Source code for pytensor.tensor.basic

r"""`Op` classes for working with ``numpy.ndarrays`` symbolically.

This module primarily defines `Op`\s for the creation, conversion, and
manipulation of tensors.


import builtins
import warnings
from import Sequence
from functools import partial
from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import cast as type_cast

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index
from numpy.core.numeric import normalize_axis_tuple

import pytensor
import pytensor.scalar.sharedvar
from pytensor import config, printing
from pytensor import scalar as ps
from import OpFromGraph
from pytensor.gradient import DisconnectedType, grad_undefined
from pytensor.graph import RewriteDatabaseQuery
from pytensor.graph.basic import Apply, Constant, Variable, equal_computations
from pytensor.graph.fg import FunctionGraph, Output
from pytensor.graph.op import Op
from pytensor.graph.replace import _vectorize_node
from pytensor.graph.rewriting.db import EquilibriumDB
from pytensor.graph.type import HasShape, Type
from import COp
from import ParamsType
from pytensor.printing import Printer, min_informative_str, pprint, set_precedence
from pytensor.raise_op import CheckAndRaise, assert_op
from pytensor.scalar import int32
from pytensor.scalar.basic import ScalarConstant, ScalarType, ScalarVariable
from pytensor.tensor import (
from pytensor.tensor.blockwise import Blockwise, vectorize_node_fallback
from pytensor.tensor.elemwise import (
from pytensor.tensor.exceptions import NotScalarConstantError
from pytensor.tensor.shape import (
from pytensor.tensor.type import (
from pytensor.tensor.type_other import NoneTypeT
from pytensor.tensor.variable import (

    from pytensor.tensor import TensorLike

def __oplist_tag(thing, tag):
    tags = getattr(thing, "__oplist_tags", [])
    thing.__oplist_tags = tags

def _as_tensor_Apply(x, name, ndim, **kwargs):
    # use Apply's default output mechanism
    if (x.op.default_output is None) and (len(x.outputs) != 1):
        raise TypeError(
            "Multi-output Op without default_output encountered. "
            "Retry using only one of the outputs directly."

    x = x.default_output()

    return as_tensor_variable(x, name=name, ndim=ndim, **kwargs)

def _as_tensor_Scalar(x, name, ndim, **kwargs):
    return as_tensor_variable(tensor_from_scalar(x), name=name, ndim=ndim, **kwargs)

def _as_tensor_Variable(x, name, ndim, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(x.type, TensorType):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Tensor type field must be a TensorType; found {type(x.type)}."

    if ndim is None:
        return x

    if x.type.ndim > ndim:
        # Strip off leading broadcastable dimensions
        non_broadcastables = tuple(
            idx for idx in range(x.type.ndim) if x.type.shape[idx] != 1

        if non_broadcastables:
            x = x.dimshuffle(list(range(x.type.ndim))[non_broadcastables[0] :])
            x = x.dimshuffle()

        if x.ndim > ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Tensor of type {x.type} could not be cast to have {ndim} dimensions"
        return x
    elif x.type.ndim < ndim:
        return shape_padleft(x, n_ones=(ndim - x.type.ndim))
        return x

def _as_tensor_Sequence(x, name, ndim, dtype=None, **kwargs):
    if len(x) == 0:
        return constant(x, name=name, ndim=ndim, dtype=dtype)

    # If a sequence has `Variable`s in it, then we want
    # to customize the conversion to a tensor type.
    def extract_constants(i):
        if isinstance(i, Variable):
            if isinstance(i, Constant):
                raise TypeError
            return i

        x = type(x)(extract_constants(i) for i in x)
    except TypeError:
        if builtins.all(getattr(i, "ndim", None) == 0 for i in x) and (
            ndim is None or ndim == 1
            # In this instance, we have a sequence of constants with which we
            # want to construct a vector, so we can use `MakeVector` directly.
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = ps.upcast(*[i.dtype for i in x if hasattr(i, "dtype")])
            return MakeVector(dtype)(*x)

        # In this case, we have at least one non-`Constant` term, so we
        # couldn't get an underlying non-symbolic sequence of objects and we to
        # symbolically join terms.
        return stack(x)

    return constant(x, name=name, ndim=ndim, dtype=dtype)

def _as_tensor_numbers(x, name, ndim, dtype=None, **kwargs):
    return constant(x, name=name, ndim=ndim, dtype=dtype)

def _as_tensor_bool(x, name, ndim, **kwargs):
    raise TypeError(
        "Cannot cast True or False as a tensor variable. Please use "
        "np.array(True) or np.array(False) if you need these constants. "
        "This error might be caused by using the == operator on "
        "Variables. v == w does not do what you think it does, "
        "use pytensor.tensor.eq(v, w) instead."

