovation_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp
dist_shape = tuple(innovation_dist.shape)
support_shape = None
if steps is not None:
support_shape = (steps,) + (dist_shape[len(dist_shape) - dist_ndim_supp :])
support_shape = get_support_shape(
ndim_supp=dist_ndim_supp + 1,
if support_shape is not None:
steps = support_shape[-dist_ndim_supp - 1]
return steps
def change_random_walk_size(op, dist, new_size, expand):
init_dist, innovation_dist, steps = dist.owner.inputs
if expand:
old_shape = tuple(dist.shape)
old_size = old_shape[: len(old_shape) - op.ndim_supp]
new_size = tuple(new_size) + tuple(old_size)
return RandomWalk.rv_op(init_dist, innovation_dist, steps, size=new_size)
def random_walk_support_point(op, rv, init_dist, innovation_dist, steps):
# shape = (1, B, S)
init_support_point = support_point(init_dist)
# shape = (T-1, B, S)
innovation_support_point = support_point(innovation_dist)
# shape = (T, B, S)
grw_support_point = pt.concatenate([init_support_point, innovation_support_point], axis=0)
grw_support_point = pt.cumsum(grw_support_point, axis=0)
# shape = (B, T, S)
grw_support_point = pt.moveaxis(grw_support_point, 0, -op.ndim_supp)
return grw_support_point
def random_walk_logp(op, values, *inputs, **kwargs):
# Although we can derive the logprob of random walks, it does not collapse
# what we consider the core dimension of steps. We do it manually here.
(value,) = values
# Recreate RV and obtain inner graph
rv_node = op.make_node(*inputs)
rv = clone_replace(
op.inner_outputs, replace={u: v for u, v in zip(op.inner_inputs, rv_node.inputs)}
# Obtain logp of the inner graph and collapse steps dimension
return logp(rv, value).sum(axis=-1)
class PredefinedRandomWalk(ABCMeta):
"""Base class for predefined RandomWalk distributions"""
def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
init_dist, innovation_dist, kwargs = cls.get_dists(*args, **kwargs)
return RandomWalk(name, init_dist=init_dist, innovation_dist=innovation_dist, **kwargs)
def dist(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> pt.TensorVariable:
init_dist, innovation_dist, kwargs = cls.get_dists(*args, **kwargs)
return RandomWalk.dist(init_dist=init_dist, innovation_dist=innovation_dist, **kwargs)
def get_dists(cls, *args, **kwargs):
class GaussianRandomWalk(PredefinedRandomWalk):
r"""Random Walk with Normal innovations.
mu : tensor_like of float, default 0
innovation drift
sigma : tensor_like of float, default 1
sigma > 0, innovation standard deviation.
init_dist : unnamed_distribution
Unnamed univariate distribution of the initial value. Unnamed refers to distributions
created with the ``.dist()`` API.
.. warning:: init_dist will be cloned, rendering them independent of the ones passed as input.
steps : int, optional
Number of steps in Gaussian Random Walk (steps > 0). Only needed if shape is not
def get_dists(cls, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, *, init_dist=None, **kwargs):
if "init" in kwargs:
"init parameter is now called init_dist. Using init will raise an error in a future release.",
init_dist = kwargs.pop("init")
if init_dist is None:
"Initial distribution not specified, defaulting to `Normal.dist(0, 100)`."
"You can specify an init_dist manually to suppress this warning.",
init_dist = Normal.dist(0, 100)
mu = pt.as_tensor_variable(mu)
sigma = pt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
innovation_dist = Normal.dist(mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
return init_dist, innovation_dist, kwargs
class MvGaussianRandomWalk(PredefinedRandomWalk):
r"""Random Walk with Multivariate Normal innovations
mu : tensor_like of float
innovation drift
cov : tensor_like of float
pos def matrix, innovation covariance matrix
tau : tensor_like of float
pos def matrix, inverse covariance matrix
chol : tensor_like of float
Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix
lower : bool, default=True
Whether the cholesky fatcor is given as a lower triangular matrix.
init_dist : unnamed_distribution
Unnamed multivariate distribution of the initial value.
