Source code for pymc.backends.base

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"""Base backend for traces.

See the docstring for pymc.backends for more information

import itertools as itl
import logging
import warnings

from abc import ABC
from import Mapping, Sequence, Sized
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import pytensor

from import SamplerReport
from pymc.model import modelcontext
from pymc.pytensorf import compile
from pymc.util import get_var_name

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BackendError(Exception):

class IBaseTrace(ABC, Sized):
    """Minimal interface needed to record and access draws and stats for one MCMC chain."""

    chain: int
    """Chain number."""

    varnames: list[str]
    """Names of tracked variables."""

    sampler_vars: list[dict[str, type | np.dtype]]
    """Sampler stats for each sampler."""

    def __len__(self):
        """Length of the chain."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_values(self, varname: str, burn=0, thin=1) -> np.ndarray:
        """Get values from trace.

        varname: str
        burn: int
        thin: int

        A NumPy array
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_sampler_stats(
        self, stat_name: str, sampler_idx: int | None = None, burn=0, thin=1
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Get sampler statistics from the trace.

        stat_name : str
            Name of the stat to fetch.
        sampler_idx : int or None
            Index of the sampler to get the stat from.
        burn : int
            Draws to skip from the start.
        thin : int
            Stepsize for the slice.

        stats : np.ndarray
            If `sampler_idx` was specified, the shape should be `(draws,)`.
            Otherwise, the shape should be `(draws, samplers)`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _slice(self, idx: slice) -> "IBaseTrace":
        """Slice trace object."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def point(self, idx: int) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
        """Return point values at `idx` for current chain.

        values : dict[str, np.ndarray]
            Dictionary of values with variable names as keys.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def record(self, draw: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], stats: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]):
        """Record results of a sampling iteration.

        draw: dict
            Values mapped to variable names
        stats: list of dicts
            The diagnostic values for each sampler
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def close(self):
        """Close the backend.

        This is called after sampling has finished.