as_tensor = as_tensor_variable

[docs] def constant(x, name=None, ndim=None, dtype=None) -> TensorConstant: """Return a `TensorConstant` with value `x`. Raises ------ TypeError `x` could not be converted to a numpy.ndarray. ValueError `x` could not be expanded to have ndim dimensions. """ if isinstance(x, TensorConstant): if ( (name is None or == name) and (ndim is None or x.ndim == ndim) and (dtype is None or x.dtype == dtype) ): return x else: x = x_ = ps.convert(x, dtype=dtype) if ndim is not None: if x_.ndim < ndim: x_ = np.expand_dims(x_, axis=tuple(range(ndim - x_.ndim))) elif x_.ndim > ndim: try: x_ = np.squeeze(x_, axis=tuple(range(x_.ndim - ndim))) except np.AxisError: raise ValueError( f"ndarray could not be cast to constant with {int(ndim)} dimensions" ) assert x_.ndim == ndim ttype = TensorType(dtype=x_.dtype, shape=x_.shape) return TensorConstant(ttype, x_, name=name)
def _obj_is_wrappable_as_tensor(x): try: constant(x) return True except TypeError: return False _scalar_constant_value_elemwise_ops = ( ps.Cast, ps.Switch, ps.NEQ, ps.EQ, ps.LT, ps.GT, ps.LE, ps.GE, ps.Sub, ps.Add, ps.Mod, ps.Mul, ps.IntDiv, ps.TrueDiv, ps.ScalarMinimum, ps.ScalarMaximum, ) def _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( orig_v, elemwise=True, only_process_constants=False, max_recur=10 ): """Return the constant scalar(0-D) value underlying variable `v`. If `v` is the output of dimshuffles, fills, allocs, etc, cast, OutputGuard, DeepCopyOp, ScalarFromTensor, ScalarOp, Elemwise and some pattern with Subtensor, this function digs through them. If `v` is not some view of constant scalar data, then raise a NotScalarConstantError. Parameters ---------- elemwise : bool If False, we won't try to go into elemwise. So this call is faster. But we still investigate in Second Elemwise (as this is a substitute for Alloc) only_process_constants : bool If True, we only attempt to obtain the value of `orig_v` if it's directly constant and don't try to dig through dimshuffles, fills, allocs, and other to figure out its value. max_recur : int The maximum number of recursion. Notes ----- There may be another function similar to this one in the code, but I'm not sure where it is. """ from pytensor.compile.ops import DeepCopyOp, OutputGuard from pytensor.sparse import CSM from pytensor.tensor.subtensor import Subtensor v = orig_v while True: if v is None: # None is not a scalar (and many uses of this function seem # to depend on passing it None) raise NotScalarConstantError() if isinstance(v, np.integer | int | float): return np.asarray(v) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): try: return np.array(v.item(), dtype=v.dtype) except ValueError: raise NotScalarConstantError() if isinstance(v, Constant): if isinstance(v.type, TensorType) and v.unique_value is not None: return v.unique_value elif isinstance(v.type, ScalarType): return elif isinstance(v.type, NoneTypeT): return None raise NotScalarConstantError() if not only_process_constants and getattr(v, "owner", None) and max_recur > 0: op = v.owner.op max_recur -= 1 if isinstance( op, Alloc | DimShuffle | Unbroadcast | OutputGuard | DeepCopyOp ): # OutputGuard is only used in debugmode but we # keep it here to avoid problems with old pickles v = v.owner.inputs[0] continue elif isinstance(op, Shape_i): i = v.owner.op.i inp = v.owner.inputs[0] if isinstance(inp, Constant): return np.asarray(np.shape([i]) # The shape of a broadcastable dimension is 1 if isinstance(inp.type, HasShape) and inp.type.shape[i] is not None: return np.asarray(inp.type.shape[i]) # Don't act as the constant_folding optimization here as this # fct is used too early in the optimization phase. This would # mess with the stabilization optimization and be too slow. # We put all the scalar Ops used by get_canonical_form_slice() # to allow it to determine the broadcast pattern correctly. elif isinstance(op, ScalarFromTensor | TensorFromScalar): v = v.owner.inputs[0] continue elif isinstance(op, CheckAndRaise): # check if all conditions are constant and true conds = [ _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(c, max_recur=max_recur) for c in v.owner.inputs[1:] ] if builtins.all(0 == c.ndim and c != 0 for c in conds): v = v.owner.inputs[0] continue elif isinstance(op, ps.ScalarOp): if isinstance(v.owner.op, ps.Second): # We don't need both input to be constant for second shp, val = v.owner.inputs v = val continue if isinstance(v.owner.op, _scalar_constant_value_elemwise_ops): const = [ _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(i, max_recur=max_recur) for i in v.owner.inputs ] ret = [[None]] v.owner.op.perform(v.owner, const, ret) return np.asarray(ret[0][0].copy()) # In fast_compile, we don't enable local_fill_to_alloc, so # we need to investigate Second as Alloc. So elemwise # don't disable the check for Second. elif isinstance(op, Elemwise): if isinstance(v.owner.op.scalar_op, ps.Second): # We don't need both input to be constant for second shp, val = v.owner.inputs v = val continue elif elemwise and isinstance( v.owner.op.scalar_op, _scalar_constant_value_elemwise_ops ): const = [ _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(i, max_recur=max_recur) for i in v.owner.inputs ] ret = [[None]] v.owner.op.perform(v.owner, const, ret) return np.asarray(ret[0][0].copy()) elif isinstance(op, Subtensor) and v.ndim == 0: if isinstance(v.owner.inputs[0], TensorConstant): from pytensor.tensor.subtensor import get_constant_idx cdata = tuple(get_constant_idx(v.owner.op.idx_list, v.owner.inputs)) try: return np.asarray( v.owner.inputs[0].data.__getitem__(cdata).copy() ) except IndexError: raise IndexError( str(tuple(v.owner.op.idx_list)) + " is not a valid index into " + str(v.owner.inputs[0].data) ) # The index list 'idx_list' should have length the same # shape as the input. # TODO: implement the case where we take a scalar in a matrix assert len(v.owner.op.idx_list) == v.owner.inputs[0].ndim # Needed to make better graph in this test in # pytensor/tensor/tests/ # test_shared_options.test_specify_shape_partial if ( v.owner.inputs[0].owner and isinstance(v.owner.inputs[0].owner.op, Join) and len(v.owner.op.idx_list) == 1 ): # Ensure the Join is joining only (effectively) scalar # variables (so that the constant value can be found at the # same index as the one used in the sub-tensor). if builtins.all( var.ndim == 1 for var in v.owner.inputs[0].owner.inputs[1:] ): idx = v.owner.op.idx_list[0] if isinstance(idx, Type): idx = _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v.owner.inputs[1], max_recur=max_recur ) try: # TODO: assert joined axis is 0. length = 0 loop = False for joined in v.owner.inputs[0].owner.inputs[1:]: ll = get_vector_length(joined) if idx < length + ll: v = joined[idx - length] loop = True break length += ll if loop: continue except TypeError: pass except ValueError: pass elif ( v.owner.inputs[0].owner and isinstance(v.owner.inputs[0].owner.op, MakeVector) and # MakeVector normally accept only scalar as input. # We put this check in case there is change in the future builtins.all( var.ndim == 0 for var in v.owner.inputs[0].owner.inputs ) and len(v.owner.op.idx_list) == 1 ): idx = v.owner.op.idx_list[0] if isinstance(idx, Type): idx = _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v.owner.inputs[1], max_recur=max_recur ) ret = v.owner.inputs[0].owner.inputs[idx] ret = _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( ret, max_recur=max_recur ) # MakeVector can cast implicitly its input in some case. return np.asarray(ret, dtype=v.type.dtype) # This is needed when we take the grad as the Shape op # are not already changed into MakeVector owner = v.owner leftmost_parent = owner.inputs[0] if leftmost_parent.owner and isinstance( leftmost_parent.owner.op, Shape ): op = owner.op idx_list = op.idx_list idx = idx_list[0] if isinstance(idx, Type): idx = _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( owner.inputs[1], max_recur=max_recur ) grandparent = leftmost_parent.owner.inputs[0] gp_shape = grandparent.type.shape ndim = grandparent.type.ndim if grandparent.owner and isinstance( grandparent.owner.op, Unbroadcast ): ggp_shape = grandparent.owner.inputs[0].type.shape l = [ _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(s) for s in ggp_shape ] gp_shape = tuple(l) if not (idx < ndim): msg = ( "get_underlying_scalar_constant_value detected " f"deterministic IndexError: x.shape[{int(idx)}] " f"when x.ndim={int(ndim)}." ) if config.exception_verbosity == "high": msg += f" x={min_informative_str(v)}" else: msg += f" x={v}" raise ValueError(msg) gp_shape_val = gp_shape[idx] if gp_shape_val is not None and gp_shape_val > -1: return np.asarray(gp_shape_val) if isinstance(grandparent, Constant): return np.asarray(np.shape([idx]) elif isinstance(op, CSM): data = _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v.owner.inputs, elemwise=elemwise, max_recur=max_recur ) # Sparse variable can only be constant if zero (or I guess if homogeneously dense) if data == 0: return data break raise NotScalarConstantError() def get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v, *, elemwise=True, only_process_constants=False, max_recur=10, raise_not_constant=True, ): """Return the unique constant scalar(0-D) value underlying variable `v`. If `v` is the output of dimshuffles, fills, allocs, etc, cast, OutputGuard, DeepCopyOp, ScalarFromTensor, ScalarOp, Elemwise and some pattern with Subtensor, this function digs through them. If `v` is not some view of constant scalar data, then raise a NotScalarConstantError. This function performs symbolic reasoning about the value of `v`, as opposed to numerical reasoning by constant folding the inputs of `v`. Parameters ---------- v: Variable elemwise : bool If False, we won't try to go into elemwise. So this call is faster. But we still investigate in Second Elemwise (as this is a substitute for Alloc) only_process_constants : bool If True, we only attempt to obtain the value of `orig_v` if it's directly constant and don't try to dig through dimshuffles, fills, allocs, and other to figure out its value. max_recur : int The maximum number of recursion. raise_not_constant: bool, default True If True, raise a NotScalarConstantError if `v` does not have an underlying constant scalar value. If False, return `v` as is. Raises ------ NotScalarConstantError `v` does not have an underlying constant scalar value. Only rasise if raise_not_constant is True. """ try: return _get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v, elemwise=elemwise, only_process_constants=only_process_constants, max_recur=max_recur, ) except NotScalarConstantError: if raise_not_constant: raise return v def get_scalar_constant_value( v, elemwise=True, only_process_constants=False, max_recur=10, raise_not_constant: bool = True, ): """ Checks whether 'v' is a scalar (ndim = 0). If 'v' is a scalar then this function fetches the underlying constant by calling 'get_underlying_scalar_constant_value()'. If 'v' is not a scalar, it raises a NotScalarConstantError. """ if isinstance(v, TensorVariable | np.ndarray): if v.ndim != 0: print(v, v.ndim) raise NotScalarConstantError("Input ndim != 0") return get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( v, elemwise=elemwise, only_process_constants=only_process_constants, max_recur=max_recur, raise_not_constant=raise_not_constant, ) class TensorFromScalar(COp): __props__ = () def make_node(self, s): if not isinstance(s.type, ps.ScalarType): raise TypeError("Input must be a `ScalarType` `Type`") return Apply(self, [s], [tensor(dtype=s.type.dtype, shape=())]) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): (s,) = inp (out,) = out_ out[0] = np.asarray(s) def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): return [()] def grad(self, inp, grads): (s,) = inp (dt,) = grads if s.type.dtype in float_dtypes: assert dt.type.dtype in float_dtypes return [scalar_from_tensor(dt)] # If the input dtype is an integer, then so is the output dtype, # and the "zero" gradient can be represented in that int dtype. # Currently, pytensor.grad insists that the dtype of the returned # gradient has a float dtype, so we use floatX. if s.type.dtype in discrete_dtypes: return [s.zeros_like(dtype=config.floatX)] raise NotImplementedError("grad not implemented for complex dtypes") def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): (x,) = inputs (z,) = outputs fail = sub["fail"] return f""" {z} = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_FromScalar(py_{x}, NULL); if({z} == NULL){{ {fail}; }} """ def c_code_cache_version(self): return (2,) tensor_from_scalar = TensorFromScalar() class ScalarFromTensor(COp): __props__ = () def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ScalarVariable: return type_cast(ScalarVariable, super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)) def make_node(self, t): if not isinstance(t.type, TensorType) or t.type.ndim > 0: raise TypeError("Input must be a scalar `TensorType`") return Apply( self, [t], [ps.get_scalar_type(dtype=t.type.dtype).make_variable()] ) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): (s,) = inp (out,) = out_ out[0] = s.flatten()[0] def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): return [()] def grad(self, inp, grads): (s,) = inp (dt,) = grads return [tensor_from_scalar(dt)] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if None in eval_points: return [None] return self.make_node(*eval_points).outputs def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): (x,) = inputs (z,) = outputs return f""" {z} = ((dtype_{x}*)(PyArray_DATA({x})))[0]; """ def c_code_cache_version(self): return (1,) scalar_from_tensor = ScalarFromTensor() # to be removed as we get the epydoc routine-documenting thing going # -JB 20080924 def _conversion(real_value: Op, name: str) -> Op: __oplist_tag(real_value, "casting") real_value.__module__ = "tensor.basic" pprint.assign(real_value, printing.FunctionPrinter([name])) return real_value # These _convert_to_<type> functions have leading underscores to indicate that # they should not be called directly. They do not perform sanity checks about # what types you are casting to what. That logic is implemented by the # `cast()` function below. _convert_to_bool: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_bool), "bool") """Cast to boolean""" _convert_to_int8: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_int8), "int8") """Cast to 8-bit integer""" _convert_to_int16: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_int16), "int16") """Cast to 16-bit integer""" _convert_to_int32: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_int32), "int32") """Cast to 32-bit integer""" _convert_to_int64: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_int64), "int64") """Cast to 64-bit integer""" _convert_to_uint8: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_uint8), "uint8") """Cast to unsigned 8-bit integer""" _convert_to_uint16: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_uint16), "uint16") """Cast to unsigned 16-bit integer""" _convert_to_uint32: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_uint32), "uint32") """Cast to unsigned 32-bit integer""" _convert_to_uint64: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_uint64), "uint64") """Cast to unsigned 64-bit integer""" _convert_to_float16: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_float16), "float16") """Cast to half-precision floating point""" _convert_to_float32: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_float32), "float32") """Cast to single-precision floating point""" _convert_to_float64: Elemwise = _conversion(Elemwise(ps.convert_to_float64), "float64") """Cast to double-precision floating point""" _convert_to_complex64: Elemwise = _conversion( Elemwise(ps.convert_to_complex64), "complex64" ) """Cast to single-precision complex""" _convert_to_complex128: Elemwise = _conversion( Elemwise(ps.convert_to_complex128), "complex128" ) """Cast to double-precision complex""" _cast_mapping = { "bool": _convert_to_bool, "int8": _convert_to_int8, "int16": _convert_to_int16, "int32": _convert_to_int32, "int64": _convert_to_int64, "uint8": _convert_to_uint8, "uint16": _convert_to_uint16, "uint32": _convert_to_uint32, "uint64": _convert_to_uint64, "float16": _convert_to_float16, "float32": _convert_to_float32, "float64": _convert_to_float64, "complex64": _convert_to_complex64, "complex128": _convert_to_complex128, } def cast(x, dtype: str | np.dtype) -> TensorVariable: """Symbolically cast `x` to a Tensor of type `dtype`.""" if isinstance(dtype, str) and dtype == "floatX": dtype = config.floatX dtype_name = np.dtype(dtype).name _x = as_tensor_variable(x) if _x.type.dtype == dtype_name: return _x if _x.type.dtype.startswith("complex") and not dtype_name.startswith("complex"): raise TypeError( "Casting from complex to real is ambiguous: consider real(), " "imag(), angle() or abs()" ) return _cast_mapping[dtype_name](x)
