Source code for pymc.backends.arviz

#   Copyright 2024 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
"""PyMC-ArviZ conversion code."""

import logging
import warnings

from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import xarray

from arviz import InferenceData, concat, rcParams
from import CoordSpec, DimSpec, dict_to_dataset, requires
from pytensor.graph.basic import Constant
from pytensor.tensor.sharedvar import SharedVariable
from rich.progress import Console, Progress
from rich.theme import Theme
from xarray import Dataset

import pymc

from pymc.model import Model, modelcontext
from pymc.pytensorf import PointFunc, extract_obs_data
from pymc.util import default_progress_theme, get_default_varnames

    from pymc.backends.base import MultiTrace

___all__ = [""]

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# random variable object ...
Var = Any

def find_observations(model: "Model") -> dict[str, Var]:
    """If there are observations available, return them as a dictionary."""
    observations = {}
    for obs in model.observed_RVs:
        aux_obs = model.rvs_to_values.get(obs, None)
        if aux_obs is not None:
                obs_data = extract_obs_data(aux_obs)
                observations[] = obs_data
            except TypeError:
                warnings.warn(f"Could not extract data from symbolic observation {obs}")
            warnings.warn(f"No data for observation {obs}")

    return observations

def find_constants(model: "Model") -> dict[str, Var]:
    """If there are constants available, return them as a dictionary."""

    # The constant data vars must be either pm.Data or TensorConstant or SharedVariable
    def is_data(name, var, model) -> bool:
        observations = find_observations(model)
        return (
            var not in model.deterministics
            and var not in model.observed_RVs
            and var not in model.free_RVs
            and var not in model.potentials
            and var not in model.value_vars
            and name not in observations
            and isinstance(var, Constant | SharedVariable)

    # The assumption is that constants (like pm.Data) are named
    # variables that aren't observed or free RVs, nor are they
    # deterministics, and then we eliminate observations.
    constant_data = {}
    for name, var in model.named_vars.items():
        if is_data(name, var, model):
            if hasattr(var, "get_value"):
                var = var.get_value()
            elif hasattr(var, "data"):
                var =
            constant_data[name] = var

    return constant_data

def coords_and_dims_for_inferencedata(model: Model) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]:
    """Parse PyMC model coords and dims format to one accepted by InferenceData."""
    coords = {
        cname: np.array(cvals) if isinstance(cvals, tuple) else cvals
        for cname, cvals in model.coords.items()
        if cvals is not None
    dims = {dname: list(dvals) for dname, dvals in model.named_vars_to_dims.items()}

    return coords, dims

class _DefaultTrace:
    Utility for collecting samples into a dictionary.

    Name comes from its similarity to ``defaultdict``:
    entries are lazily created.

    samples : int
        The number of samples that will be collected, per variable,
        into the trace.

    trace_dict : Dict[str, np.ndarray]
        A dictionary constituting a trace.  Should be extracted
        after a procedure has filled the `_DefaultTrace` using the
        `insert()` method

    def __init__(self, samples: int):
        self._len: int = samples
        self.trace_dict: dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}

    def insert(self, k: str, v, idx: int):
        Insert `v` as the value of the `idx`th sample for the variable `k`.

        k: str
            Name of the variable.
        v: anything that can go into a numpy array (including a numpy array)
            The value of the `idx`th sample from variable `k`
        ids: int
            The index of the sample we are inserting into the trace.
        value_shape = np.shape(v)

        # initialize if necessary
        if k not in self.trace_dict:
            array_shape = (self._len, *value_shape)
            self.trace_dict[k] = np.empty(array_shape, dtype=np.array(v).dtype)

        # do the actual insertion
        if value_shape == ():
            self.trace_dict[k][idx] = v
            self.trace_dict[k][idx, :] = v

class InferenceDataConverter:
    """Encapsulate InferenceData specific logic."""

    model: Model | None = None
    posterior_predictive: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] | None = None
    predictions: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] | None = None
    prior: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] | None = None

    def __init__(
        coords: CoordSpec | None = None,
        dims: DimSpec | None = None,
        sample_dims: list | None = None,
        save_warmup: bool | None = None,
        include_transformed: bool = False,
        self.save_warmup = rcParams["data.save_warmup"] if save_warmup is None else save_warmup
        self.include_transformed = include_transformed
        self.trace = trace

