Source code for pymc.distributions.simulator

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#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import logging

import numpy as np
import pytensor
import pytensor.tensor as pt

from pytensor.graph.op import Apply, Op
from pytensor.tensor.random.op import RandomVariable
from pytensor.tensor.utils import safe_signature
from pytensor.tensor.variable import TensorVariable
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from pymc.distributions.distribution import Distribution, _support_point
from pymc.logprob.abstract import _logprob

__all__ = ["Simulator"]

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SimulatorRV(RandomVariable):
    Base class for SimulatorRVs.

    This should be subclassed when defining custom Simulator objects.

    name = "SimulatorRV"
    dtype = "floatX"
    _print_name = ("Simulator", "\\operatorname{Simulator}")

    fn = None
    _distance = None
    _sum_stat = None
    epsilon = None

    def rng_fn(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return cls.fn(*args, **kwargs)

    def distance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return cls._distance(*args, **kwargs)

    def sum_stat(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return cls._sum_stat(*args, **kwargs)

[docs] class Simulator(Distribution): r""" Used for Approximate Bayesian Inference with SMC sampling via :func:`~pymc.sample_smc`. Simulator distributions have a stochastic pseudo-loglikelihood defined by a distance metric between the observed and simulated data, and tweaked by a hyper-parameter ``epsilon``. Parameters ---------- fn : callable Python random simulator function. Should expect the following signature ``(rng, arg1, arg2, ... argn, size)``, where rng is a ``numpy.random.Generator`` and ``size`` defines the size of the desired sample. *unnamed_params : list of TensorVariable Parameters used by the Simulator random function. Each parameter can be passed by order after fn, for example ``param1, param2, ..., paramN``. params can also be passed with keyword argument "params". params : list of TensorVariable Keyword form of ''unnamed_params''. One of unnamed_params or params must be provided. If passed both unnamed_params and params, an error is raised. distance : PyTensor_Op, callable or str, default "gaussian" Distance function. Available options are ``"gaussian"``, ``"laplace"``, ``"kullback_leibler"`` or a user defined function (or PyTensor_Op) that takes ``epsilon``, the summary statistics of observed_data and the summary statistics of simulated_data as input. ``gaussian``: :math:`-0.5 \left(\left(\frac{xo - xs}{\epsilon}\right)^2\right)` ``laplace``: :math:`-{\left(\frac{|xo - xs|}{\epsilon}\right)}` ``kullback_leibler``: :math:`\frac{d}{n} \frac{1}{\epsilon} \sum_i^n -\log \left( \frac{{\nu_d}_i}{{\rho_d}_i} \right) + \log_r` [1]_ ``distance="gaussian"`` + ``sum_stat="sort"`` is equivalent to the 1D 2-wasserstein distance ``distance="laplace"`` + ``sum_stat="sort"`` is equivalent to the the 1D 1-wasserstein distance sum_stat : PyTensor_Op, callable or str, default "identity" Summary statistic function. Available options are ``"identity"``, ``"sort"``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``. If a callable (or PyTensor_Op) is defined, it should return a 1d numpy array (or PyTensor vector). epsilon : tensor_like of float, default 1.0 Scaling parameter for the distance functions. It should be a float or an array of the same size of the output of ``sum_stat``. ndim_supp : int, default 0 Number of dimensions of the SimulatorRV (0 for scalar, 1 for vector, etc.) ndims_params : list of int, optional Number of minimum dimensions of each parameter of the RV. For example, if the Simulator accepts two scalar inputs, it should be ``[0, 0]``. Default to list of 0 with length equal to the number of parameters. class_name : str, optional Suffix name for the RandomVariable class which will wrap the Simulator methods. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python def simulator_fn(rng, loc, scale, size): return rng.normal(loc, scale, size=size) with pm.Model() as m: loc = pm.Normal("loc", 0, 1) scale = pm.HalfNormal("scale", 1) simulator = pm.Simulator("simulator", simulator_fn, loc, scale, observed=data) idata = pm.sample_smc() References ---------- .. [1] Pérez-Cruz, F. (2008, July). Kullback-Leibler divergence estimation of continuous distributions. In 2008 IEEE international symposium on information theory (pp. 1666-1670). IEEE. `link <>`__ """ rv_type = SimulatorRV def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("class_name", f"Simulator_{name}") return super().