[docs] @scalar_elemwise def switch(cond, ift, iff): """if cond then ift else iff"""
[docs] def where(cond, ift=None, iff=None, **kwargs): """ where(condition, [ift, iff]) Return elements chosen from `ift` or `iff` depending on `condition`. Note: When only condition is provided, this function is a shorthand for `as_tensor(condition).nonzero()`. Parameters ---------- condition : tensor_like, bool Where True, yield `ift`, otherwise yield `iff`. x, y : tensor_like Values from which to choose. Returns ------- out : TensorVariable A tensor with elements from `ift` where `condition` is True, and elements from `iff` elsewhere. """ if ift is not None and iff is not None: return switch(cond, ift, iff, **kwargs) elif ift is None and iff is None: return as_tensor(cond).nonzero(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("either both or neither of ift and iff should be given")
@scalar_elemwise def second(a, b): """Create a matrix by filling the broadcasted shapes of a and b with the values of b Equivalent to `np.broadcast_arrays(a, b)[1]` Equivalent to `np.array(a).fill(b)` when b is a scalar value. """ fill = second pprint.assign(fill, printing.FunctionPrinter(["fill"]))
[docs] def ones_like(model, dtype=None, opt=False): """equivalent of numpy.ones_like Parameters ---------- model : tensor dtype : data-type, optional opt : If True, we will return a constant instead of a graph when possible. Useful for PyTensor optimization, not for user building a graph as this have the consequence that model isn't always in the graph. Returns ------- tensor tensor the shape of model containing ones of the type of dtype. """ _model = as_tensor_variable(model) if dtype is None: dtype = _model.type.dtype ret = constant(1.0, dtype=dtype) # TODO: Remove this weird option if opt and ret.type == _model.type: return ret return fill(_model, ret)
[docs] def zeros_like(model, dtype=None, opt=False): """equivalent of numpy.zeros_like Parameters ---------- model : tensor dtype : data-type, optional opt : If True, we will return a constant instead of a graph when possible. Useful for PyTensor optimization, not for user building a graph as this have the consequence that model isn't always in the graph. Returns ------- tensor tensor the shape of model containing zeros of the type of dtype. """ _model = as_tensor_variable(model) if dtype is None: dtype = _model.type.dtype ret = constant(0.0, dtype=dtype) # TODO: Remove this weird option if opt and ret.type == _model.type: return ret return fill(_model, ret)
[docs] def zeros(shape, dtype=None): """Create a `TensorVariable` filled with zeros, closer to NumPy's syntax than ``alloc``.""" if not ( isinstance(shape, np.ndarray | Sequence) or (isinstance(shape, TensorVariable) and shape.ndim > 0) ): shape = [shape] if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX return alloc(np.array(0, dtype=dtype), *shape)
[docs] def ones(shape, dtype=None): """Create a `TensorVariable` filled with ones, closer to NumPy's syntax than ``alloc``.""" if not ( isinstance(shape, np.ndarray | Sequence) or (isinstance(shape, TensorVariable) and shape.ndim > 0) ): shape = [shape] if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX return alloc(np.array(1, dtype=dtype), *shape)
class Nonzero(Op): """ Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero. Parameters ---------- a: array_like Input array. Returns ------- indices: list A list containing the indices of the non-zero elements of `a`. See Also -------- nonzero_values : Return the non-zero elements of the input array flatnonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the flattened input array. """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, a): a = as_tensor_variable(a) if a.ndim == 0: raise ValueError("Nonzero only supports non-scalar arrays.") output = [TensorType(dtype="int64", shape=(None,))() for i in range(a.ndim)] return Apply(self, [a], output) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): a = inp[0] result_tuple = np.nonzero(a) for i, res in enumerate(result_tuple): out_[i][0] = res.astype("int64") def grad(self, inp, grads): return [grad_undefined(self, 0, inp[0])] _nonzero = Nonzero() def nonzero(a, return_matrix=False): """ Returns one of the following: If return_matrix is False (default, same as NumPy): A tuple of vector arrays such that the ith element of the jth array is the index of the ith non-zero element of the input array in the jth dimension. If return_matrix is True (same as PyTensor Op): Returns a matrix of shape (ndim, number of nonzero elements) such that element (i,j) is the index in the ith dimension of the jth non-zero element. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. return_matrix : bool If True, returns a symbolic matrix. If False, returns a tuple of arrays. Defaults to False. Returns ------- tuple of vectors or matrix See Also -------- nonzero_values : Return the non-zero elements of the input array flatnonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the flattened input array. """ res = _nonzero(a) if isinstance(res, list): res = tuple(res) else: res = (res,) if return_matrix: if len(res) > 1: return stack(res, 0) elif len(res) == 1: return shape_padleft(res[0]) else: return res def flatnonzero(a): """Return a vector of indices that are non-zero in the flattened version of `a`. Parameters ---------- a : tensor Input tensor Returns ------- vector Output vector, containing the indices of the elements of `a.flatten()` that are non-zero. See Also -------- nonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the input array. nonzero_values : Return the non-zero elements of the input array """ _a = as_tensor_variable(a) if _a.ndim == 0: raise ValueError("Nonzero only supports non-scalar arrays.") return nonzero(_a.flatten(), return_matrix=False)[0] def nonzero_values(a): """Return a vector of non-zero elements contained in the input array. Parameters ---------- a : tensor Input tensor Returns ------- vector Output vector, containing the non-zero elements of a. See Also -------- nonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the input array. flatnonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the flattened input array. """ _a = as_tensor_variable(a) return _a.flatten()[flatnonzero(_a)] class Tri(Op): __props__ = ("dtype",) def __init__(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX self.dtype = dtype def make_node(self, N, M, k): N = as_tensor_variable(N) M = as_tensor_variable(M) k = as_tensor_variable(k) return Apply( self, [N, M, k], [TensorType(dtype=self.dtype, shape=(None, None))()], ) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): N, M, k = inp (out,) = out_ out[0] = np.tri(N, M, k, dtype=self.dtype) def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): out_shape = [node.inputs[0], node.inputs[1]] return [out_shape] def grad(self, inp, grads): return [grad_undefined(self, i, inp[i]) for i in range(3)] def tri(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=None): """ An array with ones at and below the given diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of rows in the array. M : int, optional Number of columns in the array. By default, `M` is taken equal to `N`. k : int, optional The sub-diagonal at and below which the array is filled. `k` = 0 is the main diagonal, while `k` < 0 is below it, and `k` > 0 is above. The default is 0. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of the returned array. The default is float. Returns ------- Array of shape (N, M) Array with its lower triangle filled with ones and zero elsewhere; in other words ``T[i,j] == 1`` for ``i <= j + k``, 0 otherwise. """ if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX if M is None: M = N op = Tri(dtype) return op(N, M, k) def tril(m, k=0): """ Lower triangle of an array. Return a copy of an array with elements above the `k`-th diagonal zeroed. For arrays with ``ndim`` exceeding 2, `tril` will apply to the final two axes. Parameters ---------- m : array_like, shape (..., M, N) Input array. k : int, optional Diagonal above which to zero elements. `k = 0` (the default) is the main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above. Returns ------- tril : ndarray, shape (..., M, N) Lower triangle of `m`, of same shape and data-type as `m`. See Also -------- triu : Same thing, only for the upper triangle. Examples -------- >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> pt.tril(pt.arange(1, 13).reshape((4, 3)), -1).eval() array([[ 0, 0, 0], [ 4, 0, 0], [ 7, 8, 0], [10, 11, 12]]) >>> pt.tril(pt.arange(3 * 4 * 5).reshape((3, 4, 5))).eval() array([[[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 5, 6, 0, 0, 0], [10, 11, 12, 0, 0], [15, 16, 17, 18, 0]], <BLANKLINE> [[20, 0, 0, 0, 0], [25, 26, 0, 0, 0], [30, 31, 32, 0, 0], [35, 36, 37, 38, 0]], <BLANKLINE> [[40, 0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 46, 0, 0, 0], [50, 51, 52, 0, 0], [55, 56, 57, 58, 0]]]) """ return m * tri(*m.shape[-2:], k=k, dtype=m.dtype) def triu(m, k=0): """ Upper triangle of an array. Return a copy of an array with the elements below the `k`-th diagonal zeroed. For arrays with ``ndim`` exceeding 2, `triu` will apply to the final two axes. Please refer to the documentation for `tril` for further details. See Also -------- tril : Lower triangle of an array. Examples -------- >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> pt.triu(pt.arange(1, 13).reshape((4, 3)), -1).eval() array([[ 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6], [ 0, 8, 9], [ 0, 0, 12]]) >>> pt.triu(np.arange(3 * 4 * 5).reshape((3, 4, 5))).eval() array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 0, 6, 7, 8, 9], [ 0, 0, 12, 13, 14], [ 0, 0, 0, 18, 19]], <BLANKLINE> [[20, 21, 22, 23, 24], [ 0, 26, 27, 28, 29], [ 0, 0, 32, 33, 34], [ 0, 0, 0, 38, 39]], <BLANKLINE> [[40, 41, 42, 43, 44], [ 0, 46, 47, 48, 49], [ 0, 0, 52, 53, 54], [ 0, 0, 0, 58, 59]]]) """ return m * (constant(1, dtype=m.dtype) - tri(*m.shape[-2:], k=k - 1, dtype=m.dtype)) def tril_indices( n: int | ScalarVariable, k: int | ScalarVariable = 0, m: int | ScalarVariable | None = None, ) -> tuple[TensorVariable, TensorVariable]: """ Return the indices for the lower-triangle of an (n, m) array. Parameters ---------- n : integer scalar The row dimension of the arrays for which the returned indices will be valid. k : integer scalar, optional Diagonal offset to use when forming the indices. `k = 0` (the default) is the main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above. m : integer scalar, optional The column dimension of the arrays for which the returned arrays will be valid. By default m is taken equal to n. Returns ------- inds : tuple of TensorVariable's The indices for the triangle. The returned tuple contains two arrays, each with the indices along one dimension of the array. """ return tri(n, m, k, dtype=bool).nonzero() def tril_indices_from( a: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, k: int | ScalarVariable = 0, ) -> tuple[TensorVariable, TensorVariable]: """ Return the indices for the lower-triangle of arr. Parameters ---------- arr : {array_like, TensorVariable}, shape(N, N) The indices will be valid for square arrays. k : integer scalar, optional Diagonal offset to use when forming the indices. `k = 0` (the default) is the main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above. Returns ------- tril_indices_from : tuple, shape(2) of TensorVariable, shape(N) Indices for the lower-triangle of arr. Raises ------ ValueError If the input is not a 2d array. """ if a.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("The input array must be two dimensional.") return tril_indices(a.shape[0], k=k, m=a.shape[1]) def triu_indices( n: int | ScalarVariable, k: int | ScalarVariable = 0, m: int | ScalarVariable | None = None, ) -> tuple[TensorVariable, TensorVariable]: """ Return the indices for the upper-triangle of an (n, m) array. Parameters ---------- n : integer scalar The row dimension of the arrays for which the returned indices will be valid. k : integer scalar, optional Diagonal offset to use when forming the indices. `k = 0` (the default) is the main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above. m : int scalar, optional The column dimension of the arrays for which the returned arrays will be valid. By default m is taken equal to n. Returns ------- inds : tuple of TensorVariable's The indices for the triangle. The returned tuple contains two arrays, each with the indices along one dimension of the array. """ return (constant(1, dtype=int) - tri(n, m, k - 1, dtype=int)).nonzero() def triu_indices_from( a: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, k: int | ScalarVariable = 0, ) -> tuple[TensorVariable, TensorVariable]: """ Return the indices for the upper-triangle of arr. Parameters ---------- arr : {array_like, TensorVariable}, shape(N, N) The indices will be valid for square arrays. k : integer scalar, optional Diagonal offset to use when forming the indices. `k = 0` (the default) is the main diagonal, `k < 0` is below it and `k > 0` is above. Returns ------- triu_indices_from : tuple, shape(2) of TensorVariable, shape(N) Indices for the upper-triangle of arr. Raises ------ ValueError If the input is not a 2d array. """ if a.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("The input array must be two dimensional.") return triu_indices(a.shape[0], k=k, m=a.shape[1]) class Eye(Op): _output_type_depends_on_input_value = True __props__ = ("dtype",) def __init__(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX self.dtype = dtype def make_node(self, n, m, k): n = as_tensor_variable(n) m = as_tensor_variable(m) k = as_tensor_variable(k) assert n.ndim == 0 assert m.ndim == 0 assert k.ndim == 0 _, static_shape = infer_static_shape((n, m)) return Apply( self, [n, m, k], [TensorType(dtype=self.dtype, shape=static_shape)()], ) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): n, m, k = inp (out,) = out_ out[0] = np.eye(n, m, k, dtype=self.dtype) def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): out_shape = [node.inputs[0], node.inputs[1]] return [out_shape] def grad(self, inp, grads): return [grad_undefined(self, i, inp[i]) for i in range(3)] @staticmethod def is_offset_zero(node) -> bool: """ Test if an Eye Op has a diagonal offset of zero Parameters ---------- node Eye node to test Returns ------- is_offset_zero: bool True if the offset is zero (``k = 0``). """ offset = node.inputs[-1] return isinstance(offset, Constant) and == 0 def eye(n, m=None, k=0, dtype=None): """Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of rows in the output. m : int, optional Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`. k : int, optional Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal, a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value to a lower diagonal. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the returned array. Returns ------- ndarray of shape (N,M) An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one. """ if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX if m is None: m = n localop = Eye(dtype) return localop(n, m, k) def identity_like(x, dtype: str | np.generic | np.dtype | None = None): """Create a tensor with ones on main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere. Parameters ---------- x : tensor dtype : data-type, optional Returns ------- tensor tensor the shape of x with ones on main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere of type of dtype. """ _x = as_tensor_variable(x) if dtype is None: dtype = _x.dtype return eye(_x.shape[0], _x.shape[1], k=0, dtype=dtype) class CachedEquilibrimDB(EquilibriumDB): """A subclass of EquilibriumDB that allows caching of a default query for faster reuse.""" def __init__(self, default_query): super().