Source code for pymc.step_methods.metropolis

#   Copyright 2024 - present The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from import Callable
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as nr
import pytensor
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.special

from pytensor import tensor as pt
from pytensor.graph.fg import MissingInputError
from pytensor.tensor.random.basic import BernoulliRV, CategoricalRV
from rich.progress import TextColumn
from rich.table import Column

import pymc as pm

from pymc.blocking import DictToArrayBijection, RaveledVars
from pymc.initial_point import PointType
from pymc.pytensorf import (
from pymc.step_methods.arraystep import (
from pymc.step_methods.compound import Competence, StepMethodState
from pymc.step_methods.state import dataclass_state

__all__ = [

from pymc.util import RandomGenerator, get_value_vars_from_user_vars

# Available proposal distributions for Metropolis

class Proposal:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.s = s

[docs] class NormalProposal(Proposal): def __call__(self, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): return (rng or nr).normal(scale=self.s)
[docs] class UniformProposal(Proposal): def __call__(self, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): return (rng or nr).uniform(low=-self.s, high=self.s, size=len(self.s))
[docs] class CauchyProposal(Proposal): def __call__(self, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): return (rng or nr).standard_cauchy(size=np.size(self.s)) * self.s
[docs] class LaplaceProposal(Proposal): def __call__(self, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): size = np.size(self.s) r = rng or nr return (r.standard_exponential(size=size) - r.standard_exponential(size=size)) * self.s
[docs] class PoissonProposal(Proposal): def __call__(self, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): return (rng or nr).poisson(lam=self.s, size=np.size(self.s)) - self.s
[docs] class MultivariateNormalProposal(Proposal):
[docs] def __init__(self, s): n, m = s.shape if n != m: raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not symmetric.") self.n = n self.chol = scipy.linalg.cholesky(s, lower=True)
def __call__(self, num_draws=None, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None): rng_ = rng or nr if num_draws is not None: b = rng_.normal(size=(self.n, num_draws)) return, b).T else: b = rng_.normal(size=self.n) return, b)
@dataclass_state class MetropolisState(StepMethodState): scaling: np.ndarray tune: bool steps_until_tune: float tune_interval: float accepted_sum: np.ndarray accept_rate_iter: np.ndarray accepted_iter: np.ndarray enum_dims: np.ndarray discrete: np.ndarray = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) any_discrete: bool = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) all_discrete: bool = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) elemwise_update: bool = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) _untuned_settings: dict[str, np.ndarray | float] = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) mode: Any = field(metadata={"frozen": True})
[docs] class Metropolis(ArrayStepShared): """Metropolis-Hastings sampling step.""" name = "metropolis" default_blocked = False stats_dtypes_shapes = { "accept": (np.float64, []), "accepted": (np.float64, []), "tune": (bool, []), "scaling": (np.float64, []), } _state_class = MetropolisState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars=None, *, S=None, proposal_dist=None, scaling=1.0, tune=True, tune_interval=100, model=None, mode=None, rng=None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, blocked: bool = False, ): """Create an instance of a Metropolis stepper. Parameters ---------- vars: list List of value variables for sampler S: standard deviation or covariance matrix Some measure of variance to parameterize proposal distribution proposal_dist: function Function that returns zero-mean deviates when parameterized with S (and n). Defaults to normal. scaling: scalar or array Initial scale factor for proposal. Defaults to 1. tune: bool Flag for tuning. Defaults to True. tune_interval: int The frequency of tuning. Defaults to 100 iterations. model: PyMC Model Optional model for sampling step. Defaults to None (taken from context). mode: string or `Mode` instance. compilation mode passed to PyTensor functions