.. warning:: init_dist will be cloned, rendering them independent of the ones passed as input.
steps : int, optional
Number of steps in Random Walk (steps > 0). Only needed if shape is not
Only one of cov, tau or chol is required.
def get_dists(cls, mu, *, cov=None, tau=None, chol=None, lower=True, init_dist=None, **kwargs):
if "init" in kwargs:
"init parameter is now called init_dist. Using init will raise an error "
"in a future release.",
init_dist = kwargs.pop("init")
if init_dist is None:
"Initial distribution not specified, defaulting to `MvNormal.dist(0, I*100)`."
"You can specify an init_dist manually to suppress this warning.",
init_dist = MvNormal.dist(pt.zeros_like(mu.shape[-1]), pt.eye(mu.shape[-1]) * 100)
innovation_dist = MvNormal.dist(mu=mu, cov=cov, tau=tau, chol=chol, lower=lower)
return init_dist, innovation_dist, kwargs
class MvStudentTRandomWalk(PredefinedRandomWalk):
r"""Multivariate Random Walk with StudentT innovations
nu : int
degrees of freedom
mu : tensor_like of float
innovation drift
scale : tensor_like of float
pos def matrix, innovation covariance matrix
tau : tensor_like of float
pos def matrix, inverse covariance matrix
chol : tensor_like of float
Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix
lower : bool, default=True
Whether the cholesky fatcor is given as a lower triangular matrix.
init_dist : unnamed_distribution
Unnamed multivariate distribution of the initial value.
.. warning:: init_dist will be cloned, rendering them independent of the ones passed as input.
steps : int, optional
Number of steps in Random Walk (steps > 0). Only needed if shape is not
Only one of cov, tau or chol is required.
def get_dists(
cls, *, nu, mu, scale=None, tau=None, chol=None, lower=True, init_dist=None, **kwargs
if "init" in kwargs:
"init parameter is now called init_dist. Using init will raise an error "
"in a future release.",
init_dist = kwargs.pop("init")
if init_dist is None:
"Initial distribution not specified, defaulting to `MvNormal.dist(0, I*100)`."
"You can specify an init_dist manually to suppress this warning.",
init_dist = MvNormal.dist(pt.zeros_like(mu.shape[-1]), pt.eye(mu.shape[-1]) * 100)
innovation_dist = MvStudentT.dist(
nu=nu, mu=mu, scale=scale, tau=tau, chol=chol, lower=lower, cov=kwargs.pop("cov", None)
return init_dist, innovation_dist, kwargs
class AutoRegressiveRV(SymbolicRandomVariable):
"""A placeholder used to specify a log-likelihood for an AR sub-graph."""
signature = "(o),(),(o),(s),[rng]->[rng],(t)"
ar_order: int
constant_term: bool
_print_name = ("AR", "\\operatorname{AR}")
def __init__(self, *args, ar_order, constant_term, **kwargs):
self.ar_order = ar_order
self.constant_term = constant_term
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def rv_op(cls, rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, ar_order, constant_term, size=None):
# We don't allow passing `rng` because we don't fully control the rng of the components!
noise_rng = pytensor.shared(np.random.default_rng())
size = normalize_size_param(size)
# Init dist should have shape (*size, ar_order)
if rv_size_is_none(size):
# In this case the size of the init_dist depends on the parameters shape
# The last dimension of rho and init_dist does not matter
batch_size = pt.broadcast_shape(
batch_size = size
if init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp == 0:
init_dist_size = (*batch_size, ar_order)
# In this case the support dimension must cover for ar_order
init_dist_size = batch_size
init_dist = change_dist_size(init_dist, init_dist_size)
rhos_bcast_shape = init_dist.shape
if constant_term:
# In this case init shape is one unit smaller than rhos in the last dimension
rhos_bcast_shape = (*rhos_bcast_shape[:-1], rhos_bcast_shape[-1] + 1)
rhos_bcast = pt.broadcast_to(rhos, rhos_bcast_shape)
def step(*args):
*prev_xs, reversed_rhos, sigma, rng = args
if constant_term:
mu = reversed_rhos[-1] + pt.sum(prev_xs * reversed_rhos[:-1], axis=0)
mu = pt.sum(prev_xs * reversed_rhos, axis=0)
next_rng, new_x = Normal.dist(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, rng=rng).owner.outputs
return new_x, {rng: next_rng}
# We transpose inputs as scan iterates over first dimension
innov, innov_updates = pytensor.scan(
outputs_info=[{"initial": init_dist.T, "taps": range(-ar_order, 0)}],
non_sequences=[rhos_bcast.T[::-1], sigma.T, noise_rng],
(noise_next_rng,) = tuple(innov_updates.values())
ar = pt.concatenate([init_dist, innov.T], axis=-1)
return AutoRegressiveRV(
inputs=[rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, noise_rng],
outputs=[noise_next_rng, ar],
)(rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, noise_rng)
def update(self, node: Node):
"""Return the update mapping for the noise RV."""