__init__() self._default_query = default_query self._cached_default_query = None def register(self, *args, **kwargs): # If new rewrites are registered, the default cached query is void self.cached_default_query = None super().register(*args, **kwargs) @property def default_query(self): if self._cached_default_query is None: self._cached_default_query = self.query(self._default_query) return self._cached_default_query infer_shape_db = CachedEquilibrimDB( default_query=RewriteDatabaseQuery(include=("infer_shape",)) ) def register_infer_shape(rewrite, *tags, **kwargs): if isinstance(rewrite, str): def register(inner_lopt): return register_infer_shape(inner_lopt, rewrite, *tags, **kwargs) return register else: name = kwargs.pop("name", None) or rewrite.__name__ infer_shape_db.register(name, rewrite, *tags, "infer_shape", **kwargs) return rewrite def infer_static_shape( shape: Variable | Sequence[Variable | int], ) -> tuple[Sequence["TensorLike"], Sequence[int | None]]: """Infer the static shapes implied by the potentially symbolic elements in `shape`. `shape` will be validated and constant folded. As a result, this function can be expensive and shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary. It is often needed for `Op`s whose static shape and broadcastable flags depend on the values of their inputs, such as `Alloc` and `RandomVariable`. Returns ------- A validated sequence of symbolic shape values, and a sequence of ``None``/``int`` values that can be used as `TensorType.shape` values. """ from pytensor.tensor.rewriting.basic import topo_constant_folding from pytensor.tensor.rewriting.shape import ShapeFeature def check_type(s): if s.type.dtype in integer_dtypes: return s if config.exception_verbosity == "high": s_as_str = "\n" + min_informative_str(s) else: s_as_str = str(s) raise TypeError(f"Shapes must be scalar integers; got {s_as_str}") sh = folded_shape = [check_type(as_tensor_variable(s, ndim=0)) for s in shape] if not all(isinstance(s, Constant) for s in folded_shape): shape_fg = FunctionGraph(outputs=sh, features=[ShapeFeature()], clone=True) with config.change_flags(optdb__max_use_ratio=10, cxx=""): infer_shape_db.default_query.rewrite(shape_fg) if not all(isinstance(s, Constant) for s in shape_fg.outputs): topo_constant_folding.rewrite(shape_fg) folded_shape = shape_fg.outputs static_shape = tuple( if isinstance(s, Constant) else None for s in folded_shape ) return sh, static_shape class Alloc(COp): """Create a `TensorVariable` from an initial value and a desired shape. Usage: alloc(value, shape0, shape1, ..., shapeN) Returns an N-dimensional tensor initialized by a value, using something equivalent to z = numpy.zeros(shape, value.dtype) z += value The result has N dimensions, has the dtype of the given value, and is obtained by broadcasting value over the output array. This `Op` is used to replace ``fill`` during optimizations, because, after shapes are lifted, the first argument to ``fill`` can often be pruned from the graph. """ _f16_ok = True _output_type_depends_on_input_value = True __props__ = () _runtime_broadcast_error_msg = ( "Runtime broadcasting not allowed. " "The output of Alloc requires broadcasting a dimension of the input value, which was not marked as broadcastable. " "If broadcasting was intended, use `specify_broadcastable` on the relevant input." ) def make_node(self, value, *shape): value = as_tensor_variable(value) shape, static_shape = infer_static_shape(shape) if value.ndim > len(shape): raise TypeError( "The Alloc value to use has more dimensions" " than the specified dimensions", value.ndim, len(shape), ) # Combine static shape information from value and shape combined_static_shape = list(static_shape).copy() new_dims = len(shape) - value.type.ndim extended_value_static_shape = (None,) * new_dims + value.type.shape extended_value_broadcastable = (False,) * new_dims + value.type.broadcastable for i, (v_bc, v_st, sh_st) in enumerate( zip( extended_value_broadcastable, extended_value_static_shape, static_shape, strict=True, ) ): # If value is not broadcastable and we don't know the target static shape: use value static shape if (not v_bc) and (sh_st is None): combined_static_shape[i] = v_st # Otherwise check if static shapes are compatible elif (v_st is not None) and (sh_st is not None): # They must match or if not, the value must be broadcastable if v_st != sh_st and not v_bc: raise ValueError( f"Alloc static input type and target shape are incompatible: {value.type} vs {static_shape}" ) otype = TensorType(dtype=value.dtype, shape=combined_static_shape) return Apply(self, [value, *shape], [otype()]) @staticmethod def _check_runtime_broadcast(node, value, shape): value_static_shape = node.inputs[0].type.shape for v_static_dim, value_dim, out_dim in zip( value_static_shape[::-1], value.shape[::-1], shape[::-1], strict=False ): if v_static_dim is None and value_dim == 1 and out_dim != 1: raise ValueError(Alloc._runtime_broadcast_error_msg) def perform(self, node, inputs, out_): (out,) = out_ v = inputs[0] sh = tuple(int(i) for i in inputs[1:]) self._check_runtime_broadcast(node, v, sh) if out[0] is None or out[0].shape != sh: if v.size == 1 and v.item() == 0: out[0] = np.zeros(sh, dtype=v.dtype) else: out[0] = np.empty(sh, dtype=v.dtype) out[0][...] = v # broadcast v to fill us up else: # reuse the allocated memory. out[0][...] = v # broadcast v to fill us up def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub): vv = inp[0] (zz,) = out fail = sub["fail"] v_static_shape = node.inputs[0].type.shape o_static_shape = node.outputs[0].type.shape v_ndim = len(v_static_shape) o_ndim = len(o_static_shape) assert o_ndim == len(inp[1:]) # Declare variables code = f""" npy_intp shape[{o_ndim}]; int need_new_out; """ # Initialize shape for i, shp_i in enumerate(inp[1:]): code += f""" shape[{i}] = ((dtype_{shp_i}*) PyArray_DATA({shp_i}))[0]; """ # Add checks for runtime broadcasting for i, v_static_dim in enumerate(v_static_shape[::-1]): if v_static_dim is None: code += f""" if (PyArray_DIMS({vv})[{v_ndim - i - 1}] == 1 && shape[{o_ndim - i - 1}] != 1) {{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "{self._runtime_broadcast_error_msg}"); {fail} }} """ code += f""" need_new_out = (NULL == {zz}); for (int i = 0; i < {o_ndim}; i++) need_new_out = (need_new_out || (PyArray_DIMS({zz})[i] != shape[i])); if (need_new_out) {{ Py_XDECREF({zz}); {zz} = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew({o_ndim}, shape, PyArray_TYPE({vv})); if (!{zz}) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "alloc failed"); {fail} }} }} // This function takes care of broadcasting if (PyArray_CopyInto({zz}, {vv}) == -1) {fail} """ return code def c_code_cache_version(self): return (4,) def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, input_shapes): return [node.inputs[1:]] def connection_pattern(self, node): rval = [[True], *([False] for _ in node.inputs[1:])] return rval def grad(self, inputs, grads): x = inputs[0] gz = grads[0] n_axes_to_sum = gz.ndim - x.ndim # The number of dimensions added axis = list(range(n_axes_to_sum)) # The broadcasted dimensions axis_broadcasted = [] axis_kept = [] for i, (ib, gb) in enumerate( zip( inputs[0].type.shape, # We need the dimensions corresponding to x grads[0].type.shape[-inputs[0].ndim :], strict=False, ) ): if ib == 1 and gb != 1: axis_broadcasted.append(i + n_axes_to_sum) else: axis_kept.append(i) gx = gz.sum(axis=axis + axis_broadcasted) if axis_broadcasted: new_order = ["x"] * x.ndim for idx, axis in enumerate(axis_kept): new_order[axis] = idx gx = gx.dimshuffle(new_order) # Dimshuffle to add back the broadcasted dims # The *elements* of the output are not connected to # the inputs that specify the shape. If you grow the # shape by epsilon, the existing elements do not # change. return [gx] + [DisconnectedType()() for i in inputs[1:]] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return [None] return self(eval_points[0], *inputs[1:], return_list=True) def do_constant_folding(self, fgraph, node): clients = fgraph.clients[node.outputs[0]] if not clients: return False for client, idx in clients: client_op = client.op if isinstance(client_op, Output): # If the output is a constant, it will have to be deepcopied # each time the function is called. So we do not fold. return False # Op's through which Alloc can be lifted elif isinstance(client_op, Elemwise | DimShuffle | Alloc | Join): return False # Same for Blockwise, unless it has no batch_dims elif isinstance(client_op, Blockwise) and client.op.batch_ndim(client): return False elif ( # The following ops work inplace of their input id 0. idx == 0 and isinstance( client_op, pytensor.tensor.subtensor.IncSubtensor | pytensor.tensor.subtensor.AdvancedIncSubtensor1 | pytensor.tensor.subtensor.AdvancedIncSubtensor | pytensor.tensor.blas.Gemv | pytensor.tensor.blas_c.CGemv | pytensor.tensor.blas.Ger | pytensor.tensor.blas_c.CGer | pytensor.tensor.blas_scipy.ScipyGer, ) ): # Ops that will work inplace on the Alloc. So if they # get constant_folded, they would copy the constant # and this is less efficient. # Not doing the constant folding could also lower the # peak memory use, as the "constant" won't always exist. return False return True alloc = Alloc() pprint.assign(alloc, printing.FunctionPrinter(["alloc"])) @_get_vector_length.register(Alloc) def _get_vector_length_Alloc(var_inst, var): try: return get_scalar_constant_value(var.owner.inputs[1]) except NotScalarConstantError: raise ValueError(f"Length of {var} cannot be determined")
[docs] def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None): """Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with `fill_value`. See ``numpy.full``. Parameters ---------- shape : int or sequence of ints Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. fill_value : scalar or array_like Fill value. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array The default, None, means `np.array(fill_value).dtype`. """ fill_value = as_tensor_variable(fill_value) if dtype: fill_value = fill_value.astype(dtype) if np.ndim(shape) == 0: shape = (shape,) return alloc(fill_value, *shape)
[docs] def full_like( a: TensorVariable, fill_value: TensorVariable | int | float, dtype: str | np.generic | np.dtype = None, ) -> TensorVariable: """Equivalent of `numpy.full_like`. Returns ------- tensor tensor the shape of `a` containing `fill_value` of the type of dtype. """ fill_value = as_tensor_variable(fill_value) if dtype is not None: fill_value = fill_value.astype(dtype) return fill(a, fill_value)
class MakeVector(COp): """Concatenate a number of scalars together into a vector. This is a simple version of stack() that introduces far less cruft into the graph. Should work with 0 inputs. The constant_folding optimization will remove it. """ __props__ = ("dtype",) def __init__(self, dtype="int64"): self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype).name def make_node(self, *inputs): inputs = [as_tensor_variable(x) for x in inputs] if not all(a.ndim == 0 for a in inputs): raise ValueError("All inputs to MakeVector must be scalars") if not all(a.type.dtype == inputs[0].type.dtype for a in inputs) or ( len(inputs) > 0 and inputs[0].dtype != self.dtype ): dtype = ps.upcast(self.dtype, *[i.dtype for i in inputs]) inputs = [cast(i, dtype=dtype) for i in inputs] if not all(self.dtype == i.dtype for i in inputs): raise TypeError( f"Expected inputs to be upcastable to {self.dtype}; " f"got {[i.dtype for i in inputs]}" ) if inputs: dtype = inputs[0].type.dtype else: dtype = self.dtype otype = TensorType(dtype, shape=(len(inputs),)) return Apply(self, inputs, [otype()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, out_): (out,) = out_ # not calling pytensor._asarray as optimization if (out[0] is None) or (out[0].size != len(inputs)): out[0] = np.asarray(inputs, dtype=node.outputs[0].dtype) else: # assume that out has correct dtype. there is no cheap way to check out[0][...] = inputs def c_code_cache_version(self): return (2,) def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out_, props): (out,) = out_ # Shouldn't use PyArray_TYPE(inp[0]) for the dtype # when len(inp) == 0 (we need to support this case. # So there will be (1 * nb_dtype) + ((nb len(inp) - 1 )) # different c code with the following algo out_shape = len(inp) out_num = np.dtype(node.outputs[0].dtype).num # don't use dtype_%(out)s as when check_input=False, it isn't defined. out_dtype = node.outputs[0].type.dtype_specs()[1] if len(inp) > 0: assert self.dtype == node.inputs[0].dtype out_num = f"PyArray_TYPE({inp[0]})" ret = f""" npy_intp dims[1]; dims[0] = {out_shape}; if(!{out} || PyArray_DIMS({out})[0] != {out_shape}){{ Py_XDECREF({out}); {out} = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_EMPTY(1, dims, {out_num}, 0); }} """ for idx, i in enumerate(inp): ret += f""" *(({out_dtype} *)PyArray_GETPTR1({out}, {idx})) = *(({out_dtype} *) PyArray_DATA({i})); """ return ret def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, ishapes): return [(len(ishapes),)] def grad(self, inputs, output_gradients): # If the output is of an integer dtype, no gradient shall pass if self.dtype in discrete_dtypes: return [ipt.zeros_like(dtype=config.floatX) for ipt in inputs] grads = [output_gradients[0][i] for i in range(len(inputs))] return grads def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if None in eval_points: return [None] return self.make_node(*eval_points).outputs make_vector = MakeVector() class MakeVectorPrinter(Printer): def process(self, r, pstate): if r.owner is None: raise TypeError("Can only print make_vector.") elif isinstance(r.owner.op, MakeVector): with set_precedence(pstate): s = [pstate.pprinter.process(inp) for inp in r.owner.inputs] return f"[{', '.join(s)}]" else: raise TypeError("Can only print make_vector.") pprint.assign(MakeVector, MakeVectorPrinter()) @_get_vector_length.register(MakeVector) def _get_vector_length_MakeVector(op, var): return len(var.owner.inputs) @_vectorize_node.register def vectorize_make_vector(op: MakeVector, node, *batch_inputs): # We vectorize make_vector as a join along the last axis of the broadcasted inputs from pytensor.tensor.extra_ops import broadcast_arrays # Check if we need to broadcast at all bcast_pattern = batch_inputs[0].type.broadcastable if not all( batch_input.type.broadcastable == bcast_pattern for batch_input in batch_inputs ): batch_inputs = broadcast_arrays(*batch_inputs) # Join along the last axis new_out = stack(batch_inputs, axis=-1) return new_out.owner def transfer(var, target): """ Return a version of `var` transferred to `target`. `cpu` mean a TensorType (on the CPU). Other types may define additional targets. Parameters ---------- var : variable A pytensor variable target : str The target of the transfer """ if target == "cpu": return as_tensor_variable(var) else: for trans in transfer._others: res = trans(var, target) if res is not None: return res raise ValueError(f"Can't transfer to target {target}") transfer._others = [] def register_transfer(fn): """ Register a transfer function for alternative targets. Parameters ---------- fn : callable """ transfer._others.append(fn) """Create a duplicate of `a` (with duplicated storage)""" tensor_copy = Elemwise(ps.identity) pprint.assign(tensor_copy, printing.IgnorePrinter()) class Default(Op): """ Takes an input x and a default value. If the input is not None, a reference to it is returned. If the input is None, a copy of the default value is returned instead. The input and the default must have exactly the same type. """ view_map = {0: [0]} __props__ = () def make_node(self, x, default): x, default = as_tensor_variable(x), as_tensor_variable(default) if not x.type.in_same_class(default.type): raise TypeError("Both arguments must have compatible types") return Apply(self, [x, default], [default.type()]) def perform(self, node, inp, out_): x, default = inp (out,) = out_ if x is None: # why copy? PyTensor can't yet understand out[0] being a view of # either x or y, so we can be a view of x, but only a copy of y. out[0] = default.copy() else: out[0] = x default = Default() def extract_constant(x, elemwise=True, only_process_constants=False): """ This function is basically a call to tensor.get_underlying_scalar_constant_value. The main difference is the behaviour in case of failure. While get_underlying_scalar_constant_value raises an TypeError, this function returns x, as a tensor if possible. If x is a ScalarVariable from a scalar_from_tensor, we remove the conversion. If x is just a ScalarVariable, we convert it to a tensor with tensor_from_scalar. """ warnings.warn( "extract_constant is deprecated. Use `get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(..., raise_not_constant=False)`", FutureWarning, ) return get_underlying_scalar_constant_value( x, elemwise=elemwise, only_process_constants=only_process_constants, raise_not_constant=False, ) def transpose(x, axes=None): """ Reorder the dimensions of x. (Default: reverse them) This is a macro around dimshuffle that matches the numpy.transpose function. """ _x = as_tensor_variable(x) if axes is None: axes = tuple(range((_x.type.ndim - 1), -1, -1)) if tuple(axes) == tuple(range(len(axes))): # No-op return _x ret = _x.dimshuffle(axes) if and axes == tuple(range((_x.type.ndim - 1), -1, -1)): = + ".T" return ret def matrix_transpose(x: "TensorLike") -> TensorVariable: """ Transposes each 2-dimensional matrix tensor along the last two dimensions of a higher-dimensional tensor. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input tensor with shape (..., M, N), where `M` and `N` represent the dimensions of the matrices. Each matrix is of shape (M, N). Returns ------- out : tensor Transposed tensor with the shape (..., N, M), where each 2-dimensional matrix in the input tensor has been transposed along the last two dimensions. Examples -------- >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> x = pt.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)) >>> x.type.shape (2, 3, 4) >>> pt.matrix_transpose(x).type.shape (2, 4, 3) Notes ----- This function transposes each 2-dimensional matrix within the input tensor along the last two dimensions. If the input tensor has more than two dimensions, it transposes each 2-dimensional matrix independently while preserving other dimensions. """ x = as_tensor_variable(x) if x.ndim < 2: raise ValueError( f"Input array must be at least 2-dimensional, but it is {x.ndim}" ) return swapaxes(x, -1, -2) def split(x, splits_size, n_splits, axis=0): the_split = Split(n_splits) return the_split(x, axis, splits_size) class Split(COp): """Partition a `TensorVariable` along some axis. Examples -------- >>> from pytensor import function >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> x = pt.vector(dtype="int") >>> splits = pt.vector(dtype="int") You have to declare right away how many split_points there will be. >>> ra, rb, rc = pt.split(x, splits, n_splits=3, axis=0) >>> f = function([x, splits], [ra, rb, rc]) >>> a, b, c = f([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 2, 1]) >>> a array([0, 1, 2]) >>> b array([3, 4]) >>> c array([5]) TODO: Don't make a copy in C impl """ len_splits = None """A Split instance will have this many outputs, and require that the splits argument to `perform` have exactly this many elements. """ __props__ = ("len_splits",) def __init__(self, len_splits): self.len_splits = int(len_splits) self.view_map = {i: [0] for i in range(self.len_splits)} def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__ }{{{self.len_splits}}}" def make_node(self, x, axis, splits): """WRITEME""" x = as_tensor_variable(x) axis = as_tensor_variable(axis) splits = as_tensor_variable(splits) if splits.type.ndim == 1 and splits.type.dtype not in integer_dtypes: raise TypeError("`splits` parameter must be tensors of integer type") if axis.type.dtype not in integer_dtypes or axis.ndim != 0: raise TypeError("`axis` parameter must be an integer scalar") inputs = [x, axis, splits] out_type = TensorType(dtype=x.dtype, shape=(None,) * x.type.ndim) outputs = [out_type() for i in range(self.len_splits)] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): x, axis, splits = inputs if len(splits) != self.len_splits: raise ValueError("Length of splits is not equal to n_splits") if np.sum(splits) != x.shape[axis]: raise ValueError( f"Split sizes sum to {np.sum(splits)}; expected {x.shape[axis]}" ) if np.any(splits < 0): raise ValueError("Split sizes cannot be negative") split_outs = np.split(x, np.cumsum(splits[:-1]), axis=axis) for i, out in enumerate(split_outs): outputs[i][0] = out def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): axis = node.inputs[1] splits = node.inputs[2] shp_x, shp_axis, shp_splits = in_shapes out_shapes = [] for i in range(self.len_splits): temp = as_tensor_variable(shp_x) temp = pytensor.tensor.subtensor.set_subtensor(temp[axis], splits[i]) temp = [temp[i] for i in range(len(shp_x))] out_shapes.append(temp) return out_shapes def grad(self, inputs, g_outputs): """Join the gradients along the axis that was used to split x.""" x, axis, n = inputs outputs = self(*inputs, return_list=True) # If all the output gradients are disconnected, then so are the inputs if builtins.all(isinstance(g.type, DisconnectedType) for g in g_outputs): return [ DisconnectedType()(), grad_undefined(self, 1, axis), grad_undefined(self, 2, n), ] # Else, we have to make them zeros before joining them new_g_outputs = [] for o, g in zip(outputs, g_outputs, strict=True): if isinstance(g.type, DisconnectedType): new_g_outputs.append(o.zeros_like()) else: new_g_outputs.append(g) return [ join(axis, *new_g_outputs), grad_undefined(self, 1, axis), grad_undefined(self, 2, n), ] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return [None for i in self.len_splits] return self.make_node(eval_points[0], *inputs[1:]).outputs def c_code_cache_version(self): return (2,) def c_support_code(self, **kwargs): return """ /* Return 1 if output has the correct shape. */ int split_output_shape_is_correct ( PyArrayObject* output, PyArrayObject* array_to_split, int axis_to_split, npy_intp split_size ) { return PyArray_NDIM(output) == PyArray_NDIM(array_to_split) && memcmp( PyArray_DIMS(output), PyArray_DIMS(array_to_split), axis_to_split * sizeof(npy_intp) ) == 0 && memcmp( PyArray_DIMS(output) + axis_to_split + 1, PyArray_DIMS(array_to_split) + axis_to_split + 1, (PyArray_NDIM(array_to_split) - axis_to_split - 1) * sizeof(npy_intp) ) == 0 && split_size == PyArray_DIM(output, axis_to_split); } """ def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): if self.len_splits == 0: # There are no outputs, then nothing to do. return "" # outputs_pointers lists the addresses of the pointers to the outputs. outputs_pointers = "&" + (", &".join(outputs)) x, axis, splits = inputs fail = sub["fail"] x_typenum = np.dtype(node.inputs[0].dtype).num x_itemsize = np.dtype(node.inputs[0].dtype).itemsize axis_dtype = node.inputs[1].type.dtype_specs()[1] splits_dtype = node.inputs[2].type.dtype_specs()[1] expected_splits_count = self.len_splits return f""" int ndim = PyArray_NDIM({x}); int axis = (int)(*({axis_dtype}*)PyArray_GETPTR1({axis}, 0)); int splits_count = PyArray_DIM({splits}, 0); npy_intp len_along_axis, sum_of_splits = 0, current_split_length = 0, current_split_start = 0; npy_intp* split_dims = NULL; PyObject* split_view = NULL; npy_intp data_offset; int i; PyArrayObject** outputs[] = {{{outputs_pointers}}}; /* Check inputs. */ if (splits_count != {expected_splits_count}) {{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Split: splits count (%d) != expected count (%d).", splits_count, {expected_splits_count}); {fail} }} if (axis < 0) {{ axis += ndim; }} if (axis < 0 || axis >= ndim) {{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Split: invalid axis %d for a %d-D array.", axis, ndim); {fail} }} len_along_axis = PyArray_DIM({x}, axis); for (i = 0; i < splits_count; ++i) {{ current_split_length = (npy_intp)(*({splits_dtype}*)PyArray_GETPTR1({splits}, i)); if (current_split_length < 0) {{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Split: you try to take a negative number (%ld) of elements.", current_split_length); {fail} }} sum_of_splits += current_split_length; }} if (sum_of_splits != len_along_axis) {{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Split: the splits sums to %ld, expected %ld.", sum_of_splits, len_along_axis); {fail} }} /* Check outputs. */ split_dims = (npy_intp*) malloc(ndim * sizeof(npy_intp)); if (split_dims == NULL) {{ PyErr_NoMemory(); {fail} }} memcpy(split_dims, PyArray_DIMS({x}), ndim * sizeof(npy_intp)); for (i = 0; i < splits_count; ++i) {{ PyArrayObject** output = outputs[i]; current_split_length = (npy_intp) (* ({splits_dtype}*) PyArray_GETPTR1({splits}, i)); if (*output == NULL || !split_output_shape_is_correct(*output, {x}, axis, current_split_length)) {{ Py_XDECREF(*output); split_dims[axis] = current_split_length; *output = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_EMPTY(ndim, split_dims, {x_typenum}, PyArray_IS_F_CONTIGUOUS({x})); if (outputs == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Split: unable to allocate an output."); free(split_dims); {fail} }} }} }} /* Compute split. */ for (i = 0; i < splits_count; ++i) {{ current_split_length = (npy_intp) (* ({splits_dtype}*) PyArray_GETPTR1({splits}, i)); data_offset = PyArray_STRIDE({x}, axis) * current_split_start; split_dims[axis] = current_split_length; split_view = PyArray_New(&PyArray_Type, ndim, split_dims, {x_typenum}, PyArray_STRIDES({x}), PyArray_BYTES({x}) + data_offset, {x_itemsize}, PyArray_FLAGS({x}), NULL); if (split_view == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Split: unable to create a view for a split."); free(split_dims); {fail} }} if (PyArray_CopyInto(*outputs[i], (PyArrayObject*)split_view) != 0) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Split: unable to copy a split view into the output."); Py_XDECREF(split_view); free(split_dims); {fail} }} Py_XDECREF(split_view); current_split_start += current_split_length; }} free(split_dims); """ class Join(COp): r""" Concatenate multiple `TensorVariable`\s along some axis. The axis must be given as first argument. All tensors must have the same shape along all dimensions other than this axis. Of course, TensorVariable instances do not have a shape, so this error cannot be caught until runtime. See `perform()`. See Also -------- stack : For joins involving scalar values Examples -------- >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> x, y, z = pt.matrix(), pt.matrix(), pt.matrix() >>> u = pt.vector() >>> r = pt.join(0, x, y, z) >>> c = pt.join(1, x, y, z) The axis has to be an index into the shape >>> pt.join(2, x, y, z) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Axis value 2 is out of range for the given input dimensions Joined tensors must have the same rank >>> pt.join(0, x, u) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: Only tensors with the same number of dimensions can be joined. Input ndims were: [2, 1]. """ check_input = False __props__ = ("view",) def __init__(self, view=-1): self.view = view if view != -1: # since the first input is always the axis, the tensors # start from index 1. self.view_map = {0: [1 + view]} def __str__(self): if self.view == -1: return self.__class__.__name__ else: classname = self.__class__.__name__ args = ", ".join(f"{p}={getattr(self, p)!r}" for p in self.__props__) return f"{classname}{{{args}}}" def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) if not hasattr(self, "view"): self.view = -1 def make_node(self, axis, *tensors): """ Parameters ---------- axis The axis upon which to join `tensors`. tensors A variable number of tensors to join along the specified axis. These tensors must have the same shape along all dimensions other than `axis`. """ if not tensors: raise ValueError("Cannot join an empty list of tensors") tensors = [as_tensor_variable(x) for x in tensors] out_dtype = ps.upcast(*[x.type.dtype for x in tensors]) if not builtins.all(targs.type.ndim for targs in tensors): raise TypeError( "Join cannot handle arguments of dimension 0." " Use `stack` to join scalar values." ) if len(tensors) == 1: out_shape = tensors[0].type.shape else: # When the axis is fixed, a dimension should be # broadcastable if at least one of the inputs is # broadcastable on that dimension (see justification below), # except for the axis dimension. # Initialize bcastable all false, and then fill in some trues with # the loops. if not isinstance(axis, int): try: axis = int(get_scalar_constant_value(axis)) except NotScalarConstantError: pass ndim = tensors[0].type.ndim if isinstance(axis, int): # Basically, broadcastable -> length 1, but the # converse does not hold. So we permit e.g. T/F/T # joins, and if they fail at runtime they fail, but if # they don't then it means that the argument where # that broadcastable flag was False had length 1 along # this dimension, and therefore this dimension should # be broadcastable for the output. if axis < -ndim: raise IndexError( f"Axis value {axis} is out of range for the given input dimensions" ) if axis < 0: axis += ndim if axis > ndim - 1: raise ValueError( f"Axis value {axis} is out of range for the given input dimensions" ) # NOTE: Constant negative axis can no longer be negative at this point. in_shapes = [x.type.shape for x in tensors] in_ndims = [len(s) for s in in_shapes] if set(in_ndims) != {ndim}: raise TypeError( "Only tensors with the same number of dimensions can be joined." f" Input ndims were: {in_ndims}." ) # Determine output shapes from a matrix of input shapes in_shapes = np.array(in_shapes) out_shape = [None] * ndim for d in range(ndim): ins = in_shapes[:, d] if d == axis: # Any unknown size along the axis means we can't sum if None in ins: out_shape[d] = None else: out_shape[d] = sum(ins) else: inset = set(in_shapes[:, d]) # Other dims must match exactly, # or if a mix of None and ? the output will be ? # otherwise the input shapes are incompatible. if len(inset) == 1: (out_shape[d],) = inset elif len(inset - {None}) == 1: (out_shape[d],) = inset - {None} else: raise ValueError( f"all input array dimensions other than the specified `axis` ({axis})" " must match exactly, or be unknown (None)," f" but along dimension {d}, the inputs shapes are incompatible: {ins}" ) else: # When the axis may vary, no dimension can be guaranteed to be # broadcastable. out_shape = [None] * tensors[0].type.ndim if not builtins.all(x.ndim == len(out_shape) for x in tensors): raise TypeError( "Only tensors with the same number of dimensions can be joined" ) inputs = [as_tensor_variable(axis), *tensors] if inputs[0].type.dtype not in int_dtypes: raise TypeError(f"Axis value {inputs[0]} must be an integer type") return Apply(self, inputs, [tensor(dtype=out_dtype, shape=out_shape)]) def perform(self, node, axis_and_tensors, out_): (out,) = out_ view = self.view axis, tens = axis_and_tensors[0], axis_and_tensors[1:] # we check these tensors for being empty. if (view != -1) and all( tensor.shape[axis] == 0 for tensor in tens[0:view] + tens[view + 1 :] ): out[0] = tens[view] else: ndim = tens[0].ndim if axis < -ndim: raise IndexError( f"Join axis {int(axis)} out of bounds [0, {int(ndim)})" ) out[0] = np.asarray( np.concatenate(tens, axis=axis), dtype=node.outputs[0].type.dtype ) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (5,) def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub): axis, tens = inputs[0], inputs[1:] view = self.view non_empty_tensor = tens[view] input_1 = tens[0] l = len(tens) (out,) = outputs fail = sub["fail"] adtype = node.inputs[0].type.dtype_specs()[1] copy_to_list = ( f"""Py_INCREF({inp}); PyList_SetItem(list, {i}, (PyObject*){inp});""" for i, inp in enumerate(tens) ) copy_inputs_to_list = "\n".join(copy_to_list) n = len(tens) code = f""" int axis = (({adtype} *)PyArray_DATA({axis}))[0]; PyObject* list = PyList_New({l}); {copy_inputs_to_list} int tensors_lens_sum; if({view} != -1) {{ tensors_lens_sum = 0; for(int i=0; i < {n}; i++){{ tensors_lens_sum += PyArray_DIM((PyArrayObject *)(PyList_GetItem(list, i)), axis); }} tensors_lens_sum -= PyArray_DIM({non_empty_tensor}, axis); }} if({view} != -1 && tensors_lens_sum == 0) {{ Py_XDECREF({out}); Py_INCREF({non_empty_tensor}); {out} = {non_empty_tensor}; }}else{{ //PyObject* PyArray_Concatenate(PyObject* obj, int axis) int ndim = PyArray_NDIM({input_1}); if( axis < -ndim ){{ PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Join axis %d out of bounds [0, %d)", axis, ndim); {fail} }} Py_XDECREF({out}); {out} = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Concatenate(list, axis); Py_DECREF(list); if(!