rng: RandomGenerator An object that can produce be used to produce the step method's :py:class:`~numpy.random.Generator` object. Refer to :py:func:`pymc.util.get_random_generator` for more information. """ model = pm.modelcontext(model) if initial_point is None: initial_point = model.initial_point() if vars is None: vars = model.value_vars else: vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) initial_values_shape = [initial_point[].shape for v in vars] if S is None: S = np.ones(int(sum( for ivs in initial_values_shape))) if proposal_dist is not None: self.proposal_dist = proposal_dist(S) elif S.ndim == 1: self.proposal_dist = NormalProposal(S) elif S.ndim == 2: self.proposal_dist = MultivariateNormalProposal(S) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid rank for variance: {S.ndim}") self.scaling = np.atleast_1d(scaling).astype("d") self.tune = tune self.tune_interval = tune_interval self.steps_until_tune = tune_interval # Determine type of variables self.discrete = np.concatenate( [[v.dtype in pm.discrete_types] * (initial_point[].size or 1) for v in vars] ) self.any_discrete = self.discrete.any() self.all_discrete = self.discrete.all() # Metropolis will try to handle one batched dimension at a time This, however, # is not safe for discrete multivariate distributions (looking at you Multinomial), # due to high dependency among the support dimensions. For continuous multivariate # distributions we assume they are being transformed in a way that makes each # dimension semi-independent. is_scalar = len(initial_values_shape) == 1 and initial_values_shape[0] == () self.elemwise_update = not ( is_scalar or ( self.any_discrete and max(getattr(model.values_to_rvs[var].owner.op, "ndim_supp", 1) for var in vars) > 0 ) ) if self.elemwise_update: dims = int(sum( for ivs in initial_values_shape)) else: dims = 1 self.enum_dims = np.arange(dims, dtype=int) self.accept_rate_iter = np.zeros(dims, dtype=float) self.accepted_iter = np.zeros(dims, dtype=bool) self.accepted_sum = np.zeros(dims, dtype=int) # remember initial settings before tuning so they can be reset self._untuned_settings = {"scaling": self.scaling, "steps_until_tune": tune_interval} # TODO: This is not being used when compiling the logp function! self.mode = mode shared = pm.make_shared_replacements(initial_point, vars, model) self.delta_logp = delta_logp(initial_point, model.logp(), vars, shared, compile_kwargs) super().__init__(vars, shared, blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def reset_tuning(self): """Reset the tuned sampler parameters to their initial values.""" for attr, initial_value in self._untuned_settings.items(): setattr(self, attr, initial_value) self.accepted_sum[:] = 0 return
[docs] def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: point_map_info = q0.point_map_info q0d = if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune: # Tune scaling parameter self.scaling = tune(self.scaling, self.accepted_sum / float(self.tune_interval)) # Reset counter self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval self.accepted_sum[:] = 0 delta = self.proposal_dist(rng=self.rng) * self.scaling if self.any_discrete: if self.all_discrete: delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64") q0d = q0d.astype("int64") q = (q0d + delta).astype("int64") else: delta[self.discrete] = np.round(delta[self.discrete], 0) q = q0d + delta else: q = floatX(q0d + delta) if self.elemwise_update: q0d = q0d.copy() q_temp = q0d.copy() # Shuffle order of updates (probably we don't need to do this in every step) self.rng.shuffle(self.enum_dims) for i in self.enum_dims: q_temp[i] = q[i] accept_rate_i = self.delta_logp(q_temp, q0d) q_temp_, accepted_i = metrop_select(accept_rate_i, q_temp, q0d, rng=self.rng) q_temp[i] = q0d[i] = q_temp_[i] self.accept_rate_iter[i] = accept_rate_i self.accepted_iter[i] = accepted_i self.accepted_sum[i] += accepted_i q = q_temp else: accept_rate = self.delta_logp(q, q0d) q, accepted = metrop_select(accept_rate, q, q0d, rng=self.rng) self.accept_rate_iter = accept_rate self.accepted_iter[0] = accepted self.accepted_sum += accepted self.steps_until_tune -= 1 stats = { "tune": self.tune, "scaling": np.mean(self.scaling), "accept": np.mean(np.exp(self.accept_rate_iter)), "accepted": np.mean(self.accepted_iter), } return RaveledVars(q, point_map_info), [stats]