return {node.inputs[-1]: node.outputs[0]}
class AR(Distribution):
r"""Autoregressive process with p lags.
.. math::
x_t = \rho_0 + \rho_1 x_{t-1} + \ldots + \rho_p x_{t-p} + \epsilon_t,
\epsilon_t \sim N(0,\sigma^2)
The innovation can be parameterized either in terms of precision or standard
deviation. The link between the two parametrizations is given by
.. math::
\tau = \dfrac{1}{\sigma^2}
rho : tensor_like of float
Tensor of autoregressive coefficients. The n-th entry in the last dimension is
the coefficient for the n-th lag.
sigma : tensor_like of float, default 1
Standard deviation of innovation (sigma > 0). Only required if
tau is not specified.
tau : tensor_like of float, optional
Precision of innovation (tau > 0).
constant : bool, default False
Whether the first element of rho should be used as a constant term in the AR
init_dist : unnamed_distribution, optional
Scalar or vector distribution for initial values. Distributions should have shape (*shape[:-1], ar_order).
If not, it will be automatically resized. Defaults to pm.Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=...).
.. warning:: init_dist will be cloned, rendering it independent of the one passed as input.
ar_order : int, optional
Order of the AR process. Inferred from length of the last dimension of rho, if
possible. ar_order = rho.shape[-1] if constant else rho.shape[-1] - 1
steps : int, optional
Number of steps in AR process (steps > 0). Only needed if shape is not provided.
The init distribution will be cloned, rendering it distinct from the one passed as
.. code-block:: python
# Create an AR of order 3, with a constant term
with pm.Model() as AR3:
# The first coefficient will be the constant term
coefs = pm.Normal("coefs", 0, size=4)
# We need one init variable for each lag, hence size=3
init = pm.Normal.dist(5, size=3)
ar3 = pm.AR("ar3", coefs, sigma=1.0, init_dist=init, constant=True, steps=500)
rv_type = AutoRegressiveRV
rv_op = AutoRegressiveRV.rv_op
def __new__(cls, name, rho, *args, steps=None, constant=False, ar_order=None, **kwargs):
rhos = pt.atleast_1d(pt.as_tensor_variable(rho))
ar_order = cls._get_ar_order(rhos=rhos, constant=constant, ar_order=ar_order)
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
shape=None, # Shape will be checked in `cls.dist`
dims=kwargs.get("dims", None),
observed=kwargs.get("observed", None),
return super().__new__(
cls, name, rhos, *args, steps=steps, constant=constant, ar_order=ar_order, **kwargs
def dist(
_, sigma = get_tau_sigma(tau=tau, sigma=sigma)
sigma = pt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
rhos = pt.atleast_1d(pt.as_tensor_variable(rho))
if "init" in kwargs:
"init parameter is now called init_dist. Using init will raise an error in a future release.",
init_dist = kwargs.pop("init")
ar_order = cls._get_ar_order(rhos=rhos, constant=constant, ar_order=ar_order)
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
support_shape=steps, shape=kwargs.get("shape", None), support_shape_offset=ar_order
if steps is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify steps or shape parameter")
steps = pt.as_tensor_variable(intX(steps), ndim=0)
if init_dist is not None:
if not isinstance(init_dist, TensorVariable) or not isinstance(
init_dist.owner.op, RandomVariable | SymbolicRandomVariable
raise ValueError(
f"Init dist must be a distribution created via the `.dist()` API, "
f"got {type(init_dist)}"
if init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Init distribution must have a scalar or vector support dimension, ",
f"got ndim_supp={init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp}.",
"Initial distribution not specified, defaulting to "
"`Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=...)`. You can specify an init_dist "
"manually to suppress this warning.",
init_dist = Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=(*sigma.shape, ar_order))
return super().dist([rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, ar_order, constant], **kwargs)
def _get_ar_order(cls, rhos: TensorVariable, ar_order: int | None, constant: bool) -> int:
"""Compute ar_order given inputs
If ar_order is not specified we do constant folding on the shape of rhos
to retrieve it. For example, this will detect that
Normal(size=(5, 3)).shape[-1] == 3, which is not known by PyTensor before.