{out}){{ {fail} }} }} """ return code def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if None in eval_points[1:]: return [None] return self.make_node(inputs[0], *eval_points[1:]).outputs def grad(self, axis_and_tensors, grads): """The gradient wrt a join op is a `Split`, used to partition the gradient along the `axis` which was used for joining. """ (gz,) = grads axis, tens = axis_and_tensors[0], axis_and_tensors[1:] rval = [grad_undefined(self, 0, axis)] dtypes = [as_tensor_variable(x).type.dtype for x in tens] out_dtype = ps.upcast(*dtypes) if "float" in out_dtype or "complex" in out_dtype: # assume that this is differentiable split = Split(len(tens)) split_gz = split(gz, axis, stack([shape(x)[axis] for x in tens])) # If there is only one split, it might not be in a list. if not isinstance(split_gz, list): split_gz = [split_gz] # Split.make_node isn't always able to infer the right # broadcast. As the grad need to keep the information, # read it if needed. split_gz = [ g if g.type.shape == t.type.shape == 1 else specify_broadcastable( g, *(ax for (ax, s) in enumerate(t.type.shape) if s == 1) ) for t, g in zip(tens, split_gz, strict=True) ] rval = rval + split_gz else: # the output has integer type, so the gradient through it # is 0 rval = rval + [t.zeros_like(dtype=config.floatX) for t in tens] return rval def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, ishapes): from pytensor.tensor.math import eq, ge # ishapes[0] contains the size of the axis on which we join # Join op should get at least one input to join assert len(ishapes) > 1 n_dim = len(ishapes[1]) for shp in ishapes[1:]: assert shp is not None assert len(shp) == n_dim # The joining dimension could be negative, but we need it to be # in [0, n_dim) in the loop below. # An axis < -n_dim or >= ndim would be invalid, but this is # not checked here. A `CheckAndRaise` `Op` would be a way of # addressing that, but it may disrupt optimizations. join_dim = switch(ge(node.inputs[0], 0), node.inputs[0], node.inputs[0] + n_dim) out_shapes = [] for dim in range(n_dim): # we have to deal with 2 possible cases in here : # a) we are dealing with the dimension for which we join # (called t_side from true side of the if, where the if # compares current dimension with the joining dimension) # b) a non joining dimension ( in which maybe a symbolic # assertion can be used to make sure all tensors have # the same number of elements on this non-joined dimension # this is f_side # initialize t_side = ishapes[1][dim] f_side = ishapes[1][dim] # loop over tensors and sum for the joining dimension for shp in ishapes[2:]: t_side = t_side + shp[dim] # return the dimensions found out_shapes.append(switch(eq(dim, join_dim), t_side, f_side)) return [tuple(out_shapes)] join_ = Join() pprint.assign(Join, printing.FunctionPrinter(["join"])) @_get_vector_length.register(Join) def _get_vector_length_Join(op, var): axis, *arrays = var.owner.inputs try: axis = get_scalar_constant_value(axis) assert axis == 0 and builtins.all(a.ndim == 1 for a in arrays) return builtins.sum(get_vector_length(a) for a in arrays) except NotScalarConstantError: raise ValueError(f"Length of {var} cannot be determined") def join(axis, *tensors_list): r""" Convenience function to concatenate `TensorType`\s along the given axis. This function will not add the op in the graph when it is not useful. For example, in the case that the list of tensors to be concatenated is one, it will just return the tensor. Parameters ---------- axis : int (symbolic or literal) On which dimension should the tensors be joined? The `axis` must be a valid index into the shape of the tensors to be concatenated. The `axis` parameter may either be an integer or an object that can be converted to a scalar using `as_scalar`(`axis`). In the former case, the axis is fixed at construction, while in the latter it may vary over time depending on the value of the `axis` variable. tensors_list : list of TensorVariable (or list-like) A list of tensors to be concatenated along the given axis. The shapes of the tensors to be concatenated must be all identical, except in the dimension (`axis`) on which they are to be joined. """ if len(tensors_list) == 1: return tensors_list[0] else: return join_(axis, *tensors_list) @_vectorize_node.register(Join) def vectorize_join(op: Join, node, batch_axis, *batch_inputs): original_axis, *old_inputs = node.inputs # We can vectorize join as a shifted axis on the batch inputs if: # 1. The batch axis is a constant and has not changed # 2. All inputs are batched with the same broadcastable pattern # TODO: We can relax the second condition by broadcasting the batch dimensions # This can be done with `broadcast_arrays` if the tensors shape match at the axis or reduction # Or otherwise by calling `broadcast_to` for each tensor that needs it if ( original_axis.type.ndim == 0 and isinstance(original_axis, Constant) and equal_computations([original_axis], [batch_axis]) ): batch_ndims = { batch_input.type.ndim - old_input.type.ndim for batch_input, old_input in zip(batch_inputs, old_inputs, strict=True) } if len(batch_ndims) == 1: [batch_ndim] = batch_ndims batch_bcast = batch_inputs[0].type.broadcastable[:batch_ndim] if all( batch_input.type.broadcastable[:batch_ndim] == batch_bcast for batch_input in batch_inputs[1:] ): original_ndim = node.outputs[0].type.ndim original_axis = normalize_axis_index(, original_ndim) batch_axis = original_axis + batch_ndim return op.make_node(batch_axis, *batch_inputs) return vectorize_node_fallback(op, node, batch_axis, *batch_inputs) def roll(x, shift, axis=None): """ Convenience function to roll TensorTypes along the given axis. Syntax copies numpy.roll function. Parameters ---------- x : tensor_like Input tensor. shift : int (symbolic or literal) The number of places by which elements are shifted. axis : int (symbolic or literal), optional The axis along which elements are shifted. By default, the array is flattened before shifting, after which the original shape is restored. Returns ------- tensor Output tensor, with the same shape as ``x``. """ _x = as_tensor_variable(x) if axis is None: if _x.ndim > 1: y = _x.flatten() return roll(y, shift, axis=0).reshape(_x.shape) else: axis = 0 if axis < 0: axis += _x.ndim # Shift may be larger than the size of the axis. If so, since the # roll operation is cyclic, we can take the shift modulo the size # of the axis shift = shift % _x.shape[axis] # A slice of all elements in a dimension ':' allslice = slice(None) # List of slices describing the front half [:, :, shift:, :] front_slice = slice(-shift, None) front_list = [allslice] * axis + [front_slice] + [allslice] * (_x.ndim - axis - 1) # List of slices describing the back half [:, :, :shift, :] end_slice = slice(0, -shift) end_list = [allslice] * axis + [end_slice] + [allslice] * (_x.ndim - axis - 1) return join( axis, _x.__getitem__(tuple(front_list)), _x.__getitem__(tuple(end_list)) )
[docs] def stack(tensors: Sequence["TensorLike"], axis: int = 0): """Stack tensors in sequence on given axis (default is 0). Take a sequence of tensors or tensor-like constant and stack them on given axis to make a single tensor. The size in dimension `axis` of the result will be equal to the number of tensors passed. Parameters ---------- tensors : Sequence[TensorLike] A list of tensors or tensor-like constants to be stacked. axis : int The index of the new axis. Default value is 0. Examples -------- >>> a = pytensor.tensor.type.scalar() >>> b = pytensor.tensor.type.scalar() >>> c = pytensor.tensor.type.scalar() >>> x = pytensor.tensor.stack([a, b, c]) >>> x.ndim # x is a vector of length 3. 1 >>> a = pytensor.tensor.type.tensor4() >>> b = pytensor.tensor.type.tensor4() >>> c = pytensor.tensor.type.tensor4() >>> x = pytensor.tensor.stack([a, b, c]) >>> x.ndim # x is a 5d tensor. 5 >>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c])) >>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis 0 (3, 2, 2, 2, 2) >>> x = pytensor.tensor.stack([a, b, c], axis=3) >>> x.ndim 5 >>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c])) >>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis 3 (2, 2, 2, 3, 2) >>> x = pytensor.tensor.stack([a, b, c], axis=-2) >>> x.ndim 5 >>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c])) >>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis -2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 2) """ if not isinstance(tensors, Sequence): raise TypeError("First argument should be a Sequence.") elif len(tensors) == 0: raise ValueError("No tensor arguments provided.") # If all tensors are scalars, call make_vector. # It makes the graph simpler, by not adding DimShuffles and SpecifyShapes # This should be an optimization! # Doing it here make the graph less canonicalized # (more type need to be understood by all optimization) # And DebugMode can't detect error in this code as it is not in an # optimization. # See ticket #660 if all( # In case there are explicit scalars in tensors isinstance(t, Number) or (isinstance(t, np.ndarray) and t.ndim == 0) or (isinstance(t, Variable) and isinstance(t.type, TensorType) and t.ndim == 0) for t in tensors ): # In case there is direct scalar tensors = list(map(as_tensor_variable, tensors)) dtype = ps.upcast(*[i.dtype for i in tensors]) return MakeVector(dtype)(*tensors) return join(axis, *[shape_padaxis(t, axis) for t in tensors])
[docs] def concatenate(tensor_list, axis=0): """Alias for `join`(axis, *tensor_list). This function is similar to `join`, but uses the signature of numpy's concatenate function. Raises ------ TypeError The tensor_list must be a tuple or list. """ # Check someone did not make the common mistake to do something like: # c = concatenate(x, y) # instead of # c = concatenate((x, y)) if not isinstance(tensor_list, tuple | list): raise TypeError( "The 'tensors' argument must be either a tuple " "or a list, make sure you did not forget () or [] around " "arguments of concatenate.", tensor_list, ) return join(axis, *tensor_list)
def horizontal_stack(*args): r"""Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).""" # Note: 'horizontal_stack' and 'vertical_stack' do not behave exactly like # Numpy's hstack and vstack functions. This is intended, because Numpy's # functions have potentially confusing/incoherent behavior (try them on 1D # arrays). If this is fixed in a future version of Numpy, it may be worth # trying to get closer to Numpy's way of doing things. In the meantime, # better keep different names to emphasize the implementation divergences. if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("Too few arguments") _args = [] for arg in args: _arg = as_tensor_variable(arg) if _arg.type.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("All arguments must have two dimensions") _args.append(_arg) return concatenate(_args, axis=1) def vertical_stack(*args): r"""Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise).""" if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("Too few arguments") _args = [] for arg in args: _arg = as_tensor_variable(arg) if _arg.type.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("All arguments must have two dimensions") _args.append(_arg) return concatenate(_args, axis=0) def is_flat(var, ndim=1): """ Verifies the dimensionality of the var is equal to ndim. This method is usually called after flatten method on a variable, where the first ndim-1 dimension size(s) of the variable is kept intact, and the last dimension size of the variable is made equal to the multiplication of its remaining dimension size(s), such that the variable would end up with as many dimension as ndim. Parameters ---------- var : pytensor.tensor.var.TensorVariable the pytensor var on which the dimensionality is checked. ndim : int the expected dimensionality of var. Returns ------- bool the comparison result of var's dim and the expected outdim. """ return var.ndim == ndim
[docs] def flatten(x, ndim=1): """Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension. Reshapes the variable `x` by keeping the first outdim-1 dimension size(s) of `x` the same, and making the last dimension size of `x` equal to the multiplication of its remaining dimension size(s). Parameters ---------- x : pytensor.tensor.var.TensorVariable The variable to be reshaped. ndim : int The number of dimensions of the returned variable The default value is ``1``. Returns ------- pytensor.tensor.var.TensorVariable the flattened variable with dimensionality of outdim """ if ndim is None: ndim = 1 _x = as_tensor_variable(x) # Any input variable can be flattened to have ndim of 1, # even if it's a scalar. Otherwise, ndim must be positive # and smaller than x.ndim. if ndim < 1 or (ndim > 1 and ndim > _x.ndim): raise ValueError(f"ndim {ndim} out of bound [1, {_x.ndim + 1})") if ndim > 1: dims = (*_x.shape[: ndim - 1], -1) else: dims = (-1,) x_reshaped = _x.reshape(dims) shape_kept_dims = _x.type.shape[: ndim - 1] bcast_new_dim = builtins.all(s == 1 for s in _x.type.shape[ndim - 1 :]) out_shape = (*shape_kept_dims, 1 if bcast_new_dim else None) bcasted_indices = tuple(i for i in range(ndim) if out_shape[i] == 1) x_reshaped = specify_broadcastable(x_reshaped, *bcasted_indices) return x_reshaped
def tile(x, reps, ndim=None): """ Tile input array `x` according to `reps`. See the docstring of `numpy.tile` for details. 'reps' can be constant integer (e.g. 3), constant vector(e.g. [2 3]), symbolic scalar (e.g. tensor.iscalar()), symbolic vector (e.g. tensor.ivector()) or a list of symbolic scalar (e.g. [tensor.iscalar(), tensor.iscalar()]). ndim is the number of the dimensions of the output, if it is provided, ndim should be equal or larger than x.ndim and len(reps), otherwise, we will use max(x.ndim, len(reps)) as ndim. If reps is symbolic vector, the ndim has to be provided. """ from pytensor.tensor.math import ge _x = as_tensor_variable(x) if ndim is not None and ndim < _x.ndim: raise ValueError("ndim should be equal or larger than _x.ndim") # If reps is a scalar, integer or vector, we convert it to a list. if not isinstance(reps, list | tuple): reps_astensor = as_tensor_variable(reps) ndim_check = reps_astensor.ndim if reps_astensor.dtype not in discrete_dtypes: raise ValueError("elements of reps must be integer dtype") # The scalar/integer case if ndim_check == 0: reps = [reps] # The vector case elif ndim_check == 1: if ndim is None: raise ValueError( "if reps is tensor.vector, you should specify the ndim" ) else: offset = ndim - reps.shape[0] # assert that reps.shape[0] does not exceed ndim offset = assert_op(offset, ge(offset, 0)) # if reps.ndim is less than _x.ndim, we pad the reps with # "1" so that reps will have the same ndim as _x. reps_ = [switch(i < offset, 1, reps[i - offset]) for i in range(ndim)] reps = reps_ # For others, raise an error else: raise ValueError("the dimension of reps should not exceed 1") else: if ndim is not None and len(reps) > ndim: raise ValueError("len(reps) should be equal or less than ndim") if not all( isinstance(r, int) or (isinstance(r, TensorVariable) and r.dtype in discrete_dtypes) for r in reps ): raise ValueError("elements of reps must be scalars of integer dtype") # If reps.ndim is less than _x.ndim, we pad the reps with # "1" so that reps will have the same ndim as _x reps = list(reps) if ndim is None: ndim = builtins.max(len(reps), _x.ndim) if len(reps) < ndim: reps = [1] * (ndim - len(reps)) + reps _shape = [1] * (ndim - _x.ndim) + [_x.shape[i] for i in range(_x.ndim)] alloc_shape = reps + _shape y = alloc(_x, *alloc_shape) shuffle_ind = np.arange(ndim * 2).reshape(2, ndim) shuffle_ind = shuffle_ind.transpose().flatten() y = y.dimshuffle(*shuffle_ind) new_shapes = [sh * reps[i] for i, sh in enumerate(_shape)] y = y.reshape(new_shapes) return y class ARange(Op): """Create an array containing evenly spaced values within a given interval. Parameters and behaviour are the same as numpy.arange(). """ __props__ = ("dtype",) def __init__(self, dtype): self.dtype = dtype def make_node(self, start, stop, step): start, stop, step = map(as_tensor_variable, (start, stop, step)) assert start.ndim == 0 assert stop.ndim == 0 assert step.ndim == 0 inputs = [start, stop, step] outputs = [tensor(dtype=self.dtype, shape=(None,))] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) @config.change_flags(warn_float64="ignore") def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, i_shapes): from pytensor.tensor.math import ceil, maximum # Note start, stop and step can be float numbers. start, stop, step = node.inputs def is_constant_value(var, value): try: v = get_underlying_scalar_constant_value(var) return np.all(v == value) except NotScalarConstantError: pass return False def upcast(var): if ( var.dtype in integer_dtypes and # We do not want to cast uint64 to int64 as this can # loose information. If we upcast uint64 with int64, # this give float64. This is safer then checking for # uint64 in case we support [u]int128 or other in the # future. ps.upcast(var.dtype, "int64") == "int64" ): return cast(var, "int64") return var if is_constant_value(step, 1): if is_constant_value(start, 0): return [(cast(stop, "int64"),)] else: stop = upcast(stop) start = upcast(start) return [(maximum(cast(stop - start, "int64"), 0),)] else: stop = upcast(stop) start = upcast(start) return [ ( maximum( cast(ceil(cast((stop - start), "float64") / step), "int64"), 0 ), ) ] def perform(self, node, inp, out_): start, stop, step = inp (out,) = out_ start = start.item() stop = stop.item() step = step.item() out[0] = np.