[docs] class BaseTrace(IBaseTrace): """Base trace object. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of backend model: Model If None, the model is taken from the `with` context. vars: list of variables Sampling values will be stored for these variables. If None, `model.unobserved_RVs` is used. test_point: dict use different test point that might be with changed variables shapes """
[docs] def __init__( self, name=None, model=None, vars=None, test_point=None, *, fn=None, var_shapes=None, var_dtypes=None, ): model = modelcontext(model) if vars is None: vars = model.unobserved_value_vars unnamed_vars = {var for var in vars if is None} if unnamed_vars: raise Exception(f"Can't trace unnamed variables: {unnamed_vars}") if fn is None: # borrow=True avoids deepcopy when inputs=output which is the case for untransformed value variables fn = compile( inputs=[pytensor.In(v, borrow=True) for v in model.value_vars], outputs=[pytensor.Out(v, borrow=True) for v in vars], on_unused_input="ignore", ) fn.trust_input = True # Get variable shapes. Most backends will need this # information. if var_shapes is None or var_dtypes is None: if test_point is None: test_point = model.initial_point() var_values = tuple(zip(vars, fn(**test_point))) var_shapes = { value.shape for var, value in var_values} var_dtypes = { value.dtype for var, value in var_values} = name self.model = model self.fn = fn self.vars = vars self.varnames = [ for var in vars] self.var_shapes = var_shapes self.var_dtypes = var_dtypes self.chain = None self._is_base_setup = False self.sampler_vars = None
# Sampling methods def _set_sampler_vars(self, sampler_vars): if self._is_base_setup and self.sampler_vars != sampler_vars: raise ValueError("Can't change sampler_vars") if sampler_vars is None: self.sampler_vars = None return dtypes = {} for stats in sampler_vars: for key, dtype in stats.items(): if dtypes.setdefault(key, dtype) != dtype: raise ValueError(f"Sampler statistic {key} appears with different types.") self.sampler_vars = sampler_vars
[docs] def setup(self, draws, chain, sampler_vars=None) -> None: """Perform chain-specific setup. Parameters ---------- draws: int Expected number of draws chain: int Chain number sampler_vars: list of dictionaries (name -> dtype), optional Diagnostics / statistics for each sampler """ self._set_sampler_vars(sampler_vars) self._is_base_setup = True
# Selection methods def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get the sample at index `idx`.""" if isinstance(idx, slice): return self._slice(idx) try: return self.point(int(idx)) except (ValueError, TypeError): # Passed variable or variable name. raise ValueError("Can only index with slice or integer")
[docs] def get_sampler_stats( self, stat_name: str, sampler_idx: int | None = None, burn=0, thin=1 ) -> np.ndarray: """Get sampler statistics from the trace. Note: This implementation attempts to squeeze object arrays into a consistent dtype, # which can change their shape in hard-to-predict ways. # See Parameters ---------- stat_name : str Name of the stat to fetch. sampler_idx : int or None Index of the sampler to get the stat from. burn : int Draws to skip from the start. thin : int Stepsize for the slice. Returns ------- stats : np.ndarray If `sampler_idx` was specified, the shape should be `(draws,)`. Otherwise, the shape should be `(draws, samplers)`. """ if sampler_idx is not None: return self._get_sampler_stats(stat_name, sampler_idx, burn, thin) sampler_idxs = [i for i, s in enumerate(self.sampler_vars) if stat_name in s] if not sampler_idxs: raise KeyError(f"Unknown sampler stat {stat_name}") vals = np.stack( [self._get_sampler_stats(stat_name, i, burn, thin) for i in sampler_idxs], axis=-1 ) if vals.shape[-1] == 1: vals = vals[..., 0] if vals.dtype == np.dtype(object): try: vals = np.vstack(list(vals)) except ValueError: # Most likely due to non-identical shapes. Just stick with the object-array. pass return vals
def _get_sampler_stats( self, stat_name: str, sampler_idx: int, burn: int, thin: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Get sampler statistics.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def stat_names(self) -> set[str]: names: set[str] = set() for vars in self.sampler_vars or []: names.update(vars.keys()) return names
[docs] class MultiTrace: """Main interface for accessing values from MCMC results. The core method to select values is `get_values`. The method to select sampler statistics is `get_sampler_stats`. Both kinds of values can also be accessed by indexing the MultiTrace object. Indexing can behave in four ways: 1. Indexing with a variable or variable name (str) returns all values for that variable, combining values for all chains. >>> trace[varname] Slicing after the variable name can be used to burn and thin the samples. >>> trace[varname, 1000:] For convenience during interactive use, values can also be accessed using the variable as an attribute. >>> trace.varname 2. Indexing with an integer returns a dictionary with values for each variable at the given index (corresponding to a single sampling iteration). 3. Slicing with a range returns a new trace with the number of draws corresponding to the range. 4. Indexing with the name of a sampler statistic that is not also the name of a variable returns those values from all chains. If there is more than one sampler that provides that statistic, the values are concatenated along a new axis. For any methods that require a single trace (e.g., taking the length of the MultiTrace instance, which returns the number of draws), the trace with the highest chain number is always used. Attributes ---------- nchains: int Number of chains in the `MultiTrace`. chains: `List[int]` List of chain indices report: str Report on the sampling process. varnames: `List[str]` List of variable names in the trace(s) """
[docs] def __init__(self, straces: Sequence[IBaseTrace]): if len({t.chain for t in straces}) != len(straces): raise ValueError("Chains are not unique.") self._straces = {t.chain: t for t in straces} self._report = SamplerReport()