        # this permits us to get the model from command-line argument or from with model:
        self.model = modelcontext(model)

        self.attrs = None
        if trace is not None:
            self.nchains = trace.nchains if hasattr(trace, "nchains") else 1
            if hasattr(, "n_draws") and is not None:
                self.ndraws =
                self.attrs = {
                self.ndraws = len(trace)
                if self.save_warmup:
                        "Warmup samples will be stored in posterior group and will not be"
                        " excluded from stats and diagnostics."
                        " Do not slice the trace manually before conversion",
            self.ntune = len(self.trace) - self.ndraws
            self.posterior_trace, self.warmup_trace = self.split_trace()
            self.nchains = self.ndraws = 0

        self.prior = prior
        self.posterior_predictive = posterior_predictive
        self.log_likelihood = log_likelihood
        self.log_prior = log_prior
        self.predictions = predictions

        if all(elem is None for elem in (trace, predictions, posterior_predictive, prior)):
            raise ValueError(
                "When constructing InferenceData you must pass at least"
                " one of trace, prior, posterior_predictive or predictions."

        user_coords = {} if coords is None else coords
        user_dims = {} if dims is None else dims
        model_coords, model_dims = coords_and_dims_for_inferencedata(self.model)
        self.coords = {**model_coords, **user_coords}
        self.dims = {**model_dims, **user_dims}

        if sample_dims is None:
            sample_dims = ["chain", "draw"]
        self.sample_dims = sample_dims

        self.observations = find_observations(self.model)

    def split_trace(self) -> tuple[Union[None, "MultiTrace"], Union[None, "MultiTrace"]]:
        """Split MultiTrace object into posterior and warmup.

        trace_posterior: MultiTrace or None
            The slice of the trace corresponding to the posterior. If the posterior
            trace is empty, None is returned
        trace_warmup: MultiTrace or None
            The slice of the trace corresponding to the warmup. If the warmup trace is
            empty or ``save_warmup=False``, None is returned
        trace_posterior = None
        trace_warmup = None
        if self.save_warmup and self.ntune > 0:
            trace_warmup = self.trace[: self.ntune]
        if self.ndraws > 0:
            trace_posterior = self.trace[self.ntune :]
        return trace_posterior, trace_warmup

    def posterior_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert the posterior to an xarray dataset."""
        var_names = get_default_varnames(
            self.trace.varnames, include_transformed=self.include_transformed
        data = {}
        data_warmup = {}
        for var_name in var_names:
            if self.warmup_trace:
                data_warmup[var_name] = np.array(
                    self.warmup_trace.get_values(var_name, combine=False, squeeze=False)
            if self.posterior_trace:
                data[var_name] = np.array(
                    self.posterior_trace.get_values(var_name, combine=False, squeeze=False)
        return (

    def sample_stats_to_xarray(self):
        """Extract sample_stats from PyMC trace."""
        data = {}
        rename_key = {
            "model_logp": "lp",
            "mean_tree_accept": "acceptance_rate",
            "depth": "tree_depth",
            "tree_size": "n_steps",
        data = {}
        data_warmup = {}
        for stat in self.trace.stat_names:
            name = rename_key.get(stat, stat)
            if name == "tune":
            if self.warmup_trace:
                data_warmup[name] = np.array(
                    self.warmup_trace.get_sampler_stats(stat, combine=False, squeeze=False)
            if self.posterior_trace:
                data[name] = np.array(
                    self.posterior_trace.get_sampler_stats(stat, combine=False, squeeze=False)

        return (

    def posterior_predictive_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert posterior_predictive samples to xarray."""
        data = self.posterior_predictive
        dims = {var_name: self.sample_dims + self.dims.get(var_name, []) for var_name in data}
        return dict_to_dataset(
            data, library=pymc, coords=self.coords, dims=dims, default_dims=self.sample_dims

    def predictions_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert predictions (out of sample predictions) to xarray."""
        data = self.predictions
        dims = {var_name: self.sample_dims + self.dims.get(var_name, []) for var_name in data}
        return dict_to_dataset(
            data, library=pymc, coords=self.coords, dims=dims, default_dims=self.sample_dims

    def priors_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert prior samples (and if possible prior predictive too) to xarray."""
        if self.prior is None:
            return {"prior": None, "prior_predictive": None}
        if self.observations is not None:
            prior_predictive_vars = list(set(self.observations).intersection(self.prior))
            prior_vars = [key for key in self.prior.keys() if key not in prior_predictive_vars]
            prior_vars = list(self.prior.keys())
            prior_predictive_vars = None

        priors_dict = {}
        for group, var_names in zip(
            ("prior", "prior_predictive"), (prior_vars, prior_predictive_vars)
            priors_dict[group] = (
                if var_names is None
                else dict_to_dataset(
                    {k: np.expand_dims(self.prior[k], 0) for k in var_names},
        return priors_dict