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=self.dtype) def connection_pattern(self, node): return [[True], [False], [True]] def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, grads): start, stop, step = inputs (gz,) = grads # `start` and `step` affect the output values # but the outputs are integers so there's # no gradient through them. # When they are not integers, the gradients are # as expressed below. # `stop` does not affect the output values, # just the output shape, so it is disconnected. if self.dtype in discrete_dtypes: return [ start.zeros_like(dtype=config.floatX), DisconnectedType()(), step.zeros_like(dtype=config.floatX), ] else: num_steps_taken = outputs[0].shape[0] return [ gz.sum(), DisconnectedType()(), (gz * arange(num_steps_taken, dtype=self.dtype)).sum(), ] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): return [None] _arange = {} def arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype=None): # If only one argument is provided, it is in fact the "stop" argument, # and start is 0. if stop is None: start, stop = 0, start start, stop, step = map(as_tensor_variable, (start, stop, step)) # If dtype is not provided, infer it from the other arguments if dtype is None: dtype = ps.upcast(start.type.dtype, stop.type.dtype, step.type.dtype) # don't try to be stingy and byte-optimize, this leads to # overflow problems. if dtype in int_dtypes: dtype = "int64" if dtype in uint_dtypes: dtype = "uint64" if config.cast_policy in ("numpy", "numpy+floatX"): # We enforce numpy semantics, except in the special case where # `config.cast_policy` is 'numpy+floatX' and we want to use float32 # rather than float64. # As an example, if `start`, `stop` and `step` are all int32, # `numpy.arange` returns an int64 array (on 64-bit platforms), # while the upcast above returns int32. numpy_dtype = np.arange( start=np.array(0, dtype=start.dtype), stop=np.array(1, dtype=stop.dtype), step=np.array(1, dtype=step.dtype), ).dtype if numpy_dtype != dtype: if ( config.cast_policy == "numpy+floatX" and config.floatX == "float32" and numpy_dtype == "float64" and # No explicit float64 in the three arguments? builtins.all( dt != "float64" for dt in [s.dtype for s in (start, stop, step)] ) ): # We use float32 instead. assert dtype != "float64" dtype = "float32" else: # We use the same dtype as numpy instead of the result of # the upcast. dtype = str(numpy_dtype) if dtype not in _arange: _arange[dtype] = ARange(dtype) return _arange[dtype](start, stop, step) class _nd_grid: """Create a dense n-dimensional 'meshgrid' with equally spaced points. Used to create the instance ``mgrid`` and ``ogrid`` which act similarly to their numpy equivalents. Parameters ---------- sparse : boolean, optional, default=True Specifying False leads to the equivalent of numpy's mgrid functionality. Specifying True leads to the equivalent of ogrid. Examples -------- >>> import pytensor.tensor as pt >>> a = pt.mgrid[0:5, 0:3] >>> a[0].eval() array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]) >>> a[1].eval() array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) >>> b = pt.ogrid[0:5, 0:3] >>> b[0].eval() array([[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]]) >>> b[1].eval() array([[0, 1, 2]]) """ def __init__(self, sparse=False): self.sparse = sparse def __getitem__(self, *args): if isinstance(args[0], slice): sl = args[0] return arange(sl.start or 0, sl.stop, sl.step or 1) ndim = len(args[0]) for sl in args[0]: if isinstance(sl.step, builtins.complex): raise NotImplementedError( "Not implemented for slices whose step is complex" ) ranges = [arange(sl.start or 0, sl.stop, sl.step or 1) for sl in args[0]] shapes = [ tuple([1] * j + [r.shape[0]] + [1] * (ndim - 1 - j)) for j, r in enumerate(ranges) ] ranges = [r.reshape(shape) for r, shape in zip(ranges, shapes, strict=True)] if self.sparse: grids = ranges else: grids = [] ones = [ones_like(r) for r in ranges] for i in range(ndim): grid = 1 for j in range(ndim): if j == i: grid = grid * ranges[j] else: grid = grid * ones[j] grids.append(grid) return grids mgrid = _nd_grid() ogrid = _nd_grid(sparse=True) class PermuteRowElements(Op): """Permute the elements of each row (inner-most dim) of a tensor. A permutation will be applied to every row (vector) of the input tensor x. Depending on the dimensionality of x and the permutation tensor y, different cases are possible. If y.ndim = 1, y is a single permutation, that will be applied to every vector of x. For instance, if x is a matrix, the same permutation will be applied to each row of x. If x.ndim = y.ndim, each row of x corresponds to a row of y, containing a permutation that will be applied to that row. For instance, if x and y are two matrices, a different permutation will be applied to each row of x. If x.ndim > y.ndim, y will be broadcasted to fit x, then each row (vector) of x will be reordered according to the corresponding row of y. (This is a generalization of the first case). If x.ndim = 1, every permutation in y will be applied to x, and the output will contain all the results. If x.ndim < y.ndim, x will be broadcasted to fit y, and different permutations contained in y will be applied to each vector in x. (This is a generalization of the previous case). If the "inverse" argument is True, the Op will perform the inverse permutation instead. """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, x, y, inverse): x = as_tensor_variable(x) y = as_tensor_variable(y) if inverse: # as_tensor_variable does not accept booleans inverse = as_tensor_variable(1) else: inverse = as_tensor_variable(0) # y should contain integers assert y.type.dtype in integer_dtypes # Inverse should be an integer scalar assert inverse.type.ndim == 0 and inverse.type.dtype in integer_dtypes # Match shapes of x and y x_dim = x.type.ndim y_dim = y.type.ndim if x_dim > y_dim: y = shape_padleft(y, n_ones=(x_dim - y_dim)) elif x_dim < y_dim: x = shape_padleft(x, n_ones=(y_dim - x_dim)) out_shape = [ 1 if xb == 1 and yb == 1 else None for xb, yb in zip(x.type.shape, y.type.shape, strict=True) ] out_type = tensor(dtype=x.type.dtype, shape=out_shape) inputlist = [x, y, inverse] outputlist = [out_type] return Apply(self, inputlist, outputlist) def _rec_perform(self, node, x, y, inverse, out, curdim): """Perform the permutation by doing a recursion over the input dimensions. For every dimension, starting with the leftmost, the right set of indices is determined (depending if broadcasting or not), then the function is recursively called on the appropriate subtensors. The terminal case is reached when the current tensors are vector, then the permutation contained in y is applied to x. Parameters ---------- x: TensorVariable The input tensor, on which the permutation is applied. y: TensorVariable Tensor containing the permutations to apply. inverse: bool Whether to apply permutations or their inverse. out: TensorVariable Tensor storing the output result. curdim: int Counter of the current depth of recursion. """ if len(x.shape) == 1: # Numpy advanced indexing works in this case if inverse: out[y] = x[:] else: out[:] = x[y] else: xs0 = x.shape[0] ys0 = y.shape[0] if xs0 == ys0: for i in range(xs0): self._rec_perform(node, x[i], y[i], inverse, out[i], curdim + 1) elif ys0 == 1 and node.inputs[1].type.shape[curdim] == 1: # Broadcast y for i in range(xs0): self._rec_perform(node, x[i], y[0], inverse, out[i], curdim + 1) elif xs0 == 1 and node.inputs[0].type.shape[curdim] == 1: # Broadcast x for i in range(ys0): self._rec_perform(node, x[0], y[i], inverse, out[i], curdim + 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch: {xs0}, {ys0}") def perform(self, node, inp, out): x, y, inverse = inp (outs,) = out x_s = x.shape y_s = y.shape assert len(x_s) == len(y_s) # Make sure the output is big enough out_s = [] # strict=False because we are in a hot loop for xdim, ydim in zip(x_s, y_s, strict=False): if xdim == ydim: outdim = xdim elif xdim == 1: outdim = ydim elif ydim == 1: outdim = xdim else: raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch: {xdim}, {ydim}") out_s.append(outdim) if outs[0] is None or outs[0].shape != out_s: outs[0] = np.empty(out_s, dtype=x.dtype) self._rec_perform(node, x, y, inverse, outs[0], curdim=0) def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes): from pytensor.tensor.math import maximum shp_x = in_shapes[0] shp_y = in_shapes[1] assert len(shp_x) == len(shp_y) out_shape = [maximum(sx, sy) for sx, sy in zip(shp_x, shp_y, strict=True)] return [out_shape] def grad(self, inp, grads): from pytensor.tensor.math import Sum, eq x, y, inverse = inp (gz,) = grads # First, compute the gradient wrt the broadcasted x. # If 'inverse' is False (0), apply the inverse of y on gz. # Else, apply y on gz. gx = permute_row_elements(gz, y, eq(inverse, 0)) # If x has been broadcasted along some axes, we need to sum # the gradient over these axes, but keep the dimension (as # broadcastable) broadcasted_dims = [ dim for dim in range(gz.type.ndim) if x.type.shape[dim] == 1 and gz.type.shape[dim] != 1 ] gx = Sum(axis=broadcasted_dims)(gx) # Sum(...) removed the dimensions in broadcasted_dims, # so we need to put them back. newdims = [] i = 0 for dim in range(gz.type.ndim): if dim in broadcasted_dims: newdims.append("x") else: newdims.append(i) i += 1 gx = gx.dimshuffle(newdims) assert gx.type.ndim == x.type.ndim assert all( s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(gx.type.shape, x.type.shape, strict=True) if s1 == 1 or s2 == 1 ) # if x is an integer type, then so is the output. # this means f(x+eps) = f(x) so the gradient with respect # to x is zero if x.type.dtype in discrete_dtypes: gx = x.zeros_like() # The elements of y and of inverse both affect the output, # so they are connected to the output, # and the transformation isn't defined if their values # are non-integer, so the gradient with respect to them is # undefined return [gx, grad_undefined(self, 1, y), grad_undefined(self, 1, inverse)] _permute_row_elements = PermuteRowElements() def permute_row_elements(x, y, inverse=0): return _permute_row_elements(x, y, inverse) def inverse_permutation(perm): """Computes the inverse of permutations. Each row of input should contain a permutation of the first integers. """ _perm = as_tensor_variable(perm) return permute_row_elements( arange(_perm.shape[-1], dtype=_perm.dtype), _perm, inverse=True ) # TODO: optimization to insert ExtractDiag with view=True class ExtractDiag(Op): """ Return specified diagonals. If x is 2-D, returns the diagonal of x with the given offset, i.e., the collection of elements of the form x[i, i+offset]. If x has more than two dimensions, then the axes specified by axis1 and axis2 are used to determine the 2-D sub-array whose diagonal is returned. The shape of the resulting array can be determined by removing axis1 and axis2 and appending an index to the right equal to the size of the resulting diagonals. Parameters ---------- x: A tensor variable with x.ndim >= 2. offset: Offset of the diagonal from the main diagonal. Can be positive or negative. Defaults to main diagonal (0). axis1: Axis to be used as the first axis of the 2-D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken. Defaults to first axis (0). axis2: Axis to be used as the second axis of the 2-D sub-arrays from which the diagonals should be taken. Defaults to second axis (1). Returns ------- array_of_diagonals: If x is 2-D, a 1-D array of the same type as a containing the diagonal is returned. If the dimension of x is greater than two, then an array of diagonals is returned, "packed" from left-most dimension to right-most (e.g., if x is 3-D, then the diagonals are "packed" along rows). Raises ------ ValueError If the dimension of x is less than 2. See Also -------- numpy.diagonal: """ __props__ = ("offset", "axis1", "axis2", "view") def __init__(self, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, view=False): self.view = view if self.view: self.view_map = {0: [0]} if axis1 < 0 or axis2 < 0: raise NotImplementedError( "ExtractDiag does not support negative axis. Use pytensor.tensor.diagonal instead." ) if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError("axis1 and axis2 cannot be the same") # Sort axis if axis1 > axis2: axis1, axis2, offset = axis2, axis1, -offset self.axis1 = axis1 self.axis2 = axis2 self.offset = offset def make_node(self, x): x = as_tensor_variable(x) if x.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("ExtractDiag needs an input with 2 or more dimensions", x) out_shape = [ st_dim for i, st_dim in enumerate(x.type.shape) if i not in (self.axis1, self.axis2) ] + [None] return Apply( self, [x], [x.type.clone(dtype=x.dtype, shape=tuple(out_shape))()], ) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (x,) = inputs (z,) = outputs z[0] = x.diagonal(self.offset, self.axis1, self.axis2) if not self.view: z[0] = z[0].copy() def grad(self, inputs, gout): # Avoid circular import from pytensor.tensor.subtensor import set_subtensor (x,) = inputs (gz,) = gout axis1, axis2, offset = self.axis1, self.axis2, self.offset # Start with zeros (and axes in the front) x_grad = zeros_like(moveaxis(x, (axis1, axis2), (0, 1))) # Fill zeros with output diagonal xdiag = alloc_diag(gz, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1) z_len = xdiag.shape[0] if offset >= 0: diag_slices = (slice(None, z_len), slice(offset, offset + z_len)) else: diag_slices = (slice(abs(offset), abs(offset) + z_len), slice(None, z_len)) x_grad = set_subtensor(x_grad[diag_slices], xdiag) # Put axes back in their original positions x_grad = moveaxis(x_grad, (0, 1), (axis1, axis2)) return [x_grad] def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, shapes): from pytensor.tensor.math import clip, minimum (in_shape,) = shapes dim1 = in_shape[self.axis1] dim2 = in_shape[self.axis2] out_shape = [ d for i, d in enumerate(in_shape) if i not in (self.axis1, self.axis2) ] # The following logic is inspired by C code of PyArray_Diagonal(). offset = self.offset if offset > 0: diag_size = clip(dim2 - offset, 0, dim1) elif offset < 0: diag_size = clip(dim1 + offset, 0, dim2) else: diag_size = minimum(dim1, dim2) out_shape.append(diag_size) return [tuple(out_shape)] def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if self.view: self.view_map = {0: [0]} if "offset" not in state: self.offset = 0 if "axis1" not in state: self.axis1 = 0 if "axis2" not in state: self.axis2 = 1 def extract_diag(x): warnings.warn( "pytensor.tensor.extract_diag is deprecated. Use pytensor.tensor.diagonal instead.", FutureWarning, ) return diagonal(x) def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): """ A helper function for `ExtractDiag`. It accepts tensor with `ndim >= 2` as input. The name `diagonal` is just meant to keep it consistent with numpy. Parameters ---------- a : symbolic tensor offset : int offset axis1 : int axis2 : int Returns ------- tensor : symbolic tensor """ a = as_tensor_variable(a) axis1, axis2 = normalize_axis_tuple((axis1, axis2), ndim=a.type.ndim) return ExtractDiag(offset, axis1, axis2)(a) @_vectorize_node.register(ExtractDiag) def vectorize_extract_diag(op: ExtractDiag, node, batch_x): core_ndim = node.inputs[0].type.ndim batch_ndim = batch_x.type.ndim - core_ndim batch_axis1, batch_axis2 = get_normalized_batch_axes( (op.axis1, op.axis2), core_ndim, batch_ndim ) return diagonal( batch_x, offset=op.offset, axis1=batch_axis1, axis2=batch_axis2, ).owner def trace(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): """ Returns the sum along diagonals of the array. Equivalent to `numpy.trace` """ return diagonal(a, offset=offset, axis1=axis1, axis2=axis2).sum(-1) class AllocDiag(OpFromGraph): """ Wrapper Op for alloc_diag graphs """ def __init__(self, *args, axis1, axis2, offset, **kwargs): self.axis1 = axis1 self.axis2 = axis2 self.offset = offset super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, strict=True) def __str__(self): return f"AllocDiag{{{self.axis1=}, {self.axis2=}, {self.offset=}}}" @staticmethod def is_offset_zero(node) -> bool: """ Test if an AllocDiag Op has a diagonal offset of zero Parameters ---------- node AllocDiag node to test Returns ------- is_offset_zero: bool True if the offset is zero (``k = 0``). """ return node.op.offset == 0 def alloc_diag(diag, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): """Insert a vector on the diagonal of a zero-ed matrix. diagonal(alloc_diag(x)) == x """ from pytensor.tensor import set_subtensor diag = as_tensor_variable(diag) axis1, axis2 = normalize_axis_tuple((axis1, axis2), ndim=diag.type.ndim + 1) if axis1 > axis2: axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1 # Create array with one extra dimension for resulting matrix result_shape = tuple(diag.shape)[:-1] + (diag.shape[-1] + abs(offset),) * 2 result = zeros(result_shape, dtype=diag.dtype) # Create slice for diagonal in final 2 axes idxs = arange(diag.shape[-1]) diagonal_slice = (slice(None),) * (len(result_shape) - 2) + ( idxs + np.maximum(0, -offset), idxs + np.maximum(0, offset), ) # Fill in final 2 axes with diag result = set_subtensor(result[diagonal_slice], diag) if diag.type.ndim > 1: # Re-order axes so they correspond to diagonals at axis1, axis2 axes = list(range(diag.type.ndim - 1)) last_idx = axes[-1] axes = axes[:axis1] + [last_idx + 1] + axes[axis1:] axes = axes[:axis2] + [last_idx + 2] + axes[axis2:] result = result.transpose(axes) return AllocDiag( inputs=[diag], outputs=[result], axis1=axis1, axis2=axis2, offset=offset )(diag) def diag(v, k=0): """ A helper function for two ops: `ExtractDiag` and `AllocDiag`. The name `diag` is meant to keep it consistent with numpy. It both accepts tensor vector and tensor matrix. While the passed tensor variable `v` has `v.ndim==2`, it builds a `ExtractDiag` instance, and returns a vector with its entries equal to `v`'s main diagonal; otherwise if `v.ndim` is `1`, it builds an `AllocDiag` instance, and returns a matrix with `v` at its k-th diaogonal. Parameters ---------- v : symbolic tensor k : int offset Returns ------- tensor : symbolic tensor """ _v = as_tensor_variable(v) if _v.ndim == 1: return alloc_diag(_v, offset=k) elif _v.ndim == 2: return diagonal(_v, offset=k) else: raise ValueError("Input must be 1- or 2-d.") def stacklists(arg): """ Recursively stack lists of tensors to maintain similar structure. This function can create a tensor from a shaped list of scalars: Examples -------- >>> from pytensor.tensor import stacklists >>> from pytensor.tensor.type import scalars, matrices >>> from pytensor import function >>> a, b, c, d = scalars("abcd") >>> X = stacklists([[a, b], [c, d]]) >>> f = function([a, b, c, d], X) >>> f(1, 2, 3, 4) array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]) We can also stack arbitrarily shaped tensors. Here we stack matrices into a 2 by 2 grid: >>> from numpy import ones >>> a, b, c, d = matrices("abcd") >>> X = stacklists([[a, b], [c, d]]) >>> f = function([a, b, c, d], X) >>> x = ones((4, 4), "float32") >>> f(x, x, x, x).shape (2, 2, 4, 4) """ if isinstance(arg, tuple | list): return stack(list(map(stacklists, arg))) else: return arg def swapaxes(y, axis1: int, axis2: int) -> TensorVariable: "Swap the axes of a tensor." y = as_tensor_variable(y) ndim = y.ndim li = list(range(0, ndim)) li[axis1], li[axis2] = li[axis2], li[axis1] return y.dimshuffle(li) def moveaxis( a: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, source: int | Sequence[int], destination: int | Sequence[int], ) -> TensorVariable: """Move axes of a TensorVariable to new positions. Other axes remain in their original order. Parameters ---------- a The TensorVariable whose axes should be reordered. source Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique. destination Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique. Returns ------- result TensorVariable with moved axes. """ a = as_tensor_variable(a) source = normalize_axis_tuple(source, a.ndim, "source") destination = normalize_axis_tuple(destination, a.ndim, "destination") if source == destination: # It's a no-op return a if len(source) != len(destination): raise ValueError( "`source` and `destination` arguments must have the same number of elements" ) order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n not in source] for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination, source, strict=True)): order.insert(dest, src) result = a.dimshuffle(order) return result def choose(a, choices, mode="raise"): """ Construct an array from an index array and a set of arrays to choose from. First of all, if confused or uncertain, definitely look at the Examples - in its full generality, this function is less simple than it might seem from the following code description (below ndi = numpy.lib.index_tricks): np.choose(a,c) == np.array([c[a[I]][I] for I in ndi.ndindex(a.shape)]). But this omits some subtleties. Here is a fully general summary: Given an ``index`` array (a) of integers and a sequence of n arrays (choices), a and each choice array are first broadcast, as necessary, to arrays of a common shape; calling these Ba and Bchoices[i], i = 0,...,n-1 we have that, necessarily, Ba.shape == Bchoices[i].shape for each i. Then, a new array with shape Ba.shape is created as follows: - if mode=raise (the default), then, first of all, each element of a (and thus Ba) must be in the range [0, n-1]; now, suppose that i (in that range) is the value at the (j0, j1, ..., jm) position in Ba - then the value at the same position in the new array is the value in Bchoices[i] at that same position; - if mode=wrap, values in a (and thus Ba) may be any (signed) integer; modular arithmetic is used to map integers outside the range [0, n-1] back into that range; and then the new array is constructed as above; - if mode=clip, values in a (and thus Ba) may be any (signed) integer; negative integers are mapped to 0; values greater than n-1 are mapped to n-1; and then the new array is constructed as above. Parameters ---------- a : int array This array must contain integers in [0, n-1], where n is the number of choices, unless mode=wrap or mode=clip, in which cases any integers are permissible. choices : sequence of arrays Choice arrays. a and all of the choices must be broadcastable to the same shape. If choices is itself an array (not recommended), then its outermost dimension (i.e., the one corresponding to choices.shape[0]) is taken as defining the ``sequence``. mode : {``raise`` (default), ``wrap``, ``clip``}, optional Specifies how indices outside [0, n-1] will be treated: ``raise`` : an exception is raised ``wrap`` : value becomes value mod n ``clip`` : values < 0 are mapped to 0, values > n-1 are mapped to n-1 Returns ------- merged_array - array The merged result. Raises ------ ValueError - shape mismatch If a and each choice array are not all broadcastable to the same shape. """ return Choose(mode)(a, choices) class Choose(Op): __props__ = ("mode",) def __init__(self, mode): assert mode in ("raise", "wrap", "clip") self.mode = mode def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, shapes): a_shape, choices_shape = shapes out_shape = pytensor.tensor.extra_ops.broadcast_shape( a_shape, choices_shape[1:], arrays_are_shapes=True ) return [out_shape] def make_node(self, a, choices): # Import here as it isn't imported by default and we can't # import at the top as it would cause circular import. import pytensor.typed_list a = as_tensor_variable(a) if a.dtype not in discrete_dtypes: raise TypeError( f"choose first argument must have an [u]int* dtype. Got {a.dtype}." ) # Only use make_list if choices have inconsistent shapes # otherwise use as_tensor_variable if isinstance(choices, tuple | list): choice = pytensor.typed_list.make_list(choices) else: choice = as_tensor_variable(choices) (out_shape,) = self.infer_shape( None, None, [shape_tuple(a), shape_tuple(choice)] ) static_out_shape = () for s in out_shape: try: s_val = get_scalar_constant_value(s) except (NotScalarConstantError, AttributeError): s_val = None if s_val == 1: static_out_shape += (1,) else: static_out_shape += (None,) o = TensorType(choice.dtype, shape=static_out_shape) return Apply(self, [a, choice], [o()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (z,) = outputs a = inputs[0] choice = inputs[1] # TODO reuse out? z[0] = np.choose(a, choice, mode=self.mode) class AllocEmpty(COp): """Implement Alloc on the cpu, but without initializing memory.""" _output_type_depends_on_input_value = True __props__ = ("dtype",) params_type = ParamsType(typecode=int32) # specify the type of the data def __init__(self, dtype): assert isinstance(dtype, str), dtype self.dtype = dtype.lower() @property def typecode(self): return np.dtype(self.dtype).num def make_node(self, *_shape): _shape, static_shape = infer_static_shape(_shape) otype = TensorType(dtype=self.dtype, shape=static_shape) output = otype() output.tag.values_eq_approx = values_eq_approx_always_true # The output can contain nan/inf. output.type is a new # instance, so we can do this only for that variable. output.type.filter_checks_isfinite = False # We can't reuse filter_checks_isfinite as by default it is # False and it is set to true only in DebugMode. # We can't set it in the type as other make_node can reuse the type. # We can't set it in the variable as it isn't copied when we copy # the variable. So we set it in the tag. output.tag.nan_guard_mode_check = False return Apply(self, _shape, [output]) def debug_perform(self, node, inputs, out_): self.perform(node, inputs, out_) out_[0][0].fill(-123456789) def perform(self, node, inputs, out_): (out,) = out_ sh = tuple(int(i) for i in inputs) if out[0] is None or out[0].shape != sh: out[0] = np.empty(sh, dtype=self.dtype) def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, out_, sub): (out,) = out_ fail = sub["fail"] shps = inputs nd = len(shps) params = sub["params"] str = f"npy_intp dims[{nd}];\n" for idx, sh in enumerate(shps): str += f"dims[{idx}] = ((npy_intp)((dtype_{sh}*) PyArray_DATA({sh}))[0]);\n" # Validate that the output storage exists str += f"if({out}==NULL\n" for idx, sh in enumerate(shps): str += f"||PyArray_DIMS({out})[{idx}]!=dims[{idx}]" str += f"""){{ /* Reference received to invalid output variable. Decrease received reference's ref count and allocate new output variable */ Py_XDECREF({out}); {out} = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_EMPTY({nd}, dims, {params}->typecode, 0); if (!{out}) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "alloc failed"); {fail}; }} }} """ return str def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, input_shapes): return [node.inputs] def c_code_cache_version(self): return (4,) def do_constant_folding(self, fgraph, node): return False def connection_pattern(self, node): return [[False] for i in node.inputs] def grad(self, inputs, grads): return [DisconnectedType()() for i in inputs] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): return [zeros(inputs, self.dtype)] def empty(shape, dtype=None): """Return a new array of given shape and type, without initializing entries. See ``numpy.empty``. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of int Shape of the empty array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. dtype : data-type, optional Desired output data-type for the array, e.g, `numpy.int8`. Default is `numpy.float64`. """ if not ( isinstance(shape, np.ndarray | Sequence) or (isinstance(shape, TensorVariable) and shape.ndim > 0) ): shape = [shape] if dtype is None: dtype = config.floatX return AllocEmpty(dtype)(*shape) def empty_like( prototype: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, dtype: str | np.generic | np.dtype | None = None, ) -> TensorVariable: """Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array. See ``numpy.empty_like``. Parameters ---------- prototype The shape and data-type of `prototype` define these same attributes of the returned array. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. """ if dtype is None: dtype = prototype.dtype return empty(shape(prototype), dtype) def atleast_Nd( *arys: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, n: int = 1, left: bool = True ) -> TensorVariable: """Convert inputs to arrays with at least `n` dimensions.""" res = [] for ary in arys: ary = as_tensor(ary) if ary.ndim >= n: result = ary else: result = ( shape_padleft(ary, n - ary.ndim) if left else shape_padright(ary, n - ary.ndim) ) res.append(result) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res atleast_1d = partial(atleast_Nd, n=1) atleast_2d = partial(atleast_Nd, n=2) atleast_3d = partial(atleast_Nd, n=3) def expand_dims(a: np.ndarray | TensorVariable, axis: Sequence[int]) -> TensorVariable: """Expand the shape of an array. Insert a new axis that will appear at the `axis` position in the expanded array shape. Parameters ---------- a : The input array. axis : Position in the expanded axes where the new axis is placed. If `axis` is empty, `a` will be returned immediately. Returns ------- `a` with a new axis at the `axis` position. """ a = as_tensor(a) if not isinstance(axis, Sequence): axis = (axis,) out_ndim = len(axis) + a.ndim axis = np.core.numeric.normalize_axis_tuple(axis, out_ndim) if not axis: return a dim_it = iter(range(a.ndim)) pattern = ["x" if ax in axis else next(dim_it) for ax in range(out_ndim)] return a.dimshuffle(pattern) def _make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis): """Take from `numpy.lib.shape_base`.""" if str(indices.dtype) not in int_dtypes: raise IndexError("`indices` must be an integer array") shape_ones = (1,) * indices.ndim dest_dims = [*range(axis), None, *range(axis + 1, indices.ndim)] # build a fancy index, consisting of orthogonal aranges, with the # requested index inserted at the right location fancy_index = [] for dim, n in zip(dest_dims, arr_shape, strict=True): if dim is None: fancy_index.append(indices) else: ind_shape = shape_ones[:dim] + (-1,) + shape_ones[dim + 1 :] fancy_index.append(arange(n).reshape(ind_shape)) return tuple(fancy_index) def take_along_axis(arr, indices, axis=0): """Take values from the input array by matching 1d index and data slices. This iterates over matching 1d slices oriented along the specified axis in the index and data arrays, and uses the former to look up values in the latter. These slices can be different lengths. Functions returning an index along an axis, like `argsort` and `argpartition`, produce suitable indices for this function. """ arr = as_tensor_variable(arr) indices = as_tensor_variable(indices) # normalize inputs if axis is None: arr = arr.flatten() axis = 0 else: axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, arr.ndim) if arr.ndim != indices.ndim: raise ValueError("`indices` and `arr` must have the same number of dimensions") # use the fancy index return arr[_make_along_axis_idx(arr.shape, indices, axis)] def ix_(*args): """ PyTensor np.ix_ analog See numpy.lib.index_tricks.ix_ for reference """ out = [] nd = len(args) for k, new in enumerate(args): if new is None: out.append(slice(None)) new = as_tensor(new) if new.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Cross index must be 1 dimensional") new = new.reshape((1,) * k + (new.size,) + (1,) * (nd - k - 1)) out.append(new) return tuple(out) __all__ = [ "take_along_axis", "expand_dims", "atleast_Nd", "atleast_1d", "atleast_2d", "atleast_3d", "choose", "swapaxes", "moveaxis", "stacklists", "diag", "diagonal", "inverse_permutation", "permute_row_elements", "mgrid", "ogrid", "arange", "tile", "flatten", "is_flat", "vertical_stack", "horizontal_stack", "get_vector_length", "concatenate", "stack", "roll", "join", "split", "transpose", "matrix_transpose", "default", "tensor_copy", "transfer", "alloc", "identity_like", "eye", "triu", "tril", "tri", "nonzero_values", "flatnonzero", "nonzero", "ones", "zeros", "zeros_like", "ones_like", "fill", "second", "where", "switch", "cast", "scalar_from_tensor", "tensor_from_scalar", "get_scalar_constant_value", "get_underlying_scalar_constant_value", "constant", "as_tensor_variable", "as_tensor", "extract_diag", "full", "full_like", "empty", "empty_like", "trace", "tril_indices", "tril_indices_from", "triu_indices", "triu_indices_from", ]