If inferred ar_order cannot be inferred from rhos or if it is less than 1
if ar_order is None:
(folded_shape,) = constant_fold((rhos.shape[-1],))
except NotConstantValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Could not infer ar_order from last dimension of rho. Pass it "
"explicitly or make sure rho have a static shape"
ar_order = int(folded_shape) - int(constant)
if ar_order < 1:
raise ValueError(
"Inferred ar_order is smaller than 1. Increase the last dimension "
"of rho or remove constant_term"
return ar_order
def change_ar_size(op, dist, new_size, expand=False):
if expand:
old_size = dist.shape[:-1]
new_size = tuple(new_size) + tuple(old_size)
return AR.rv_op(
def ar_logp(op, values, rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, noise_rng, **kwargs):
(value,) = values
ar_order = op.ar_order
constant_term = op.constant_term
# Convolve rhos with values
if constant_term:
expectation = pt.add(
rhos[..., 0, None],
rhos[..., i + 1, None] * value[..., ar_order - (i + 1) : -(i + 1)]
for i in range(ar_order)
expectation = pt.add(
rhos[..., i, None] * value[..., ar_order - (i + 1) : -(i + 1)]
for i in range(ar_order)
# Compute and collapse logp across time dimension
innov_logp = pt.sum(
logp(Normal.dist(0, sigma[..., None]), value[..., ar_order:] - expectation), axis=-1
init_logp = logp(init_dist, value[..., :ar_order])
if init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp == 0:
init_logp = pt.sum(init_logp, axis=-1)
return init_logp + innov_logp
def ar_support_point(op, rv, rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, noise_rng):
# Use last entry of init_dist support_point as the moment for the whole AR
return pt.full_like(rv, support_point(init_dist)[..., -1, None])
class GARCH11RV(SymbolicRandomVariable):
"""A placeholder used to specify a GARCH11 graph."""
signature = "(),(),(),(),(),(s),[rng]->[rng],(t)"
_print_name = ("GARCH11", "\\operatorname{GARCH11}")
def rv_op(cls, omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps, size=None):
# We don't allow passing `rng` because we don't fully control the rng of the components!
steps = pt.as_tensor(steps, ndim=0)
omega = pt.as_tensor(omega)
alpha_1 = pt.as_tensor(alpha_1)
beta_1 = pt.as_tensor(beta_1)
initial_vol = pt.as_tensor(initial_vol)
noise_rng = pytensor.shared(np.random.default_rng())
size = normalize_size_param(size)
if rv_size_is_none(size):
# In this case the size of the init_dist depends on the parameters shape
batch_size = pt.broadcast_shape(omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol)
batch_size = size
init_dist = change_dist_size(init_dist, batch_size)
# Create OpFromGraph representing random draws from GARCH11 process
def step(prev_y, prev_sigma, omega, alpha_1, beta_1, rng):
new_sigma = pt.sqrt(
omega + alpha_1 * pt.square(prev_y) + beta_1 * pt.square(prev_sigma)
next_rng, new_y = Normal.dist(mu=0, sigma=new_sigma, rng=rng).owner.outputs
return (new_y, new_sigma), {rng: next_rng}
(y_t, _), innov_updates = pytensor.scan(
pt.broadcast_to(initial_vol.astype("floatX"), init_dist.shape),
non_sequences=[omega, alpha_1, beta_1, noise_rng],
(noise_next_rng,) = tuple(innov_updates.values())
garch11 = pt.concatenate([init_dist[None, ...], y_t], axis=0).dimshuffle(
(*range(1, y_t.ndim), 0)
return GARCH11RV(
inputs=[omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps, noise_rng],
outputs=[noise_next_rng, garch11],
)(omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps, noise_rng)
def update(self, node: Node):
"""Return the update mapping for the noise RV."""