__new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def dist( # type: ignore[override] cls, fn, *unnamed_params, params=None, distance="gaussian", sum_stat="identity", epsilon=1, signature=None, ndim_supp=None, ndims_params=None, dtype="floatX", class_name: str = "Simulator", **kwargs, ): if not isinstance(distance, Op): if distance == "gaussian": distance = gaussian elif distance == "laplace": distance = laplace elif distance == "kullback_leibler": raise NotImplementedError("KL not refactored yet") # TODO: Wrap KL in pytensor OP # distance = KullbackLeibler(observed) # if sum_stat != "identity": #"Automatically setting sum_stat to identity as expected by {distance}") # sum_stat = "identity" elif callable(distance): distance = create_distance_op_from_fn(distance) else: raise ValueError(f"The distance metric {distance} is not implemented") if not isinstance(sum_stat, Op): if sum_stat == "identity": sum_stat = identity elif sum_stat == "sort": sum_stat = pt.sort elif sum_stat == "mean": sum_stat = pt.mean elif sum_stat == "median": # Missing in PyTensor, see pytensor/issues/525 sum_stat = create_sum_stat_op_from_fn(np.median) elif callable(sum_stat): sum_stat = create_sum_stat_op_from_fn(sum_stat) else: raise ValueError(f"The summary statistic {sum_stat} is not implemented") epsilon = pt.as_tensor_variable(epsilon) if params is None: params = unnamed_params else: if unnamed_params: raise ValueError("Cannot pass both unnamed parameters and `params`") if signature is None: # Assume scalar ndims_params temp_ndims_params = ndims_params if ndims_params is not None else [0] * len(params) # Assume scalar ndim_supp temp_ndim_supp = ndim_supp if ndim_supp is not None else 0 signature = safe_signature( core_inputs_ndim=temp_ndims_params, core_outputs_ndim=[temp_ndim_supp] ) return super().dist( params, fn=fn, signature=signature, ndim_supp=ndim_supp, ndims_params=ndims_params, dtype=dtype, distance=distance, sum_stat=sum_stat, epsilon=epsilon, class_name=class_name, **kwargs, )
@classmethod def rv_op( cls, *params, fn, ndim_supp, ndims_params, dtype, distance, sum_stat, epsilon, class_name, signature, **kwargs, ): sim_op = type( class_name, (SimulatorRV,), { "name": class_name, "ndim_supp": ndim_supp, "ndims_params": ndims_params, "signature": signature, "dtype": dtype, "inplace": False, "fn": fn, "_distance": distance, "_sum_stat": sum_stat, "epsilon": epsilon, }, )() return sim_op(*params, **kwargs)
@_support_point.register(SimulatorRV) def simulator_support_point(op, rv, *inputs): sim_inputs = op.dist_params(rv.owner) # Take the mean of 10 draws multiple_sim = rv.owner.op(*sim_inputs, size=pt.concatenate([[10], rv.shape])) return pt.mean(multiple_sim, axis=0) @_logprob.register(SimulatorRV) def simulator_logp(op, values, *inputs, **kwargs): (value,) = values # Use a new rng to avoid non-randomness in parallel sampling # TODO: Model rngs should be updated prior to multiprocessing split, # in which case this would not be needed. However, that would have to be # done for every sampler that may accommodate Simulators rng = pytensor.shared(np.random.default_rng(), name="simulator_rng") # Create a new simulatorRV with identical inputs as the original one sim_value = op.make_node(rng, *inputs[1:]).default_output() = "simulator_value" return op.distance( op.epsilon, op.sum_stat(value), op.sum_stat(sim_value), ) def identity(x): """Identity function, used as a summary statistics.""" return x def gaussian(epsilon, obs_data, sim_data): """Gaussian kernel.""" return -0.5 * ((obs_data - sim_data) / epsilon) ** 2 def laplace(epsilon, obs_data, sim_data): """Laplace kernel.""" return -pt.abs((obs_data - sim_data) / epsilon) class KullbackLeibler: """Approximate Kullback-Leibler.""" def __init__(self, obs_data): if obs_data.ndim == 1: obs_data = obs_data[:, None] n, d = obs_data.shape rho_d, _ = cKDTree(obs_data).query(obs_data, 2) self.rho_d = rho_d[:, 1] self.d_n = d / n self.log_r = np.log(n / (n - 1)) self.obs_data = obs_data def __call__(self, epsilon, obs_data, sim_data): if sim_data.ndim == 1: sim_data = sim_data[:, None] nu_d, _ = cKDTree(sim_data).query(self.obs_data, 1) return self.d_n * np.sum(-np.log(nu_d / self.rho_d) / epsilon) + self.log_r def create_sum_stat_op_from_fn(fn): vectorX = pt.dvector if pytensor.config.floatX == "float64" else pt.fvector # Check if callable returns TensorVariable with dummy inputs try: res = fn(vectorX()) if isinstance(res, TensorVariable): return fn except Exception: pass # Otherwise, automatically wrap in PyTensor Op class SumStat(Op): def make_node(self, x): x = pt.as_tensor_variable(x) return Apply(self, [x], [vectorX()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (x,) = inputs outputs[0][0] = np.atleast_1d(fn(x)).astype(pytensor.config.floatX) return SumStat() def create_distance_op_from_fn(fn): scalarX = pt.dscalar if pytensor.config.floatX == "float64" else pt.fscalar vectorX = pt.dvector if pytensor.config.floatX == "float64" else pt.fvector # Check if callable returns TensorVariable with dummy inputs try: res = fn(scalarX(), vectorX(), vectorX()) if isinstance(res, TensorVariable): return fn except Exception: pass # Otherwise, automatically wrap in PyTensor Op class Distance(Op): def make_node(self, epsilon, obs_data, sim_data): epsilon = pt.as_tensor_variable(epsilon) obs_data = pt.as_tensor_variable(obs_data) sim_data = pt.as_tensor_variable(sim_data) return Apply(self, [epsilon, obs_data, sim_data], [vectorX()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): eps, obs_data, sim_data = inputs outputs[0][0] = np.atleast_1d(fn(eps, obs_data, sim_data)).astype( pytensor.config.floatX ) return Distance()