Source code for pymc.func_utils

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from import Callable

import numpy as np
import pytensor.tensor as pt

from pytensor.gradient import NullTypeGradError
from scipy import optimize

import pymc as pm

__all__ = ["find_constrained_prior"]

[docs] def find_constrained_prior( distribution: pm.Distribution, lower: float, upper: float, init_guess: dict[str, float], mass: float = 0.95, fixed_params: dict[str, float] | None = None, mass_below_lower: float | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict[str, float]: """ Find optimal parameters to get `mass` % of probability of a :ref:`distribution <api_distributions>` between `lower` and `upper`. Note: only works for one- and two-parameter distributions, as there are exactly two constraints. Fix some combination of parameters if you want to use it on >=3-parameter distributions. Parameters ---------- distribution : Distribution PyMC distribution you want to set a prior on. Needs to have a ``logcdf`` method implemented in PyMC. lower : float Lower bound to get `mass` % of probability of `pm_dist`. upper : float Upper bound to get `mass` % of probability of `pm_dist`. init_guess : dict of {str : float} Initial guess for ``scipy.optimize.least_squares`` to find the optimal parameters of `pm_dist` fitting the interval constraint. Must be a dictionary with the name of the PyMC distribution's parameter as keys and the initial guess as values. mass : float, default 0.95 Share of the probability mass we want between ``lower`` and ``upper``. Defaults to 95%. fixed_params : str or float, optional, default None Only used when `pm_dist` has at least three parameters. Dictionary of fixed parameters, so that there are only 2 to optimize. For instance, for a StudentT, you fix nu to a constant and get the optimized mu and sigma. mass_below_lower : float, optional, default None The probability mass below the ``lower`` bound. If ``None``, defaults to ``(1 - mass) / 2``, which implies that the probability mass below the ``lower`` value will be equal to the probability mass above the ``upper`` value. Returns ------- opt_params : dict The optimized distribution parameters as a dictionary. Dictionary keys are the parameter names and dictionary values are the optimized parameter values. Notes ----- Optional keyword arguments can be passed to ``find_constrained_prior``. These will be delivered to the underlying call to :external:py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # get parameters obeying constraints opt_params = pm.find_constrained_prior( pm.Gamma, lower=0.1, upper=0.4, mass=0.75, init_guess={"alpha": 1, "beta": 10} ) # use these parameters to draw random samples samples = pm.Gamma.dist(**opt_params, size=100).eval() # use these parameters in a model with pm.Model(): x = pm.Gamma('x', **opt_params) # specify fixed values before optimization opt_params = pm.find_constrained_prior( pm.StudentT, lower=0, upper=1, init_guess={"mu": 5, "sigma": 2}, fixed_params={"nu": 7}, ) Under some circumstances, you might not want to have the same cumulative probability below the ``lower`` threshold and above the ``upper`` threshold. For example, you might want to constrain an Exponential distribution to find the parameter that yields 90% of the mass below the ``upper`` bound, and have zero mass below ``lower``. You can do that with the following call to ``find_constrained_prior`` .. code-block:: python opt_params = pm.find_constrained_prior( pm.Exponential, lower=0, upper=3., mass=0.9, init_guess={"lam": 1}, mass_below_lower=0, ) """ assert 0.01 <= mass <= 0.99, ( "This function optimizes the mass of the given distribution +/- " f"1%, so `mass` has to be between 0.01 and 0.99. You provided {mass}." ) if mass_below_lower is None: mass_below_lower = (1 - mass) / 2 # exit when any parameter is not scalar: if np.any(np.asarray(distribution.rv_op.ndims_params) != 0): raise NotImplementedError( "`pm.find_constrained_prior` does not work with non-scalar parameters yet.\n" "Feel free to open a pull request on PyMC repo if you really need this feature." ) dist_params = pt.vector("dist_params") params_to_optim = { arg_name: dist_params[i] for arg_name, i in zip(init_guess.keys(), range(len(init_guess))) } if fixed_params is not None: params_to_optim.update(fixed_params) dist = distribution.dist(**params_to_optim) try: logcdf_lower = pm.logcdf(dist, pm.floatX(lower)) logcdf_upper = pm.logcdf(dist, pm.floatX(upper)) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"You cannot use `find_constrained_prior` with {distribution} -- it doesn't have a logcdf " "method yet.\nOpen an issue or, even better, a pull request on PyMC repo if you really " "need it." ) target = (pt.exp(logcdf_lower) - mass_below_lower) ** 2 target_fn = pm.pytensorf.compile_pymc([dist_params], target, allow_input_downcast=True) constraint = pt.exp(logcdf_upper) - pt.exp(logcdf_lower) constraint_fn = pm.pytensorf.compile_pymc([dist_params], constraint, allow_input_downcast=True) jac: str | Callable constraint_jac: str | Callable try: pytensor_jac = pm.gradient(target, [dist_params]) jac = pm.pytensorf.compile_pymc([dist_params], pytensor_jac, allow_input_downcast=True) pytensor_constraint_jac = pm.gradient(constraint, [dist_params]) constraint_jac = pm.pytensorf.compile_pymc( [dist_params], pytensor_constraint_jac, allow_input_downcast=True ) # when PyMC cannot compute the gradient except (NotImplementedError, NullTypeGradError): jac = "2-point" constraint_jac = "2-point" cons = optimize.NonlinearConstraint(constraint_fn, lb=mass, ub=mass, jac=constraint_jac) opt = optimize.minimize( target_fn, x0=list(init_guess.values()), jac=jac, constraints=cons, **kwargs ) if not opt.success: raise ValueError( f"Optimization of parameters failed.\nOptimization termination details:\n{opt}" ) # save optimal parameters opt_params = { param_name: param_value for param_name, param_value in zip(init_guess.keys(), opt.x) } if fixed_params is not None: opt_params.update(fixed_params) return opt_params