def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of MultiTrace.""" template = "<{}: {} chains, {} iterations, {} variables>" return template.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.nchains, len(self), len(self.varnames)) @property def nchains(self) -> int: return len(self._straces) @property def chains(self) -> list[int]: return sorted(self._straces.keys()) @property def report(self) -> SamplerReport: return self._report def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator of the MultiTrace.""" raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get the sample at index `idx`.""" if isinstance(idx, slice): return self._slice(idx) try: return self.point(int(idx)) except (ValueError, TypeError): # Passed variable or variable name. pass if isinstance(idx, tuple): var, vslice = idx burn, thin = vslice.start, vslice.step if burn is None: burn = 0 if thin is None: thin = 1 else: var = idx burn, thin = 0, 1 var = get_var_name(var) if var in self.varnames: if var in self.stat_names: warnings.warn( "Attribute access on a trace object is ambiguous. " "Sampler statistic and model variable share a name. Use " "trace.get_values or trace.get_sampler_stats." ) return self.get_values(var, burn=burn, thin=thin) if var in self.stat_names: return self.get_sampler_stats(var, burn=burn, thin=thin) raise KeyError(f"Unknown variable {var}") _attrs = {"_straces", "varnames", "chains", "stat_names", "_report"} def __getattr__(self, name): """Get the value of the attribute of name `name`.""" # Avoid infinite recursion when called before __init__ # variables are set up (e.g., when pickling). if name in self._attrs: raise AttributeError name = get_var_name(name) if name in self.varnames: if name in self.stat_names: warnings.warn( "Attribute access on a trace object is ambiguous. " "Sampler statistic and model variable share a name. Use " "trace.get_values or trace.get_sampler_stats." ) return self.get_values(name) if name in self.stat_names: return self.get_sampler_stats(name) raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'") def __len__(self): """Length of the chains.""" chain = self.chains[-1] return len(self._straces[chain]) @property def varnames(self) -> list[str]: chain = self.chains[-1] return self._straces[chain].varnames @property def stat_names(self) -> set[str]: if not self._straces: return set() sampler_vars = [s.sampler_vars for s in self._straces.values()] if not all(svars == sampler_vars[0] for svars in sampler_vars): raise ValueError("Inividual chains contain different sampler stats") names: set[str] = set() for trace in self._straces.values(): if trace.sampler_vars is None: continue for vars in trace.sampler_vars: names.update(vars.keys()) return names
[docs] def get_values( self, varname: str, burn: int = 0, thin: int = 1, combine: bool = True, chains: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, squeeze: bool = True, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Get values from traces. Parameters ---------- varname: str burn: int thin: int combine: bool If True, results from `chains` will be concatenated. chains: int or list of ints Chains to retrieve. If None, all chains are used. A single chain value can also be given. squeeze: bool Return a single array element if the resulting list of values only has one element. If False, the result will always be a list of arrays, even if `combine` is True. Returns ------- A list of NumPy arrays or a single NumPy array (depending on `squeeze`). """ if chains is None: chains = self.chains varname = get_var_name(varname) if isinstance(chains, int): chains = [chains] results = [self._straces[chain].get_values(varname, burn, thin) for chain in chains] return _squeeze_cat(results, combine, squeeze)
[docs] def get_sampler_stats( self, stat_name: str, burn: int = 0, thin: int = 1, combine: bool = True, chains: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, squeeze: bool = True, ) -> list[np.ndarray] | np.ndarray: """Get sampler statistics from the trace. Note: This implementation attempts to squeeze object arrays into a consistent dtype, # which can change their shape in hard-to-predict ways. # See Parameters ---------- stat_name : str Name of the stat to fetch. sampler_idx : int or None Index of the sampler to get the stat from. burn : int Draws to skip from the start. thin : int Stepsize for the slice. combine : bool If True, results from `chains` will be concatenated. squeeze : bool Return a single array element if the resulting list of values only has one element. If False, the result will always be a list of arrays, even if `combine` is True. Returns ------- stats : np.ndarray List or ndarray depending on parameters. """ if stat_name not in self.stat_names: raise KeyError(f"Unknown sampler statistic {stat_name}") if chains is None: chains = self.chains if isinstance(chains, int): chains = [chains] results = [ self._straces[chain].get_sampler_stats(stat_name, None, burn, thin) for chain in chains ] return _squeeze_cat(results, combine, squeeze)
def _slice(self, slice: slice): """Return a new MultiTrace object sliced according to `slice`.""" new_traces = [trace._slice(slice) for trace in self._straces.values()] trace = MultiTrace(new_traces) idxs = slice.indices(len(self)) trace._report = self._report._slice(*idxs) return trace
[docs] def point(self, idx: int, chain: int | None = None) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Return a dictionary of point values at `idx`. Parameters ---------- idx: int chain: int If a chain is not given, the highest chain number is used. """ if chain is None: chain = self.chains[-1] return self._straces[chain].point(idx)
[docs] def points(self, chains=None): """Return an iterator over all or some of the sample points. Parameters ---------- chains: list of int or N The chains whose points should be included in the iterator. If chains is not given, include points from all chains. """ if chains is None: chains = self.chains return itl.chain.from_iterable(self._straces[chain] for chain in chains)
def _squeeze_cat(results, combine: bool, squeeze: bool): """Squeeze and/or concatenate the results.""" if combine: results = np.concatenate(results) if not squeeze: results = [results] else: if squeeze and len(results) == 1: results = results[0] return results S = TypeVar("S", bound=Sized) def _choose_chains(traces: Sequence[S], tune: int) -> tuple[list[S], int]: """ Filter and slice traces such that (n_traces * len(shortest_trace)) is maximized. We get here after a ``KeyboardInterrupt``, and so the different traces have different lengths. We therefore pick the number of traces such that (number of traces) * (length of shortest trace) is maximised. """ if not traces: raise ValueError("No traces to slice.") lengths = [max(0, len(trace) - tune) for trace in traces] if not sum(lengths): raise ValueError("Not enough samples to build a trace.") idxs = np.argsort(lengths) l_sort = np.array(lengths)[idxs] use_until = cast(int, np.argmax(l_sort * np.arange(1, l_sort.shape[0] + 1)[::-1])) final_length = l_sort[use_until] take_idx = cast(Sequence[int], idxs[use_until:]) sliced_traces = [traces[idx] for idx in take_idx] return sliced_traces, final_length + tune