Source code for pymc.tuning.starting

#   Copyright 2024 - present The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Created on Mar 12, 2011.

@author: johnsalvatier

import warnings

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
import pytensor.gradient as tg

from numpy import isfinite
from pytensor import Variable
from rich.console import Console
from rich.progress import Progress, TextColumn
from scipy.optimize import minimize

import pymc as pm

from pymc.blocking import DictToArrayBijection, RaveledVars
from pymc.initial_point import make_initial_point_fn
from pymc.model import modelcontext
from pymc.util import (
from pymc.vartypes import discrete_types, typefilter

__all__ = ["find_MAP"]

[docs] def find_MAP( start=None, vars: Sequence[Variable] | None = None, method="L-BFGS-B", return_raw=False, include_transformed=True, progressbar=True, progressbar_theme=default_progress_theme, maxeval=5000, model=None, *args, seed: int | None = None, **kwargs, ): """Find the local maximum a posteriori point given a model. `find_MAP` should not be used to initialize the NUTS sampler. Simply call ``pymc.sample()`` and it will automatically initialize NUTS in a better way. Parameters ---------- start: `dict` of parameter values (Defaults to `model.initial_point`) These values will be fixed and used for any free RandomVariables that are not being optimized. vars: list of TensorVariable List of free RandomVariables to optimize the posterior with respect to. Defaults to all continuous RVs in a model. The respective value variables may also be passed instead. method: string or callable, optional Optimization algorithm. Defaults to 'L-BFGS-B' unless discrete variables are specified in `vars`, then `Powell` which will perform better. For instructions on use of a callable, refer to SciPy's documentation of `optimize.minimize`. return_raw: bool, optional defaults to False Whether to return the full output of scipy.optimize.minimize include_transformed: bool, optional defaults to True Flag for reporting automatically unconstrained transformed values in addition to the constrained values progressbar: bool, optional defaults to True Whether to display a progress bar in the command line. progressbar_theme: Theme, optional Custom theme for the progress bar. maxeval: int, optional, defaults to 5000 The maximum number of times the posterior distribution is evaluated. model: Model (optional if in `with` context) *args, **kwargs Extra args passed to scipy.optimize.minimize Notes ----- Older code examples used `find_MAP` to initialize the NUTS sampler, but this is not an effective way of choosing starting values for sampling. As a result, we have greatly enhanced the initialization of NUTS and wrapped it inside ``pymc.sample()`` and you should thus avoid this method. """ model = modelcontext(model) if vars is None: vars = model.continuous_value_vars if not vars: raise ValueError("Model has no unobserved continuous variables.") else: try: vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) except ValueError as exc: # Accommodate case where user passed non-pure RV nodes vars = pm.inputvars(model.replace_rvs_by_values(vars)) if vars: warnings.warn( "Intermediate variables (such as Deterministic or Potential) were passed. " "find_MAP will optimize the underlying free_RVs instead.", UserWarning, ) else: raise exc disc_vars = list(typefilter(vars, discrete_types)) ipfn = make_initial_point_fn( model=model, jitter_rvs=set(), return_transformed=True, overrides=start, ) start = ipfn(seed) model.check_start_vals(start) vars_dict = { var for var in vars} x0 = {var_name: value for var_name, value in start.items() if var_name in vars_dict} ) # TODO: If the mapping is fixed, we can simply create graphs for the # mapping and avoid all this bijection overhead compiled_logp_func = DictToArrayBijection.mapf(model.compile_logp(jacobian=False), start) logp_func = lambda x: compiled_logp_func(RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info)) # noqa: E731 rvs = [model.values_to_rvs[vars_dict[name]] for name, _, _, _ in x0.point_map_info] try: # This might be needed for calls to `dlogp_func` # start_map_info = tuple((, v.shape, v.dtype) for v in vars) compiled_dlogp_func = DictToArrayBijection.mapf( model.compile_dlogp(rvs, jacobian=False), start ) dlogp_func = lambda x: compiled_dlogp_func(RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info)) # noqa: E731 compute_gradient = True except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, tg.NullTypeGradError): compute_gradient = False if disc_vars or not compute_gradient: pm._log.warning( "Warning: gradient not available." + "(E.g. vars contains discrete variables). MAP " + "estimates may not be accurate for the default " + "parameters. Defaulting to non-gradient minimization " + "'Powell'." ) method = "Powell" if compute_gradient and method != "Powell": cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, progressbar_theme, logp_func, dlogp_func) else: cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, progressbar_theme, logp_func) compute_gradient = False with cost_func.progress: try: opt_result = minimize( cost_func,, method=method, jac=compute_gradient, *args, **kwargs ) mx0 = opt_result["x"] # r -> opt_result except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration) as e: mx0, opt_result = cost_func.previous_x, None if isinstance(e, StopIteration): finally: cost_func.progress.update(cost_func.task, completed=cost_func.n_eval, refresh=True) mx0 = RaveledVars(mx0, x0.point_map_info) unobserved_vars = get_default_varnames(model.unobserved_value_vars, include_transformed) unobserved_vars_values = model.compile_fn(unobserved_vars)( DictToArrayBijection.rmap(mx0, start) ) mx = { value for var, value in zip(unobserved_vars, unobserved_vars_values)} if return_raw: return mx, opt_result else: return mx
def allfinite(x): return np.all(isfinite(x)) class CostFuncWrapper: def __init__( self, maxeval=5000, progressbar=True, progressbar_theme=default_progress_theme, logp_func=None, dlogp_func=None, ): self.n_eval = 0 self.maxeval = maxeval self.logp_func = logp_func if dlogp_func is None: self.use_gradient = False self.desc = "logp = {:,.5g}" else: self.dlogp_func = dlogp_func self.use_gradient = True self.desc = "logp = {:,.5g}, ||grad|| = {:,.5g}" self.previous_x = None self.progressbar = progressbar self.progress = CustomProgress( *Progress.get_default_columns(), TextColumn("{task.fields[loss]}"), console=Console(theme=progressbar_theme), disable=not progressbar, ) self.task = self.progress.add_task("MAP", total=maxeval, loss="") def __call__(self, x): neg_value = np.float64(self.logp_func(pm.floatX(x))) value = -1.0 * neg_value if self.use_gradient: neg_grad = self.dlogp_func(pm.floatX(x)) if np.all(np.isfinite(neg_grad)): self.previous_x = x grad = -1.0 * neg_grad grad = grad.astype(np.float64) else: self.previous_x = x grad = None if self.n_eval % 10 == 0: self.progress.update(self.task, loss=self.update_progress_desc(neg_value, grad)) if self.n_eval > self.maxeval: self.progress.update(self.task, loss=self.update_progress_desc(neg_value, grad)) raise StopIteration self.n_eval += 1 self.progress.update(self.task, completed=self.n_eval) if self.use_gradient: return value, grad else: return value def update_progress_desc(self, neg_value: float, grad: np.float64 = None) -> None: if self.progressbar: if grad is None: return self.desc.format(neg_value) else: norm_grad = np.linalg.norm(grad) return self.desc.format(neg_value, norm_grad)