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var, has_grad): return Competence.COMPATIBLE
@staticmethod def _progressbar_config(n_chains=1): columns = [ TextColumn("{task.fields[tune]}", table_column=Column("Tuning", ratio=1)), TextColumn("{task.fields[scaling]:0.2f}", table_column=Column("Scaling", ratio=1)), TextColumn( "{task.fields[accept_rate]:0.2f}", table_column=Column("Accept Rate", ratio=1) ), ] stats = { "tune": [True] * n_chains, "scaling": [0] * n_chains, "accept_rate": [0.0] * n_chains, } return columns, stats @staticmethod def _make_update_stats_function(): def update_stats(stats, step_stats, chain_idx): if isinstance(step_stats, list): step_stats = step_stats[0] stats["tune"][chain_idx] = step_stats["tune"] stats["accept_rate"][chain_idx] = step_stats["accept"] stats["scaling"][chain_idx] = step_stats["scaling"] return stats return update_stats
def tune(scale, acc_rate): """ Tune the scaling parameter for the proposal distribution. Uses the acceptance rate over the last tune_interval. Rate Variance adaptation ---- ------------------- <0.001 x 0.1 <0.05 x 0.5 <0.2 x 0.9 >0.5 x 1.1 >0.75 x 2 >0.95 x 10 """ return scale * np.where( acc_rate < 0.001, # reduce by 90 percent 0.1, np.where( acc_rate < 0.05, # reduce by 50 percent 0.5, np.where( acc_rate < 0.2, # reduce by ten percent 0.9, np.where( acc_rate > 0.95, # increase by factor of ten 10.0, np.where( acc_rate > 0.75, # increase by double 2.0, np.where( acc_rate > 0.5, # increase by ten percent 1.1, # Do not change 1.0, ), ), ), ), ), ) @dataclass_state class BinaryMetropolisState(StepMethodState): tune: bool accepted: int scaling: float tune_interval: int steps_until_tune: int
[docs] class BinaryMetropolis(ArrayStep): """Metropolis-Hastings optimized for binary variables. Unlike BinaryGibbsMetropolis, this step sampler proposes an update for all variable dimensions at once. This will perform a single logp evaluation per step, at the expense of a lower acceptance rate when the posteriors of the binary variables are highly correlated. The BinaryGibbsMetropolis (not this one) is the default step sampler for binary variables Parameters ---------- vars: list List of value variables for sampler scaling: scalar or array Initial scale factor for proposal. Defaults to 1. tune: bool Flag for tuning. Defaults to True. tune_interval: int The frequency of tuning. Defaults to 100 iterations. model: PyMC Model Optional model for sampling step. Defaults to None (taken from context). rng: RandomGenerator An object that can produce be used to produce the step method's :py:class:`~numpy.random.Generator` object. Refer to :py:func:`pymc.util.get_random_generator` for more information. """ name = "binary_metropolis" stats_dtypes_shapes = { "accept": (np.float64, []), "tune": (bool, []), "p_jump": (np.float64, []), } _state_class = BinaryMetropolisState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars, *, scaling=1.0, tune=True, tune_interval=100, model=None, rng=None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, blocked: bool = True, ): model = pm.modelcontext(model) self.scaling = scaling self.tune = tune self.tune_interval = tune_interval self.steps_until_tune = tune_interval self.accepted = 0 vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) if not all(v.dtype in pm.discrete_types for v in vars): raise ValueError("All variables must be Bernoulli for BinaryMetropolis") if compile_kwargs is None: compile_kwargs = {} super().__init__(vars, [model.compile_logp(**compile_kwargs)], blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def astep(self, apoint: RaveledVars, *args) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: logp = args[0] logp_q0 = logp(apoint) point_map_info = apoint.point_map_info q0 = # Convert adaptive_scale_factor to a jump probability p_jump = 1.0 - 0.5**self.scaling rand_array = self.rng.random(q0.shape) q = np.copy(q0) # Locations where switches occur, according to p_jump switch_locs = rand_array < p_jump q[switch_locs] = True - q[switch_locs] logp_q = logp(RaveledVars(q, point_map_info)) accept = logp_q - logp_q0 q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0, rng=self.rng) self.accepted += accepted stats = { "tune": self.tune, "accept": np.exp(accept), "p_jump": p_jump, } return RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info), [stats]