    def observed_data_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert observed data to xarray."""
        if self.predictions:
            return None
        return dict_to_dataset(

    def constant_data_to_xarray(self):
        """Convert constant data to xarray."""
        constant_data = find_constants(self.model)
        if not constant_data:
            return None

        xarray_dataset = dict_to_dataset(

        # provisional handling of scalars in constant
        # data to prevent promotion to rank 1
        # in the future this will be handled by arviz
        scalars = [var_name for var_name, value in constant_data.items() if np.ndim(value) == 0]
        for s in scalars:
            s_dim_0_name = f"{s}_dim_0"
            xarray_dataset = xarray_dataset.squeeze(s_dim_0_name, drop=True)

        return xarray_dataset

    def to_inference_data(self):
        """Convert all available data to an InferenceData object.

        Note that if groups can not be created (e.g., there is no `trace`, so
        the `posterior` and `sample_stats` can not be extracted), then the InferenceData
        will not have those groups.
        id_dict = {
            "posterior": self.posterior_to_xarray(),
            "sample_stats": self.sample_stats_to_xarray(),
            "posterior_predictive": self.posterior_predictive_to_xarray(),
            "predictions": self.predictions_to_xarray(),
            "observed_data": self.observed_data_to_xarray(),
        if self.predictions:
            id_dict["predictions_constant_data"] = self.constant_data_to_xarray()
            id_dict["constant_data"] = self.constant_data_to_xarray()
        idata = InferenceData(save_warmup=self.save_warmup, **id_dict)
        if self.log_likelihood:
            from pymc.stats.log_density import compute_log_likelihood

            idata = compute_log_likelihood(
                var_names=None if self.log_likelihood is True else self.log_likelihood,
        if self.log_prior:
            from pymc.stats.log_density import compute_log_prior

            idata = compute_log_prior(
                var_names=None if self.log_prior is True else self.log_prior,
        return idata