return {node.inputs[-1]: node.outputs[0]}
class GARCH11(Distribution):
GARCH(1,1) with Normal innovations. The model is specified by
.. math::
y_t \sim N(0, \sigma_t^2)
.. math::
\sigma_t^2 = \omega + \alpha_1 * y_{t-1}^2 + \beta_1 * \sigma_{t-1}^2
where \sigma_t^2 (the error variance) follows a ARMA(1, 1) model.
omega : tensor_like of float
omega > 0, mean variance
alpha_1 : tensor_like of float
alpha_1 >= 0, autoregressive term coefficient
beta_1 : tensor_like of float
beta_1 >= 0, alpha_1 + beta_1 < 1, moving average term coefficient
initial_vol : tensor_like of float
initial_vol >= 0, initial volatility, sigma_0
rv_type = GARCH11RV
rv_op = GARCH11RV.rv_op
def __new__(cls, *args, steps=None, **kwargs):
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
shape=None, # Shape will be checked in `cls.dist`
dims=kwargs.get("dims", None),
observed=kwargs.get("observed", None),
return super().__new__(cls, *args, steps=steps, **kwargs)
def dist(cls, omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, *, steps=None, **kwargs):
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
support_shape=steps, shape=kwargs.get("shape", None), support_shape_offset=1
if steps is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify steps or shape parameter")
init_dist = Normal.dist(0, initial_vol)
return super().dist([omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps], **kwargs)
def change_garch11_size(op, dist, new_size, expand=False):
if expand:
old_size = dist.shape[:-1]
new_size = tuple(new_size) + tuple(old_size)
return GARCH11.rv_op(
def garch11_logp(
op, values, omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps, noise_rng, **kwargs
(value,) = values
# Move the time axis to the first dimension
value_dimswapped = value.dimshuffle((value.ndim - 1, *range(0, value.ndim - 1)))
initial_vol = initial_vol * pt.ones_like(value_dimswapped[0])
def volatility_update(x, vol, w, a, b):
return pt.sqrt(w + a * pt.square(x) + b * pt.square(vol))
vol, _ = pytensor.scan(
non_sequences=[omega, alpha_1, beta_1],
sigma_t = pt.concatenate([[initial_vol], vol])
# Compute and collapse logp across time dimension
innov_logp = pt.sum(logp(Normal.dist(0, sigma_t), value_dimswapped), axis=0)
return innov_logp
def garch11_support_point(op, rv, omega, alpha_1, beta_1, initial_vol, init_dist, steps, noise_rng):
# GARCH(1,1) mean is zero
return pt.zeros_like(rv)
class EulerMaruyamaRV(SymbolicRandomVariable):
"""A placeholder used to specify a log-likelihood for a EulerMaruyama sub-graph."""
dt: float
sde_fn: Callable
_print_name = ("EulerMaruyama", "\\operatorname{EulerMaruyama}")
def __init__(self, *args, dt: float, sde_fn: Callable, **kwargs):
self.dt = dt
self.sde_fn = sde_fn
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def rv_op(cls, init_dist, steps, sde_pars, dt, sde_fn, size=None):
# We don't allow passing `rng` because we don't fully control the rng of the components!
noise_rng = pytensor.shared(np.random.default_rng())
# Init dist should have shape (*size,)
if size is not None:
batch_size = size
batch_size = pt.broadcast_shape(*sde_pars, init_dist)
init_dist = change_dist_size(init_dist, batch_size)
# Create OpFromGraph representing random draws from SDE process
def step(*prev_args):
prev_y, *prev_sde_pars, rng = prev_args
f, g = sde_fn(prev_y, *prev_sde_pars)
mu = prev_y + dt * f
sigma = pt.sqrt(dt) * g
next_rng, next_y = Normal.dist(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, rng=rng).owner.outputs
return next_y, {rng: next_rng}
y_t, innov_updates = pytensor.scan(
non_sequences=[*sde_pars, noise_rng],
(noise_next_rng,) = tuple(innov_updates.values())
sde_out = pt.concatenate([init_dist[None, ...], y_t], axis=0).dimshuffle(
(*range(1, y_t.ndim), 0)
return EulerMaruyamaRV(
inputs=[init_dist, steps, *sde_pars, noise_rng],
outputs=[noise_next_rng, sde_out],
signature=f"(),(s),{','.join('()' for _ in sde_pars)},[rng]->[rng],(t)",
)(init_dist, steps, *sde_pars, noise_rng)
def update(self, node: Node):
"""Return the update mapping for the noise RV."""