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var): """BinaryMetropolis is only suitable for binary (bool) and Categorical variables with k=1.""" distribution = getattr(var.owner, "op", None) if isinstance(distribution, BernoulliRV): return Competence.COMPATIBLE if isinstance(distribution, CategoricalRV): # TODO: We could compute the initial value of `k` # if we had a model object. # k_graph = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1] # (k_graph,), _ = rvs_to_value_vars((k_graph,), apply_transforms=True) # k = model.fn(k_graph)(initial_point) try: k = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1].eval() if k == 2: return Competence.COMPATIBLE except MissingInputError: pass return Competence.INCOMPATIBLE
@dataclass_state class BinaryGibbsMetropolisState(StepMethodState): tune: bool transit_p: int shuffle_dims: bool order: list
[docs] class BinaryGibbsMetropolis(ArrayStep): """A Metropolis-within-Gibbs step method optimized for binary variables. Unlike BinaryMetropolis, this step sampler proposes a variable dimension update at a time. This will increase acceptance rate when the posteriors of the binary variables are highly correlated, at the expense of doing more logp evaluations per step. This is the default step sampler for binary variables. Parameters ---------- vars: list List of value variables for sampler order: list or 'random' List of integers indicating the Gibbs update order e.g., [0, 2, 1, ...]. Default is random transit_p: float The diagonal of the transition kernel. A value > .5 gives anticorrelated proposals, which resulting in more efficient antithetical sampling. Default is 0.8 model: PyMC Model Optional model for sampling step. Defaults to None (taken from context). rng: RandomGenerator An object that can produce be used to produce the step method's :py:class:`~numpy.random.Generator` object. Refer to :py:func:`pymc.util.get_random_generator` for more information. """ name = "binary_gibbs_metropolis" stats_dtypes_shapes = { "tune": (bool, []), } _state_class = BinaryGibbsMetropolisState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars, *, order="random", transit_p=0.8, model=None, rng=None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, blocked: bool = True, ): model = pm.modelcontext(model) # Doesn't actually tune, but it's required to emit a sampler stat # that indicates whether a draw was done in a tuning phase. self.tune = True # transition probabilities self.transit_p = transit_p vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) if initial_point is None: initial_point = model.initial_point() self.dim = sum(initial_point[].size for v in vars) if order == "random": self.shuffle_dims = True self.order = list(range(self.dim)) else: if sorted(order) != list(range(self.dim)): raise ValueError("Argument 'order' has to be a permutation") self.shuffle_dims = False self.order = order if not all(v.dtype in pm.discrete_types for v in vars): raise ValueError("All variables must be binary for BinaryGibbsMetropolis") if compile_kwargs is None: compile_kwargs = {} super().__init__(vars, [model.compile_logp(**compile_kwargs)], blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def reset_tuning(self): # There are no tuning parameters in this step method. return
[docs] def astep(self, apoint: RaveledVars, *args) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: logp: Callable[[RaveledVars], np.ndarray] = args[0] order = self.order if self.shuffle_dims: self.rng.shuffle(order) q = RaveledVars(np.copy(, apoint.point_map_info) logp_curr = logp(q) for idx in order: # No need to do metropolis update if the same value is proposed, # as you will get the same value regardless of accepted or reject if self.rng.random() < self.transit_p: curr_val,[idx] =[idx], True -[idx] logp_prop = logp(q)[idx], accepted = metrop_select( logp_prop - logp_curr,[idx], curr_val, rng=self.rng ) if accepted: logp_curr = logp_prop stats = { "tune": self.tune, } return q, [stats]
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var): """BinaryMetropolis is only suitable for Bernoulli and Categorical variables with k=2.""" distribution = getattr(var.owner, "op", None) if isinstance(distribution, BernoulliRV): return Competence.IDEAL if isinstance(distribution, CategoricalRV): # TODO: We could compute the initial value of `k` # if we had a model object. # k_graph = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1] # (k_graph,), _ = rvs_to_value_vars((k_graph,), apply_transforms=True) # k = model.fn(k_graph)(initial_point) try: k = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1].eval() if k == 2: return Competence.IDEAL except MissingInputError: pass return Competence.INCOMPATIBLE