[docs] def to_inference_data( trace: Optional["MultiTrace"] = None, *, prior: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, posterior_predictive: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, log_likelihood: bool | Iterable[str] = False, log_prior: bool | Iterable[str] = False, coords: CoordSpec | None = None, dims: DimSpec | None = None, sample_dims: list | None = None, model: Optional["Model"] = None, save_warmup: bool | None = None, include_transformed: bool = False, ) -> InferenceData: """Convert pymc data into an InferenceData object. All three of them are optional arguments, but at least one of ``trace``, ``prior`` and ``posterior_predictive`` must be present. For a usage example read the :ref:`Creating InferenceData section on from_pymc <creating_InferenceData>` Parameters ---------- trace : MultiTrace, optional Trace generated from MCMC sampling. Output of :func:`~pymc.sampling.sample`. prior : dict, optional Dictionary with the variable names as keys, and values numpy arrays containing prior and prior predictive samples. posterior_predictive : dict, optional Dictionary with the variable names as keys, and values numpy arrays containing posterior predictive samples. log_likelihood : bool or array_like of str, optional List of variables to calculate `log_likelihood`. Defaults to False. If set to True, computes `log_likelihood` for all observed variables. log_prior : bool or array_like of str, optional List of variables to calculate `log_prior`. Defaults to False. If set to True, computes `log_prior` for all unobserved variables. coords : dict of {str: array-like}, optional Map of coordinate names to coordinate values dims : dict of {str: list of str}, optional Map of variable names to the coordinate names to use to index its dimensions. model : Model, optional Model used to generate ``trace``. It is not necessary to pass ``model`` if in ``with`` context. save_warmup : bool, optional Save warmup iterations InferenceData object. If not defined, use default defined by the rcParams. include_transformed : bool, optional Save the transformed parameters in the InferenceData object. By default, these are not saved. Returns ------- arviz.InferenceData """ if isinstance(trace, InferenceData): return trace return InferenceDataConverter( trace=trace, prior=prior, posterior_predictive=posterior_predictive, log_likelihood=log_likelihood, log_prior=log_prior, coords=coords, dims=dims, sample_dims=sample_dims, model=model, save_warmup=save_warmup, include_transformed=include_transformed, ).to_inference_data()
### Later I could have this return ``None`` if the ``idata_orig`` argument is supplied. But ### perhaps we should have an inplace argument?
[docs] def predictions_to_inference_data( predictions, posterior_trace: Optional["MultiTrace"] = None, model: Optional["Model"] = None, coords: CoordSpec | None = None, dims: DimSpec | None = None, sample_dims: list | None = None, idata_orig: InferenceData | None = None, inplace: bool = False, ) -> InferenceData: """Translate out-of-sample predictions into ``InferenceData``. Parameters ---------- predictions: Dict[str, np.ndarray] The predictions are the return value of :func:`~pymc.sample_posterior_predictive`, a dictionary of strings (variable names) to numpy ndarrays (draws). Requires the arrays to follow the convention ``chain, draw, *shape``. posterior_trace: MultiTrace This should be a trace that has been thinned appropriately for ``pymc.sample_posterior_predictive``. Specifically, any variable whose shape is a deterministic function of the shape of any predictor (explanatory, independent, etc.) variables must be *removed* from this trace. model: Model The pymc model. It can be omitted if within a model context. coords: Dict[str, array-like[Any]] Coordinates for the variables. Map from coordinate names to coordinate values. dims: Dict[str, array-like[str]] Map from variable name to ordered set of coordinate names. idata_orig: InferenceData, optional If supplied, then modify this inference data in place, adding ``predictions`` and (if available) ``predictions_constant_data`` groups. If this is not supplied, make a fresh InferenceData inplace: boolean, optional If idata_orig is supplied and inplace is True, merge the predictions into idata_orig, rather than returning a fresh InferenceData object. Returns ------- InferenceData: May be modified ``idata_orig``. """ if inplace and not idata_orig: raise ValueError( "Do not pass True for inplace unless passing an existing InferenceData as idata_orig" ) converter = InferenceDataConverter( trace=posterior_trace, predictions=predictions, model=model, coords=coords, dims=dims, sample_dims=sample_dims, log_likelihood=False, ) if hasattr(idata_orig, "posterior"): assert idata_orig is not None converter.nchains = idata_orig["posterior"].sizes["chain"] converter.ndraws = idata_orig["posterior"].sizes["draw"] else: aelem = next(iter(predictions.values())) converter.nchains, converter.ndraws = aelem.shape[:2] new_idata = converter.to_inference_data() if idata_orig is None: return new_idata elif inplace: concat([idata_orig, new_idata], dim=None, inplace=True) return idata_orig else: # if we are not returning in place, then merge the old groups into the new inference # data and return that. concat([new_idata, idata_orig], dim=None, copy=True, inplace=True) return new_idata
def dataset_to_point_list( ds: xarray.Dataset | dict[str, xarray.DataArray], sample_dims: Sequence[str] ) -> tuple[list[dict[str, np.ndarray]], dict[str, Any]]: # All keys of the dataset must be a str var_names = cast(list[str], list(ds.keys())) for vn in var_names: if not isinstance(vn, str): raise ValueError(f"Variable names must be str, but dataset key {vn} is a {type(vn)}.") num_sample_dims = len(sample_dims) stacked_dims = {dim_name: ds[var_names[0]][dim_name] for dim_name in sample_dims} transposed_dict = {vn: da.transpose(*sample_dims, ...) for vn, da in ds.items()} stacked_dict = { vn: da.values.reshape((-1, *da.shape[num_sample_dims:])) for vn, da in transposed_dict.items() } points = [ {vn: stacked_dict[vn][i, ...] for vn in var_names} for i in range([len(coords) for coords in stacked_dims.values()])) ] # use the list of points return cast(list[dict[str, np.ndarray]], points), stacked_dims def apply_function_over_dataset( fn: PointFunc, dataset: Dataset, *, output_var_names: Sequence[str], coords, dims, sample_dims: Sequence[str] = ("chain", "draw"), progressbar: bool = True, progressbar_theme: Theme | None = default_progress_theme, ) -> Dataset: posterior_pts, stacked_dims = dataset_to_point_list(dataset, sample_dims) n_pts = len(posterior_pts) out_dict = _DefaultTrace(n_pts) indices = range(n_pts) with Progress(console=Console(theme=progressbar_theme), disable=not progressbar) as progress: task = progress.add_task("Computing ...", total=n_pts, visible=progressbar) for idx in indices: out = fn(posterior_pts[idx]) fn.f.trust_input = True # If we arrive here the dtypes are valid for var_name, val in zip(output_var_names, out): out_dict.insert(var_name, val, idx) progress.advance(task) out_trace = out_dict.trace_dict for key, val in out_trace.items(): out_trace[key] = val.reshape( ( *[len(coord) for coord in stacked_dims.values()], *val.shape[1:], ) ) return dict_to_dataset( out_trace, library=pymc, dims=dims, coords=coords, default_dims=list(sample_dims), skip_event_dims=True, )