Source code for pymc.variational.approximations

#   Copyright 2024 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import numpy as np
import pytensor

from arviz import InferenceData
from pytensor import tensor as pt
from pytensor.graph.basic import Variable
from pytensor.graph.replace import graph_replace
from pytensor.tensor.variable import TensorVariable

import pymc as pm

from pymc.blocking import DictToArrayBijection
from pymc.distributions.dist_math import rho2sigma
from pymc.util import makeiter
from pymc.variational import opvi
from pymc.variational.opvi import (

__all__ = ["MeanField", "FullRank", "Empirical", "sample_approx"]

class MeanFieldGroup(Group):
    R"""Mean Field approximation to the posterior where spherical Gaussian family
    is fitted to minimize KL divergence from True posterior. It is assumed
    that latent space variables are uncorrelated that is the main drawback
    of the method

    __param_spec__ = dict(mu=("d",), rho=("d",))
    short_name = "mean_field"
    alias_names = frozenset(["mf"])

    def mean(self):
        return self.params_dict["mu"]

    def rho(self):
        return self.params_dict["rho"]

    def cov(self):
        var = rho2sigma(self.rho) ** 2
        return pt.diag(var)

    def std(self):
        return rho2sigma(self.rho)

    def __init_group__(self, group):
        if not self._check_user_params():
            self.shared_params = self.create_shared_params(
                self._kwargs.get("start", None), self._kwargs.get("start_sigma", None)

    def create_shared_params(self, start=None, start_sigma=None):
        # NOTE: `Group._prepare_start` uses `self.model.free_RVs` to identify free variables and
        # `DictToArrayBijection` to turn them into a flat array, while `Approximation.rslice` assumes that the free
        # variables are given by `` and that the mapping between original variables and flat array is given
        # by `self.ordering`. In the cases I looked into these turn out to be the same, but there may be edge cases or
        # future code changes that break this assumption.
        start = self._prepare_start(start)
        rho1 = np.zeros((self.ddim,))

        if start_sigma is not None:
            for name, slice_, *_ in self.ordering.values():
                sigma = start_sigma.get(name)
                if sigma is not None:
                    rho1[slice_] = np.log(np.expm1(np.abs(sigma)))
        rho = rho1

        return {
            "mu": pytensor.shared(pm.floatX(start), "mu"),
            "rho": pytensor.shared(pm.floatX(rho), "rho"),

    def symbolic_random(self):
        initial = self.symbolic_initial
        sigma = self.std
        mu = self.mean
        return sigma * initial + mu

    def symbolic_logq_not_scaled(self):
        z0 = self.symbolic_initial
        std = rho2sigma(self.rho)
        logdet = pt.log(std)
        quaddist = -0.5 * z0**2 - pt.log((2 * np.pi) ** 0.5)
        logq = quaddist - logdet
        return logq.sum(range(1, logq.ndim))

class FullRankGroup(Group):
    """Full Rank approximation to the posterior where Multivariate Gaussian family
    is fitted to minimize KL divergence from True posterior. In contrast to
    MeanField approach correlations between variables are taken in account. The
    main drawback of the method is computational cost.

    __param_spec__ = dict(mu=("d",), L_tril=("int(d * (d + 1) / 2)",))
    short_name = "full_rank"
    alias_names = frozenset(["fr"])

    def __init_group__(self, group):
        if not self._check_user_params():
            self.shared_params = self.create_shared_params(self._kwargs.get("start", None))

    def create_shared_params(self, start=None):
        start = self._prepare_start(start)
        n = self.ddim
        L_tril = np.eye(n)[np.tril_indices(n)].astype(pytensor.config.floatX)
        return {"mu": pytensor.shared(start, "mu"), "L_tril": pytensor.shared(L_tril, "L_tril")}

    def L(self):
        L = pt.zeros((self.ddim, self.ddim))
        L = pt.set_subtensor(L[self.tril_indices], self.params_dict["L_tril"])
        Ld = L[..., np.arange(self.ddim), np.arange(self.ddim)]
        L = pt.set_subtensor(Ld, rho2sigma(Ld))
        return L

    def mean(self):
        return self.params_dict["mu"]

    def cov(self):
        L = self.L

    def std(self):
        return pt.sqrt(pt.diag(self.cov))

    def num_tril_entries(self):
        n = self.ddim
        return int(n * (n + 1) / 2)

    def tril_indices(self):
        return np.tril_indices(self.ddim)

    def symbolic_logq_not_scaled(self):
        z0 = self.symbolic_initial
        diag = pt.diagonal(self.L, 0, self.L.ndim - 2, self.L.ndim - 1)
        logdet = pt.log(diag)
        quaddist = -0.5 * z0**2 - pt.log((2 * np.pi) ** 0.5)
        logq = quaddist - logdet
        return logq.sum(range(1, logq.ndim))

    def symbolic_random(self):
        initial = self.symbolic_initial
        L = self.L
        mu = self.mean
        return + mu

class EmpiricalGroup(Group):
    """Builds Approximation instance from a given trace,
    it has the same interface as variational approximation