@dataclass_state class CategoricalGibbsMetropolisState(StepMethodState): shuffle_dims: bool dimcats: list[tuple] tune: bool
[docs] class CategoricalGibbsMetropolis(ArrayStep): """A Metropolis-within-Gibbs step method optimized for categorical variables. This step method works for Bernoulli variables as well, but it is not optimized for them, like BinaryGibbsMetropolis is. Step method supports two types of proposals: A uniform proposal and a proportional proposal, which was introduced by Liu in his 1996 technical report "Metropolized Gibbs Sampler: An Improvement". """ name = "categorical_gibbs_metropolis" stats_dtypes_shapes = { "tune": (bool, []), } _state_class = CategoricalGibbsMetropolisState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars, *, proposal="uniform", order="random", model=None, rng: RandomGenerator = None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, blocked: bool = True, ): model = pm.modelcontext(model) vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) if initial_point is None: initial_point = model.initial_point() dimcats: list[tuple[int, int]] = [] # The above variable is a list of pairs (aggregate dimension, number # of categories). For example, if vars = [x, y] with x being a 2-D # variable with M categories and y being a 3-D variable with N # categories, we will have dimcats = [(0, M), (1, M), (2, N), (3, N), (4, N)]. for v in vars: v_init_val = initial_point[] rv_var = model.values_to_rvs[v] distr = getattr(rv_var.owner, "op", None) if isinstance(distr, CategoricalRV): k_graph = rv_var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1] (k_graph,) = model.replace_rvs_by_values((k_graph,)) k = model.compile_fn(k_graph, inputs=model.value_vars, on_unused_input="ignore")( initial_point ) elif isinstance(distr, BernoulliRV): k = 2 else: raise ValueError( "All variables must be categorical or binary" + "for CategoricalGibbsMetropolis" ) start = len(dimcats) dimcats += [(dim, k) for dim in range(start, start + v_init_val.size)] if order == "random": self.shuffle_dims = True self.dimcats = dimcats else: if sorted(order) != list(range(len(dimcats))): raise ValueError("Argument 'order' has to be a permutation") self.shuffle_dims = False self.dimcats = [dimcats[j] for j in order] if proposal == "uniform": self.astep = self.astep_unif # type: ignore[assignment] elif proposal == "proportional": # Use the optimized "Metropolized Gibbs Sampler" described in Liu96. self.astep = self.astep_prop # type: ignore[assignment] else: raise ValueError("Argument 'proposal' should either be 'uniform' or 'proportional'") # Doesn't actually tune, but it's required to emit a sampler stat # that indicates whether a draw was done in a tuning phase. self.tune = True if compile_kwargs is None: compile_kwargs = {} super().__init__(vars, [model.compile_logp(**compile_kwargs)], blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def reset_tuning(self): # There are no tuning parameters in this step method. return
[docs] def astep_unif(self, apoint: RaveledVars, *args) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: logp = args[0] point_map_info = apoint.point_map_info q0 = dimcats = self.dimcats if self.shuffle_dims: self.rng.shuffle(dimcats) q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0), point_map_info) logp_curr = logp(q) for dim, k in dimcats: curr_val,[dim] =[dim], sample_except(k,[dim], rng=self.rng) logp_prop = logp(q)[dim], accepted = metrop_select( logp_prop - logp_curr,[dim], curr_val, rng=self.rng ) if accepted: logp_curr = logp_prop stats = { "tune": self.tune, } return q, [stats]
[docs] def astep_prop(self, apoint: RaveledVars, *args) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: logp = args[0] point_map_info = apoint.point_map_info q0 = dimcats = self.dimcats if self.shuffle_dims: self.rng.shuffle(dimcats) q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0), point_map_info) logp_curr = logp(q) for dim, k in dimcats: logp_curr = self.metropolis_proportional(q, logp, logp_curr, dim, k) return q, []