return {node.inputs[-1]: node.outputs[0]}
class EulerMaruyama(Distribution):
Stochastic differential equation discretized with the Euler-Maruyama method.
dt : float
time step of discretization
sde_fn : callable
function returning the drift and diffusion coefficients of SDE
sde_pars : tuple
parameters of the SDE, passed as ``*args`` to ``sde_fn``
init_dist : unnamed_distribution, optional
Scalar distribution for initial values. Distributions should have shape (*shape[:-1]).
If not, it will be automatically resized. Defaults to pm.Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=...).
.. warning:: init_dist will be cloned, rendering it independent of the one passed as input.
rv_type = EulerMaruyamaRV
rv_op = EulerMaruyamaRV.rv_op
def __new__(cls, name, dt, sde_fn, *args, steps=None, **kwargs):
dt = pt.as_tensor_variable(dt)
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
shape=None, # Shape will be checked in `cls.dist`
dims=kwargs.get("dims", None),
observed=kwargs.get("observed", None),
return super().__new__(cls, name, dt, sde_fn, *args, steps=steps, **kwargs)
def dist(cls, dt, sde_fn, sde_pars, *, init_dist=None, steps=None, **kwargs):
steps = get_support_shape_1d(
support_shape=steps, shape=kwargs.get("shape", None), support_shape_offset=1
if steps is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify steps or shape parameter")
steps = pt.as_tensor_variable(intX(steps), ndim=0)
dt = pt.as_tensor_variable(dt)
sde_pars = [pt.as_tensor_variable(x) for x in sde_pars]
if init_dist is not None:
if not isinstance(init_dist, TensorVariable) or not isinstance(
init_dist.owner.op, RandomVariable | SymbolicRandomVariable
raise ValueError(
f"Init dist must be a distribution created via the `.dist()` API, "
f"got {type(init_dist)}"
if init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp > 0:
raise ValueError(
"Init distribution must have a scalar support dimension, ",
f"got ndim_supp={init_dist.owner.op.ndim_supp}.",
"Initial distribution not specified, defaulting to "
"`Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=...)`. You can specify an init_dist "
"manually to suppress this warning.",
init_dist = Normal.dist(0, 100, shape=sde_pars[0].shape)
return super().dist([init_dist, steps, sde_pars, dt, sde_fn], **kwargs)
def change_eulermaruyama_size(op, dist, new_size, expand=False):
if expand:
old_size = dist.shape[:-1]
new_size = tuple(new_size) + tuple(old_size)
init_dist, steps, *sde_pars, _ = dist.owner.inputs
return EulerMaruyama.rv_op(
def eulermaruyama_logp(op, values, init_dist, steps, *sde_pars_noise_arg, **kwargs):
(x,) = values
# noise arg is unused, but is needed to make the logp signature match the rv_op signature
*sde_pars, _ = sde_pars_noise_arg
# sde_fn is user provided and likely not broadcastable to additional time dimension,
# since the input x is now [..., t], we need to broadcast each input to [..., None]
# below as best effort attempt to make it work
sde_pars_broadcast = [x[..., None] for x in sde_pars]
xtm1 = x[..., :-1]
xt = x[..., 1:]
f, g = op.sde_fn(xtm1, *sde_pars_broadcast)
mu = xtm1 + op.dt * f
sigma = pt.sqrt(op.dt) * g
# Compute and collapse logp across time dimension
sde_logp = pt.sum(logp(Normal.dist(mu, sigma), xt), axis=-1)
init_logp = logp(init_dist, x[..., 0])
return init_logp + sde_logp