    has_logq = False
    __param_spec__ = dict(histogram=("s", "d"))
    short_name = "empirical"

    def __init_group__(self, group):
        if not self._check_user_params(spec_kw=dict(s=-1)):
            self.shared_params = self.create_shared_params(
                trace=self._kwargs.get("trace", None),
                size=self._kwargs.get("size", None),
                jitter=self._kwargs.get("jitter", 1),
                start=self._kwargs.get("start", None),

    def create_shared_params(self, trace=None, size=None, jitter=1, start=None):
        if trace is None:
            if size is None:
                raise opvi.ParametrizationError("Need `trace` or `size` to initialize")
                start = self._prepare_start(start)
                # Initialize particles
                histogram = np.tile(start, (size, 1))
                histogram += pm.floatX(np.random.normal(0, jitter, histogram.shape))
            histogram = np.empty((len(trace) * len(trace.chains), self.ddim))
            i = 0
            for t in trace.chains:
                for j in range(len(trace)):
                    histogram[i] =, t)).data
                    i += 1
        return dict(histogram=pytensor.shared(pm.floatX(histogram), "histogram"))

    def _check_trace(self):
        trace = self._kwargs.get("trace", None)
        if isinstance(trace, InferenceData):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The `Empirical` approximation does not yet support `InferenceData` inputs."
                " Pass `pm.sample(return_inferencedata=False)` to get a `MultiTrace` to use with `Empirical`."
                " Please help us to refactor:"
        elif trace is not None and not all(
            [self.model.rvs_to_values[var].name in trace.varnames for var in]
            raise ValueError("trace has not all free RVs in the group")

    def randidx(self, size=None):
        if size is None:
            size = (1,)
        elif isinstance(size, TensorVariable):
            if size.ndim < 1:
                size = size[None]
            elif size.ndim > 1:
                raise ValueError("size ndim should be no more than 1d")
            size = tuple(np.atleast_1d(size))
        return pt.random.integers(

    def _new_initial(self, size, deterministic, more_replacements=None):
        pytensor_condition_is_here = isinstance(deterministic, Variable)
        if size is None:
            size = 1
        size = pt.as_tensor(size)
        if pytensor_condition_is_here:
            return pt.switch(
                pt.repeat(self.mean.reshape((1, -1)), size, -1),
            if deterministic:
                raise NotImplementedInference(
                    "Deterministic sampling from a Histogram is broken in v4"
                return pt.repeat(self.mean.reshape((1, -1)), size, -1)
                return self.histogram[self.randidx(size)]

    def symbolic_random(self):
        return self.symbolic_initial

    def histogram(self):
        return self.params_dict["histogram"]

    def mean(self):
        return self.histogram.mean(0)

    def cov(self):
        x = self.histogram - self.mean
        return / pm.floatX(self.histogram.shape[0])

    def std(self):
        return pt.sqrt(pt.diag(self.cov))

    def __str__(self):
        if isinstance(self.histogram, pytensor.compile.SharedVariable):
            shp = ", ".join(map(str, self.histogram.shape.eval()))
            shp = "None, " + str(self.ddim)
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{shp}]"

[docs] def sample_approx(approx, draws=100, include_transformed=True): """Draw samples from variational posterior. Parameters ---------- approx: :class:`Approximation` Approximation to sample from draws: `int` Number of random samples. include_transformed: `bool` If True, transformed variables are also sampled. Default is True. Returns ------- trace: class:`pymc.backends.base.MultiTrace` Samples drawn from variational posterior. """ return approx.sample(draws=draws, include_transformed=include_transformed)
# single group shortcuts exported to user class SingleGroupApproximation(Approximation): """Base class for Single Group Approximation""" _group_class: type | None = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): groups = [self._group_class(None, *args, **kwargs)] super().__init__(groups, model=kwargs.get("model")) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.groups[0], item) def __dir__(self): d = set(super().__dir__()) d.update(self.groups[0].__dir__()) return list(sorted(d))
[docs] class MeanField(SingleGroupApproximation): __doc__ = """**Single Group Mean Field Approximation** """ + str(MeanFieldGroup.__doc__) _group_class = MeanFieldGroup
[docs] class FullRank(SingleGroupApproximation): __doc__ = """**Single Group Full Rank Approximation** """ + str(FullRankGroup.__doc__) _group_class = FullRankGroup
[docs] class Empirical(SingleGroupApproximation): __doc__ = """**Single Group Full Rank Approximation** """ + str(EmpiricalGroup.__doc__) _group_class = EmpiricalGroup
[docs] def __init__(self, trace=None, size=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(trace=trace, size=size, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate_over_trace(self, node): R""" Allows to statically evaluate any symbolic expression over the trace. Parameters ---------- node: PyTensor Variables (or PyTensor expressions) Returns ------- evaluated node(s) over the posterior trace contained in the empirical approximation """ node = self.to_flat_input(node) def sample(post, *_): return graph_replace(node, {self.input: post}, strict=False) nodes, _ = pytensor.scan( sample, self.histogram, non_sequences=_known_scan_ignored_inputs(makeiter(node)) ) return nodes