[docs] def astep(self, apoint: RaveledVars, *args) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def metropolis_proportional(self, q, logp, logp_curr, dim, k): given_cat = int([dim]) log_probs = np.zeros(k) log_probs[given_cat] = logp_curr candidates = list(range(k)) for candidate_cat in candidates: if candidate_cat != given_cat:[dim] = candidate_cat log_probs[candidate_cat] = logp(q) probs = scipy.special.softmax(log_probs, axis=0) prob_curr, probs[given_cat] = probs[given_cat], 0.0 probs /= 1.0 - prob_curr proposed_cat = self.rng.choice(candidates, p=probs) accept_ratio = (1.0 - prob_curr) / (1.0 - probs[proposed_cat]) if not np.isfinite(accept_ratio) or self.rng.uniform() >= accept_ratio:[dim] = given_cat return logp_curr[dim] = proposed_cat return log_probs[proposed_cat]
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var): """CategoricalGibbsMetropolis is only suitable for Bernoulli and Categorical variables.""" distribution = getattr(var.owner, "op", None) if isinstance(distribution, CategoricalRV): # TODO: We could compute the initial value of `k` # if we had a model object. # k_graph = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1] # (k_graph,), _ = rvs_to_value_vars((k_graph,), apply_transforms=True) # k = model.fn(k_graph)(initial_point) try: k = var.owner.inputs[-1].shape[-1].eval() if k > 2: return Competence.IDEAL except MissingInputError: pass return Competence.COMPATIBLE if isinstance(distribution, BernoulliRV): return Competence.COMPATIBLE return Competence.INCOMPATIBLE
@dataclass_state class DEMetropolisState(StepMethodState): scaling: np.ndarray lamb: float tune: str | None tune_interval: int steps_until_tune: int accepted: int mode: Any = field(metadata={"frozen": True})
[docs] class DEMetropolis(PopulationArrayStepShared): """ Differential Evolution Metropolis sampling step. Parameters ---------- lamb: float Lambda parameter of the DE proposal mechanism. Defaults to 2.38 / sqrt(2 * ndim) vars: list List of variables for sampler S: standard deviation or covariance matrix Some measure of variance to parameterize proposal distribution proposal_dist: function Function that returns zero-mean deviates when parameterized with S (and n). Defaults to NormalProposal(S). scaling: scalar or array Initial scale factor for epsilon. Defaults to 0.001 tune: str Which hyperparameter to tune. Defaults to 'scaling', but can also be 'lambda' or None. tune_interval: int The frequency of tuning. Defaults to 100 iterations. model: PyMC Model Optional model for sampling step. Defaults to None (taken from context). mode: string or `Mode` instance. compilation mode passed to PyTensor functions rng: RandomGenerator An object that can produce be used to produce the step method's :py:class:`~numpy.random.Generator` object. Refer to :py:func:`pymc.util.get_random_generator` for more information. References ---------- .. [Braak2006] Cajo C.F. ter Braak (2006). A Markov Chain Monte Carlo version of the genetic algorithm Differential Evolution: easy Bayesian computing for real parameter spaces. Statistics and Computing `link <>`__ """ name = "DEMetropolis" default_blocked = True stats_dtypes_shapes = { "accept": (np.float64, []), "accepted": (bool, []), "tune": (bool, []), "scaling": (np.float64, []), "lambda": (np.float64, []), } _state_class = DEMetropolisState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars=None, *, S=None, proposal_dist=None, lamb=None, scaling=0.001, tune: str | None = "scaling", tune_interval=100, model=None, mode=None, rng=None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, blocked: bool = True, ): model = pm.modelcontext(model) if initial_point is None: initial_point = model.initial_point() initial_values_size = sum(initial_point[].size for n in model.value_vars) if vars is None: vars = model.continuous_value_vars else: vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) if S is None: S = np.ones(initial_values_size) if proposal_dist is not None: self.proposal_dist = proposal_dist(S) else: self.proposal_dist = NormalProposal(S) self.scaling = np.atleast_1d(scaling).astype("d") if lamb is None: # default to the optimal lambda for normally distributed targets lamb = 2.38 / np.sqrt(2 * initial_values_size) self.lamb = float(lamb) if tune not in {None, "scaling", "lambda"}: raise ValueError('The parameter "tune" must be one of {None, scaling, lambda}') self.tune = tune self.tune_interval = tune_interval self.steps_until_tune = tune_interval self.accepted = 0 self.mode = mode shared = pm.make_shared_replacements(initial_point, vars, model) self.delta_logp = delta_logp(initial_point, model.logp(), vars, shared, compile_kwargs) super().__init__(vars, shared, blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: point_map_info = q0.point_map_info q0d = if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune: if self.tune == "scaling": self.scaling = tune(self.scaling, self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval)) elif self.tune == "lambda": self.lamb = tune(self.lamb, self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval)) # Reset counter self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval self.accepted = 0 epsilon = self.proposal_dist(rng=self.rng) * self.scaling # differential evolution proposal # select two other chains if self.other_chains is None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Population sampler has not been linked to the other chains") ir1, ir2 = self.rng.choice(self.other_chains, 2, replace=False) r1 =[ir1]) # type: ignore[index] r2 =[ir2]) # type: ignore[index] # propose a jump q = floatX(q0d + self.lamb * ( - + epsilon) accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0d) q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0d, rng=self.rng) self.accepted += accepted self.steps_until_tune -= 1 stats = { "tune": self.tune, "scaling": self.scaling, "lambda": self.lamb, "accept": np.exp(accept), "accepted": accepted, } return RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info), [stats]
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var, has_grad): if var.dtype in pm.discrete_types: return Competence.INCOMPATIBLE return Competence.COMPATIBLE
@dataclass_state class DEMetropolisZState(StepMethodState): scaling: np.ndarray lamb: float tune: bool tune_target: str | None tune_interval: int steps_until_tune: int accepted: int _history: list _untuned_settings: dict[str, np.ndarray | float] = field(metadata={"frozen": True}) mode: Any = field(metadata={"frozen": True})
[docs] class DEMetropolisZ(ArrayStepShared): """ Adaptive Differential Evolution Metropolis sampling step that uses the past to inform jumps. Parameters ---------- lamb: float Lambda parameter of the DE proposal mechanism. Defaults to 2.38 / sqrt(2 * ndim) vars: list List of variables for sampler S: standard deviation or covariance matrix Some measure of variance to parameterize proposal distribution proposal_dist: function Function that returns zero-mean deviates when parameterized with S (and n). Defaults to NormalProposal(S). scaling: scalar or array Initial scale factor for epsilon. Defaults to 0.001 tune: str Which hyperparameter to tune. Defaults to 'scaling', but can also be 'lambda' or None. tune_interval: int The frequency of tuning. Defaults to 100 iterations. tune_drop_fraction: float Fraction of tuning steps that will be removed from the samplers history when the tuning ends. Defaults to 0.9 - keeping the last 10% of tuning steps for good mixing while removing 90% of potentially unconverged tuning positions. model: PyMC Model Optional model for sampling step. Defaults to None (taken from context). mode: string or `Mode` instance. compilation mode passed to PyTensor functions rng: RandomGenerator An object that can produce be used to produce the step method's :py:class:`~numpy.random.Generator` object. Refer to :py:func:`pymc.util.get_random_generator` for more information. References ---------- .. [Braak2008] Cajo C.F. ter Braak (2008). Differential Evolution Markov Chain with snooker updater and fewer chains. Statistics and Computing `link <>`__ """ name = "DEMetropolisZ" default_blocked = True stats_dtypes_shapes = { "accept": (np.float64, []), "accepted": (bool, []), "tune": (bool, []), "scaling": (np.float64, []), "lambda": (np.float64, []), } _state_class = DEMetropolisZState
[docs] def __init__( self, vars=None, *, S=None, proposal_dist=None, lamb=None, scaling=0.001, tune: str | None = "scaling", tune_interval=100, tune_drop_fraction: float = 0.9, model=None, initial_point: PointType | None = None, compile_kwargs: dict | None = None, mode=None, rng=None, blocked: bool = True, ): model = pm.modelcontext(model) if initial_point is None: initial_point = model.initial_point() initial_values_size = sum(initial_point[].size for n in model.value_vars) if vars is None: vars = model.continuous_value_vars else: vars = get_value_vars_from_user_vars(vars, model) if S is None: S = np.ones(initial_values_size) if proposal_dist is not None: self.proposal_dist = proposal_dist(S) else: self.proposal_dist = NormalProposal(S) self.scaling = np.atleast_1d(scaling).astype("d") if lamb is None: # default to the optimal lambda for normally distributed targets lamb = 2.38 / np.sqrt(2 * initial_values_size) self.lamb = float(lamb) if tune not in {None, "scaling", "lambda"}: raise ValueError('The parameter "tune" must be one of {None, scaling, lambda}') self.tune = True self.tune_target = tune self.tune_interval = tune_interval self.tune_drop_fraction = tune_drop_fraction self.steps_until_tune = tune_interval self.accepted = 0 # cache local history for the Z-proposals self._history: list[np.ndarray] = [] # remember initial settings before tuning so they can be reset self._untuned_settings = { "scaling": self.scaling, "lamb": self.lamb, "steps_until_tune": tune_interval, "accepted": self.accepted, } self.mode = mode shared = pm.make_shared_replacements(initial_point, vars, model) self.delta_logp = delta_logp(initial_point, model.logp(), vars, shared, compile_kwargs) super().__init__(vars, shared, blocked=blocked, rng=rng)
[docs] def reset_tuning(self): """Reset the tuned sampler parameters and history to their initial values.""" # history can't be reset via the _untuned_settings dict because it's a list self._history = [] for attr, initial_value in self._untuned_settings.items(): setattr(self, attr, initial_value) return
[docs] def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars) -> tuple[RaveledVars, StatsType]: point_map_info = q0.point_map_info q0d = # same tuning scheme as DEMetropolis if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune: if self.tune_target == "scaling": self.scaling = tune(self.scaling, self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval)) elif self.tune_target == "lambda": self.lamb = tune(self.lamb, self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval)) # Reset counter self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval self.accepted = 0 epsilon = self.proposal_dist(rng=self.rng) * self.scaling it = len(self._history) # use the DE-MCMC-Z proposal scheme as soon as the history has 2 entries if it > 1: # differential evolution proposal # select two other chains iz1 = self.rng.integers(it) iz2 = self.rng.integers(it) while iz2 == iz1: iz2 = self.rng.integers(it) z1 = self._history[iz1] z2 = self._history[iz2] # propose a jump q = floatX(q0d + self.lamb * (z1 - z2) + epsilon) else: # propose just with noise in the first 2 iterations q = floatX(q0d + epsilon) accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0d) q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0d, rng=self.rng) self.accepted += accepted self._history.append(q_new) self.steps_until_tune -= 1 stats = { "tune": self.tune, "scaling": self.scaling, "lambda": self.lamb, "accept": np.exp(accept), "accepted": accepted, } return RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info), [stats]
[docs] def stop_tuning(self): """Remove the first x% of the history at the end of the tuning phase. This is so future proposals are not informed by unconverged tuning iterations. """ it = len(self._history) n_drop = int(self.tune_drop_fraction * it) self._history = self._history[n_drop:] return super().stop_tuning()
[docs] @staticmethod def competence(var, has_grad): if var.dtype in pm.discrete_types: return Competence.INCOMPATIBLE return Competence.COMPATIBLE
def sample_except(limit, excluded, rng: np.random.Generator): candidate = rng.choice(limit - 1) if candidate >= excluded: candidate += 1 return candidate def delta_logp( point: dict[str, np.ndarray], logp: pt.TensorVariable, vars: list[pt.TensorVariable], shared: dict[pt.TensorVariable, pt.sharedvar.TensorSharedVariable], compile_kwargs: dict | None, ) -> pytensor.compile.Function: [logp0], inarray0 = join_nonshared_inputs( point=point, outputs=[logp], inputs=vars, shared_inputs=shared ) tensor_type = inarray0.type inarray1 = tensor_type("inarray1") logp1 = CallableTensor(logp0)(inarray1) # Replace any potential duplicated RNG nodes (logp1,) = replace_rng_nodes((logp1,)) if compile_kwargs is None: compile_kwargs = {} f = compile([inarray1, inarray0], logp1 - logp0, **compile_kwargs) f.trust_input = True return f